1. Changelog 1.0.19 +
  3. Added manual saves - Save anytime out of combat
  4. Added option to toggle running as always on
  5. Some improvements in balance
  6. Added Auto On\Off hints option
  7. Added training fights in velvet room
  8. Added delay before selecting in dialogs
  9. Rework art and obstacles in house tree dungeon
  10. Some improvements in pause menu
  11. Fixed some cases where the achievement was not given for getting all the other achievements
  12. Fixed steam builds crashing when steam API is not initialized
  13. Fixed game breaking after loading from battle scene
  14. Fixed some localization issues
  15. Fixed statistic on the LVL up screen is not correct
  16. Strongly improved localization into English
  17. Reworked and fixed some cut-scenes
  18. Some other small fixes and improvements