- W8 a moment
- Let me think about it
- Oh YEAH!!!
- I_KnoW 2002
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- Title: Guilty Force: Wish of the Colony
- Supplier: I_KnoW
- Cracker: I_KnoW
- Packager: I_KnoW
- Genre: game/shooter action
- Language: en de fr it es pt pt(br) ru pl cn zh jp kr ve tr
- Year: 2024
- Image: iso
- protection: retail
- Disk: DiSC
- Rls date: 06/2024
- Os: Win10
- _______ __ __ __ __ ___
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- |_______||__|__|_____||____|___._||__|__| |__||__|__|__| |_____|
- This 2.5D sci-fi/cyberpunk platformer focuses on side-scrolling
- platforming action, and multiple approaches in gameplay with a
- branching optional visual novel storyline that is sure to entertain
- with a lively, unique, and diverse cast of characters
- v0.625
- have u problem with our rlses - skip it
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- 1 unpack
- 2 burn or mount
- 3 install
- 4 run
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- Only for scene, not for p2p users
- 21 years on scene.....celebration / since 7/2002
- thx: members, friends,groups
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- Our rls are only for FUN
- IF u like it BUY IT
- ASCII by locutus