1. Racine 1.0.2 patchnote (07/11/23)
  3. Hello everyone!
  4. Here's our first patch with some bugfixes and also some requests that you've be asking for!
  6. Thanks again for all your kind words since the game is out ; if you didn't do it yet, please take a minute to review the game, it greatly helps!
  7. I'll leave you with the patchnote below
  9. Cheers!
  11. 1.0.2 Patchnote
  13. Adding a sound when picking up a carte in card rewards screen
  14. Adding an arrow on top of reroll icons and on quit button when they're selected in card rewards screen
  15. Fixing a bug in selection in cards menu in the hub
  16. Fixing a bug with the sound of card selection playing twice when card were selected in the card menu and in fight in some situations
  17. Fixing a bug with the Water boss that would make the game crash if an ennemy with the "Warmonger" boost appeared while the boss had it's shield
  18. Fixing a bug with the behaviour of the Blockade card that would set the temporary armor to twenty instead of healing 20 temporary armor
  19. Changing "Fullscreen" option in "Display mode", making it able to chose between "Fullscreen", "Windowed", and "Borderless"
  20. Adding the possibility to manually resize the game's window when in windowed mode
  21. Adding the possibility to screenshot the game in steam with F12 key