1. Changelog v1.2.48.110271
  3. New Content
  4. Adding Avocado, Rhubarb, Kumara & Strawberry Seed Packets in the workshop - feature locked out for now
  5. Unlocking Kumara, Strawberry, Rhubarb and Avocado Seeds in the Workshop
  7. Fixed
  8. Fixed a number of typos in various locations
  9. Fixed issue where critical hit area damage calculation was ignoring stats applied to projectiles
  10. Fixed a few typos in quests
  11. Fixed bug where dropped corpses would T-Pose
  12. Fixed a few typos found in stats and item text
  14. Future Content
  15. Fixed Nav Mesh Volumes on Developer Level and Added Nav Volumes Around Mo's Cave on Purple Quad, Prometheus
  16. Removed world boss configuration from PRO to fix ensures on play
  17. Adding Wooly Z death, flinch, neigh audio and events. created wooly Z Idle animation and montage to separate out for control of characters sounds. Added to Wooly Z character BP
  18. Added version 2 of the T1 fishing rod
  19. Fix Carcass assets for Chamois Var creature
  20. Fix Gfur setup for Chamois Var creature
  21. Fix physics asset for Chamois Var
  22. Fix Chamois Var critical hit setup
  23. The Bestiary now has its own bindable key 'J' and will open on Galileo builds
  24. Fix Needler texture settings
  25. Fix Needler missing Bones mesh (still temporary) and updated references
  26. Fix Needler Carcass mesh not pointing to Carcass material
  27. Remove 1.5x scaling on Needler corpse which isn't in Character BP
  28. Adding Level requirement for T3 Aquarium
  29. Add support for waterfalls and lava flow points to the cave template prefab system
  30. Fix BatDog corpse pointing to incompatible Wolf bones assets by adding in temporary BatDog bones assets
  31. Fix Wolf Bones textures using wrong settings
  32. Fix GFur settings on BatDog
  33. Improve BatDog capsules setups in Character BP
  34. Adjustments to Prometheus delay zone audio. Reduced arctic narrow delay volume push for slightly more subtlety
  35. Added skeletal mesh for each colour variant of Fish 7,8,9, and 10
  36. Added skeletal meshs for colour variants of fish 11,12, and 13
  37. Updating Prometheus First Landing Location
  38. Added first pass of revamped Solid Wall and Floor SMs, including Kit textures and materials
  39. Final lore entires to D_BestiaryData for Galileo
  40. Added game widget to fishing minigame
  41. Added better water detection for if you physically drag your lure onto land using the players movement
  42. Added Nav Volumes To Mo's Cave and Added Nav Volumes in affected areas, Purple and Green Quad, Prometheus
  43. Adjusted some nav modifier volumes, moved macro that hanging over & general clean up on Blue/Yellow Quad, DLC Map
  44. Added Nav Blocker volumes around macro cliffs in arctic biome, general polish of cliffs and tunnel of manual cave, Blue Quad, DLC
  45. Fixed a bug where if you hold lmb instead of tapping for the reaction minigame, it would reel all the way in before widget minigame
  46. Fixed typo in biological containment unit item text
  47. Tweaking Fishing Minigame to work with Fishing in Game
  48. Updated accolade text to remove discrepancies
  49. Reduced Meta Resource Spawn, Moved Unused to Meta_Unused Folder
  50. Adding deer variant death and flinch audio. Adjustments to spacializer settings and adding all data table entries
  51. Adding more unique death sounds for deer variant
  52. Adding Fish Variations for 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
  53. Adding Placeholder Fish Variations for 1, 2, 3, 4
  54. Added new functionality to request 'AI Events' which are custom behaviours spawned at runtime, managed by an AI Coordinator subsystem.
