2. FIXED: Engine draw on grid overlay significantly optimized, removing fps drop when grid is active
  3. FIXED: Drone behavior when playing on X8 speed is now corrected
  4. FIXED: Guardhouse weapon targeting calculation now works correctly with X8 in-game speed
  5. TWEAKED: Food Tier 3 issue penalties modified avoiding sudden drastic population decline
  6. FIXED: Depot storage space is now correctly calculated when depot is destroyed or repaired
  7. UPGRADED: Movement of people and drones across map is greatly optimized and more precise
  8. FIXED: Manually painted buildings keeps correct color in destroyed state after pirate attack
  9. TWEAKED: Strawberry fields on underwater farms now require oxygen as upkeep resource
  10. TWEAKED: Chance for Atlantis HQ to send additional people won’t happen too soon anymore
  11. FIXED: Rescue Center now correctly suspends search for survivors if designated worker is removed
  12. FIXED: Demolished buildings are now correctly shown/updated
  13. FIXED: Stock statistics and graphs for selected resource now shows correct data without accidental jumps to unselected items
  14. FIXED: Mariculture Boost Directive now works as intended with correct boost modifier
  15. FIXED: Unions Deal Directive now works as intended with correct boost modifier
  16. FIXED: Automatic job assign option works as intended without random workplace switch
  17. FIXED: Automatic job assign option now won’t remove too many assigned jobs in case of free worker shortage
  18. FIXED: When in-game speed is changed during activity on Research bar, value bar is now updated correctly
  19. FIXED: When Depots are near maximum capacity, drones won’t add more resources then they are carrying anymore