1. Symphony of War Small Update 1.10.04
  3. Overview
  4. -More freedom for NG+ Selections
  5. -Stat calculation for memory units adjusted to be less punishing and more consistent
  6. -A number of bug fixes
  8. Memory/NG+ Stats Rebalance
  9. -Memory Units stats should be line with their classes starting stats when being reset to level 1
  10. -Memory Units will now always regain their full stats faster and more smoothly as they level
  11. -Memory Units stats gained from consumables will now carry over with diminishing returns rather than being halved each Cycle
  12. -Nephilim doppelgangers will now scale in stats closer to their base counterparts, but cost 15 Capacity to place in a squad
  13. -Other story characters doppelgangers will now scale in stats closer to their base counterparts
  14. -Veteran Enemies modifier now adds more stats to enemies depending on the Enemy Power setting
  15. -The stat penalty for using Nerfilim has been increased, while the power recharge penalty has been reduced
  16. -Increased the amount of stat growth gained per Cycle with Veteran Troops with diminishing returns
  17. -Veteran Troops setting now also affects doppelgangers and Unique characters, but at a reduced rate
  18. -Memory Units that have had their LDR reduced early game will now consider their highest LDR ever achieved to confer a bonus to LDR Growth
  19. -Memory Units that have had their loyalty reduced will now regain it faster
  21. Other NG+ Changes
  22. -Most NG+ Options can now be set during playthrough
  23. -Memory Units that have reached Golden status can now be class changed freely. They will lose their Golden status temporarily and regain it when they are on an eligible class with max CP
  24. -Memory Fragment gain has been redistributed more evenly through each stage (boosted early game, slightly reduce late game)
  25. -Memory Fragment gain has been redistributed for Arena's relative rarity (bronze and silver fewer fragments, Gold and Platinum more fragments)
  27. Balance changes:
  28. -The Ally prisoner squad in Legends 3A will no longer be targeted by Enemy squads
  29. -Added additional special drops to some squads in Legends 3B
  30. -Moved fort locations and/or added friendly forts to Legends 3B
  31. -The MaxHP pool of the minions in main quest Chapter 30 have been reduced by about 20%
  33. Fixes/Other:
  34. -Dedicated Arena Token slots refreshed with Merchant Storeroom will now scale in price more quickly
  35. -Fixed an issue where Risen could still be summoned after all Unlife units (or all units on Dawn of the Risen) were already wiped out
  36. -Fixed alignment on Warcat's menu sprite
  37. -Fixed description on Calodori charm. (Translation pending)
  38. -Fixed Memory versions of Defiled Donari Tome and Book of Unlife to allow class changes
  39. -Fixed some traits that relied on HP being below or above certain thresholds incorrectly counting shields as HP
  40. -Healers will no longer consider the presence of a shield when deciding whether or not to heal
  41. -Healer classes that can also attack will no longer "standby for heal" and skip out on attacking while on Offense
  42. -Defeats will no longer be tracked during chapter 12
  43. -Kills, defeats, turns, and surrenders will no longer be tracked during Chapters 13, 29, and the tutorial chapter
  44. -Fixed an issue preventing the trait Immortal Spirit from working in Quick Combats
  45. -Fixed an issue with the trait Challenger not resetting after initial use
  46. -All Epic (purple) items that were also Unique were either upgraded to Legendary or are no longer Unique. All remaining Uniques should be Legendary, and all remaining Legendries are Unique
  47. -Platinum Arena will favor dropping a non-unique item you do not own if you own all Unique items.
  48. -Bazaar Shops that have run out of Unique items to sell will now attempt to sell an item you do not own
  49. -Stat growths for Main Character's various classes have been equalized. They will still have different stat modifiers for different classes