  55. Added new AI Event to spawn additional Bat Dogs around target player when hunting
  56. Rod now automatically reels in when minigame is completed
  57. Adjusted water detection
  58. Swapping Meshes on Basic Fishing Rod & Wooden Fishing Rod so the correct Meshes are used
  59. Fixing Needler enter and exit anims by adding in correct root motion
  60. Made the lure floating in rivers act the same as in lakes.
  61. Added cases to reset the minigame on rightclick and when you switch to another item
  62. Added colour variants for fish 14 and 15 to the project and updated roughness maps.
  63. Added skeletal mesh for each of the fish variations
  64. Fixed General Issues with Prefab Caves on Purple Quad, Prometheus
  65. General clean up & Nav Clean Up on Blue/Yellow Quad, DLC Map
  66. PRO_Story_6: Minor fixes to travel step
  67. Added a socket to each of the fish skeletons for future hooking up with attachment to the lure/hook
  68. Added montage once you catch the fish for holding it infront of your face
  69. Updating Fishing Actionable, Fishing Lure and Fishing Rod to use a better replication and functions for accessing alteration slots
  70. Fixing some issues present in the multiplayer mesh swapping while fishing in lures / rods
  71. General clean up, polished around manual cave and added cliff landmarks, Purple Quad, DLC
  72. Updated Deer Variant skeletal mesh with duplicate materials removed
  73. Duplicating needler enter and exit water animations and montages so different sounds can be used for entering water vs land.
  74. Adjusted speed increase to be on the animation not montage so footsteps sync, and adjustments to event pitch to match increased speed of exiting water
  75. Make it very clear when EQS fails and falls back to 'close navigable location' via an onscreen debug message (internal dev builds only)
  76. Increase the max distance for the EQS query in the treehouse in PRO for now
  77. Adding wooly zebra bestiary audio and data table
  78. Very small adjustments to mega tree audio balancing
  79. Added Fishing UI pop up
  80. Added 3 colour variant for fish01 and created duplicate skeletal meshs for each one
  81. Added texture files for fish01 colour variations
  82. Adding more deer variants whistle type sounds close and distant and adjusting spawn rates so be a little more sparse. small adjustments to pred bird spacial to give spot more importance
  83. Lowering spawn vocal chance and rates for all creatures in the swamp biome so it's not a constant clatter of creature sounds. Making them more sparse
  84. Added initial first phase of Lava Hunter anims and behaviours
  85. Fixing Quest Int Variable Saving
  86. Adding bomber broodling and flyer broodling assets for the Lava Hunter boss fight
  87. Added sockets to both the mouth of all fish and the bottom of hooks.
  88. Fish now attach to hooks correctly when caught.
  89. Fixed lures not spawning due to inventory component not being created at time of lrues init function
  90. Submitting in progress developer assets
  91. Add a new flag for developer WT_Lake 'Permit Navigable' this allows animals to navigate across swamps
  92. Accolade progress now works correctly on dedicated servers
  93. Moved Bestiary component down to Icarus Player Controller from the survival controller
  94. Steam achievement tracking is now active in Galileo and up
  95. Added hanging ferns and roots/vines to manual cave and added rock formations in swamp of Blue Quad, DLC
  96. Adding Prospect Images For Prospect Story Missions 1-5
  97. Added v4 material and texture for fish 13
  98. Added missing files to do with adding a delegate for 'DynamicDataUpdated'
  99. Added colour variants for fish02. Created a skeletal mesh for each variant
  100. Added colour variants for fish03 Created skeletal mesh for each variant
  101. Fixed an issue where the lure wouldnt detect the floor. Removed the collision on the lure and kept the collision on the mesh to fix
  102. Setting up Prometheus Exotic Spawns
  103. Updates to lava hunter. VOlume and spacializer adjustments, added lots more movement sounds for better variation, animation notifier updates and tweaks
  104. Small adjustments to predator bird, swamp bird spawn rates and other small tweaks
  105. Added Fixed Flow option to Lava Shader to fix lavafall going sideways inside caves, added primitive data to Waterfall BP to control lavafall speed
  106. Added TU Mac Top & Nav Clean Up on Blue Quad, DLC Map
  107. Add CarcassMesh variable to GOAP Corpse base class to streamline and standardize corpse asset reference setup
  108. Added new Carcass assets to support workflow
  109. Fixed a ton of creature asset filename and setting issues
  110. Add valid get to AI Projection widget to prevent kill-pending spam
  111. Add Cheat to spawn all 'generic' controller AI for testing
  112. Add (but disabled) DataValidation to AISetup to detect character BPs with anims paused set to true (done during component setup)
  113. Setup quest locations for future mission
  114. Added a minimum distance for lures
  115. Prototype of geyser rework for better performance
  116. Added colour variants for fish 04. Created skeletal mesh for each variant
  117. Updated colour variant 4 of fish03 to be less similar to variant 1
  118. Adjustments to lava hunter levels and removed additional distortion and other fine tunes
  119. Fixed Issues in prefab caves where players could get stuck and get blocked by cliff meshes, Prometheus
  120. revisions to spawnblocker_T2 mesh, rebaked AO map
  121. Submitting in progress developer assets
  122. Fix for ensure on initial player tracker listener creation
  123. Fix Pause Anims being enabled on ChamoisVar and ScorpionSummon creatures
  124. Fix validation logic for Pause Anims AI character checks and leave enabled
  125. Initial tweaks to Ash weather event
  126. Adding Fish Variations for 1, 2, 3, 4, 13
  127. Adjusted Lava Flow points on lakes and rivers, polished decals in vulcanic biome, added landmark cliffs, PT2 Purple Quad, DLC
  128. Adding DEP_SpawnBlocker_T3
  129. Lots of distancing and volume tweaks and distancing eq adjustments to the lava hunter. Fixed snipper not using distancing eq etc
  130. Replaced ITM_Shield_Kite_Platinum and added ITM_Shield_Bone and Shield_Steel_Heater
  131. DEP_SpawnBlocker_T2 - added destructible mesh, updated collision
  132. Adding more lava hunter layers and adjustments to a lot of events and balances. Adjusted lava hunter vocal socket
  133. Adding assets for GL music - Track 1
  134. Added names for new fish variations, also fixed a typo
  135. Permit Larkwell_Tazer and Posion_Arrow to break when using a killcam hit
  136. Updating Fishing UI to use new concept
  137. Datatable setup for new music in Grasslands biome
  138. Removed shipping requirement for steam achievements so that they can be tested in development mode
  139. Second pass cleanup of Atmosphere controller
  140. Removed a lot of unnecessary/unused logic and variables
  141. Organization of variables and functions into logical categories
  142. Moved bulky logic into Pure function calls to keep graphs clean
  143. Moved similar functions like new AshHail,etc into existing WeatherMPC functions to keep down function bloat
  144. Adding more ambient predator bird layers and small adjustment to lava hunter
  145. Small adjustment to idle audio amounts and footstep in water for swamp quad
  146. Small optimizations to Atmosphere Controller by moving some non-urgent functions off tick and onto a timer
  147. Fix BatDog loot pointing to incompatible Wolf loot table with stat driven rewards
  148. Fix potato asset filenames
  149. Remove obsolete WT_ParticleEmitter
  150. Fixed Issues in prefab caves where players could get stuck and get blocked by cliff meshes, Prometheus
  151. Adding Progressive Bestiary Stats for Specific Creature Extra Damage and Resistance
  152. Fixing up AICreature Type stats and tags for new creatures
  153. Adding Prospect Images For Prospect Story Missions 6
  154. Improved Gfur settings, Capsule setup, and Corpse setup on DeerVar
  155. Fix Blueback Dead AnimBP not inheriting IcarusCorpse anim instance
  156. Fix Blueback Physics Asset settings
  157. Delete Blueback SM
  158. Fix Blueback corpse mesh references
  159. Fix Swampbird Corpse pointing to alive AnimBP by creating Dead version
  160. Tweak Swampbird physics asset
  161. Fix Kea feathers shader setting after texture settings fix
  162. Tweak Kea LODs
  163. Added hanging ferns and roots/vines to manual cave and polished flow points on lava rivers and lakes, Purple Quad, DLC
  164. Swapping Prometheus Mission 02 & 03 Dynamic Drop Pods to use quest markers for their origin location
  165. Adding Bone, Steel, Platinum, Titanium, Carbon and Composite Shield Items, Recipes, Blueprints, Dev Locked Out for now
  166. T3 Aquarium now correctly runs off biofuel
  167. Delete TemplateResource files remaining after .27 upgrade where referenced assets were removed, resulting in errors
  168. Delete single actor from Olympus that should've been detected in CL 109730 but reference seems broken
  169. Enable additional emitters on Sandworm recede effect which improves visuals
  170. Recompiled niagara effect to hopefully fix compilation error in build
  171. Setting up Spawn Blockers T2,T3,T4
  172. Adding new Search Area Tech that is componentised and no longer requires an actor
  173. Fix Joshua Tree asset filenames
  174. Fix missing collision
  175. Resave DMs to hopefully fix material reference errors
  176. Fix texture settings
  177. Adding Wind Turbine Item, Blueprint, Recipe feature locked out
  178. Fix SucculentTree asset filenames
  179. Resaved DMs to hopefully fix material reference errors
  180. Fixed LC Sapling asset filenames and texture settings
  181. Resaved DMs to hopefully fix material reference error
  182. Fix obsolete texture references in BerryBush materials and delete textures
  183. Fix berrybush asset filenames
  184. Fix material ref in berrybush DM
  185. Clean up unused emitters in Chimney effect and recompile to hopefully fix compilation error
  186. Fixing Spawn Blocker Recipes
  187. Adding new EQS for Finding a Flat Location to spawn a dynamic building
  188. Fix DM material references
  189. Adding flying lava hunter continuous loop flying sounds, event and animation notify
  190. General creature finessing and adjustments to fine tune spacializer settings and randomizing some layers for better realism
  191. SpawnBlocker_T2 - fixed materials on destructible mesh
  192. Adding SMPL3 quest for locating and repairing an old prospector base while its being attacked
  193. Updates to Lava Hunter BT. Added Lava Hunter egg SK and DM
  194. Add Decayable Food setup on Tomato and Potato items
  195. Add DataValidation to check for items which grant Food but don't have a Spoil timer (disabled, as results in some false positives)
  196. Fixed Voxel Blocker BP CaveEntrance LC 03 & fixed gap for riverbank on Green Quad, DLC Map
  197. Fix DeerVar jaw constraint dislocating during ragdoll
  198. Do a single update of SlowTick event on Atmosphere Controller via ConstructionScript to ensure everything is updated before jumping in game (Editor)
  199. Added colour variants for Fish 05 and created a skeletal mesh for each variant
  200. Added colour variants for fish 06 and created a skeletal mesh for each variant
  201. Fixed Issues in prefab caves where players could get blocked by maco cliffs and Removed Foliage from Persistant Level, Prometheus
  202. Adding in suite of 3RD CHA fishing animations and implementation with character BP and equippable and focusable
  203. Additions and updates to lava hunter. Adding own death event for tweakability and also minor adjustment to pred bird volume and pitch. Adjustments to egg lay audio etc
  204. Fix missing Berrybush textures which P4 didn't pick up (CL 110159)
  205. Added hanging ferns and roots/vines to manual cave and added rock formations to swamp, Purple Quad, DLC
  206. Geyser VFX Rework for better Performance, full prototype
  207. Added cliff landmarks and rock formations, general clean up, polished around manual cave, Blue Quad, DLC
  208. Added skeletal mesh for fish13_Var4
  209. Added DEP_SpawnBlocker_T4
  210. Adjustments to lava hunter egg lay
  211. Re-enabling base Smoke Weather VFX
  212. Add initial implementation of a basic automated defense turret
  213. Feature locking SMPL3: Lost quest
  214. Add a parameter to GenerateSpawnLocation to allow dropships to use different EQS querys
  215. Decorative Statues - New DMs for stone statues, added to blueprints (DM_AssetName_V2)
  216. Adding predator bird occlusion to all movements and wing sounds
  217. Add an IsActorRequiredToBeOutside hook to IcarusFunctionLibrary and wire to in world tooltip