- Doc.2025.S01E01.720p.WEB.H264-SKYFiRE
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- ▓██▓ ::Presents::
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- Pre.Date: 12.01.2025
- Doc.2025.S01E01.720p.WEB.H264-SKYFiRE
- Source: WEB
- Runtime: 43 min 59 sec(s)
- Size: 503 MiB
- Video: 1280 X 720 / 1342kb/s / 23.976 fps
- Audio: English / E-AC-3 / 6 channels / 256 kb/s
- Subs: English (SDH)
- Synopsis:
- Doc centers on the hardcharging, brilliant Dr. Amy Larsen, Chief of Internal and Family
- Medicine at Westside Hospital in Minneapolis. After a brain injury erases the last eight
- years of her life, Amy must navigate an unfamiliar world where she has no recollection of
- patients she's treated, colleagues she's crossed, the soulmate she divorced, the man she
- now loves and the tragedy that caused her to push everyone away. She can rely only on her
- estranged 17yearold daughter, whom she remembers as a 9yearold, and a handful of devoted
- friends, as she struggles to continue practicing medicine, despite having lost nearly a
- decade of knowledge and experience.
- Notes: