1. #############################################################
  2. ######################## ###########################
  3. #############################################################
  5. ###################
  6. # Bugfixes
  7. ###################
  8.    - Fixed CTD related to region effect filtering out all provinces due to triggers.
  9.    - Fixed CTD related to having trade centers as tributaries.
  10.    - Fixed CTD fix related to the zone of control tooltips.
  11.    - Fixed CTD related to tool tipping a subunit that doesn't belong to a unit.
  12.    - Fixed CTD when missing to specify a modifier for opinion effect.
  13.    - Fixed CTD related to removing countries from the war which would invalidate paths due to forts blocking.
  14.    - Fixed CTD related to declaring war and subjects not having a subject type.
  16. #############################################################
  17. ######################## ###########################
  18. #############################################################
  20. ###################
  21. # Bugfixes
  22. ###################
  23.    - Fixed calculations of the Carolean Special Unit.
  25. #############################################################
  26. ######################## ###########################
  27. #############################################################
  29. ###################
  30. # Gamebalance
  31. ###################
  33. # Governments
  34.    - The Ordenanças government reform now properly grants Army Tradition.
  35.    - The English Monarchy T1 is now available for Great Britain which has been formed by a different tag than England.
  36.    - Tweaked the likelihood of the AI investing in Prussian militarization if they don't have an abundance of military monarch power.
  37.    - Added a fallback modifier for the Separate the Boyars from Court government reform.
  39. ###################
  40. # Interface
  41. ###################
  43. # Icons/Art
  44.    - Re-exported and added .dds files for achievement_chop_chop and achievement_kinslayer in the corresponding folder.
  45. # Other
  46.    - Fixed several issues with localization.
  47.    - The parliament of Denmark will now be called "Folketing".
  48.    - Added a lot of missing description localization.
  49. # Tooltips
  50.    - The Fleeing Serfs Cossack interaction now scopes to a random province, instead of a wrong province.
  51.    - Fixed the tooltip for Flood events in China.
  52.    - Improved tooltips for granting and revoking privileges.
  53.    - Updated the Expel Minorities tooltip.
  55. ###################
  56. # Usermodding
  57. ###################
  59. # Other
  60.    - Added a on_heir_disinherited action.
  62. ###################
  63. # Script
  64. ###################
  66. # Decisions
  67.    - The decision to form Siam no longer requires ADM tech 20.
  68. # Events
  69.    - The Chinese flood events now check for appropriate provinces to apply to in all circumstances.
  70.    - There is now a 25% chance that the development does not get reduced by the flood.
  71.    - The Chinese flood events can no longer fire for the AI.
  72.    - The event "The Karma Kagyu School and the [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] Dynasty" now properly grants a subjugation CB.
  73.    - The Iberian Wedding now requires that Aragon and Castile are monarchies.
  74.    - The Castilian Civil War option that grants the Aragonese candidate, will now grant Isabel as it should, if possible.
  75.    - The event "End of the Castilian Civil War" now correctly takes away stability based on its outcome.
  76.    - The French event 'Treaty of the Lily Flower' now grants the option to refuse the treaty, but the AI will never pick it.
  77.    - Fixed an error that incorrectly attributed Crimea as a Tributary State to the Ottomans for players who do not own the Mandate of Heaven.
  78.    - Nurhaci is now spawned with his historical dynasty preset from the Manchu flavor events.
  79.    - The Urban event for the Ottomans won't fire until you have the money necessary to hire him in your treasury.
  80.    - Advisors granted via English flavor events will now spawn with the Angevin culture in mind if you are Anglois.
  81.    - The event Commercial Expansion in Alexandria will no longer fire continuously.
  82.    - The event "The Baronial Revolt" will not fire for Naples while they are at war.
  83.    - Nahuatl event Pochteca Spies now grants the Trade War CB for 10 years, instead of 152 years.
  84. # Missions
  85.    - The French minor mission "Capture Paris" now properly grants claims on the French region.
  86.    - Chinese EoC missions will now not be available to Japan, since the latter already has its version of EoC missions in their file.
  87.    - The Angevin mission "Eliminate Burgundy" now takes into account land held by subjects of subjects.
  88.    - The Brandenburg Prussia mission that grants access to the Polish Age Ability now only takes into account development you own directly in the Polish region.
  89.    - The modifier "Tatar Vanguard" will not be removed for the Ottomans if Crimea is promoted to an Eyalet.
  90.    - The Ottoman mission "End the Persian Threat" now requires 20 provinces owned by you or a non-tributary subject, instead of 20 provinces directly owned by you.
  91.    - The Ottoman mission Collect the Siyasah now requires reform level 6 Government reforms while the Ottoman mission Expand the Devshirme requires reform tier 5.
  92.    - Removed an excess claim from the Portuguese mission "Settle Indonesia".
  93.    - The mission "End the Eyalet Rebellions" will now check for only eyalets and core eyalets instead of all subject types.
  94.    - The Korean mission "Defeat the Shogun" will now properly display its Harmonization reward when applicable.
  95.    - Fixed an error for Chinese warlord missions that did not grant the mil tech bonus.
  96.    - Improved the tooltip of the Mutual Trade System mission for the EoC for better readability.
  97.    - The mission to handle the Eyalet Revolts will no longer require you to have provinces in the Egypt and Persia regions.
  98.    - The mission to handle the Harem will no longer ask for ruler stats to be complete.
  99.    - Reorganized the requirements of the Russian mission "Most Holy Synod" for better readability.
  100.    - Emperor of China missions should no longer disappear if you already have access to them upon forming Manchu.
  101.    - The general for the Russian mission Dissolve the Streltsy has been lowered from 20 pips to 15 pips as a requirement.
  102. # Setup
  103.    - Every level of the Brandenburg Gate monument now grants the same amount of militarization.
  104.    - The Prussian militarization tiers are now available to Germany as well as other countries that may gain access to it (modding).
  105.    - Fixed an issue with the trigger conditions for The Times of Trouble for Muscovy / Russia.
  106.    - Perm can now be annexed at the same date as other subjects under the starting setup of Muscovy.
  107.    - The Great Council of Mechelen will now properly disable the Dutch Revolt from ticking.
  108.    - The Unify China CB now targets all provinces in China, not just neighboring ones.
  109.    - The "Expand into X" Agenda for Noble/Cossack/Maratha etc estates will now request provinces to be held by you or any type of subject, including Tributaries and Colonies.
  110. # Modifiers
  111.    - The modifier "Empowered Junkers" now correctly grants militarization for Prussia.
  112. # Other
  113.    - The Slavic culture group has now dynamic names for the provinces.
  114.    - The Sisterhood of Jeanne d'Arc" government reform is now limited to theocracies only.
  115.    - The AI is now aware to pick the Yearly Mandate decree over other decrees to maintain the Mandate a bit easier.
  116.    - Celestial Reforms now cost 70 Mandate instead of 80. The minimum amount of Mandate to take a Celestial Reform remains 80 for the sake of the AI.
  117.    - The Potosi reward for Ming will now apply if the mine is controlled by a subject of the Ming.
  118.    - Álvaro de Luna now joins the Royalists during the Infantes of Aragon disaster.
  119.    - Flavor Events for new Rulers no longer fire when Junior Partner in a Personal Union.
  121. ###################
  122. # Bugfixes
  123. ###################
  124.    - The Ottoman Siyasah Tax System government reform now properly changes between manpower and tax based on province religion compared to your religion.
  125.    - The Bektashi Order local organization no longer grants global Production Efficiency.
  126.    - The Decentralized Reform reward for the EoC mission Examination System now correctly grants Development Cost country-wide.
  127.    - Spawning Coal, while Smithian Economics is active, should now subtract 1 Base Production as the Manufactory of the old trade good is removed.
  128.    - The Duchy of Finland, when released by Russia as part of the latter's event Reward will now have proper borders.
  129.    - Japan now has proper access to the Port of Dejima mission.
  130.    - The modifier "Parliamentarian Authority" attributed to provinces, will now grant the proper amount of Monthly Devastation reduction.
  131.    - The mission "Protect the South Slavs" will no longer remove the "Hegemony over the Carpathians" modifier. The mission "Partition Poland" now also gives you Slovak as an accepted culture and will no longer have +10% Manpower in accepted culture provinces.
  132.    - The Russian decision "Proclaim the Emperor Title" will now properly request to have 90 Modernization.
  133.    - The event Fate of the Peasantry for Russia will not fire if Russia has no nobility.
  134.    - The Russian mission "Fate of the Peasantry" will now give 100 points for each category in case you complete it with no privilege active.
  135.    - The event "Fate of the Peasantry" will no longer add the respective estate privilege if you have already picked one before.
  136.    - Appease the Patriarchate now applies in every province that is part of a state with a Patriarchate.
  137.    - Completing the Ottoman Struggle for Power disaster now gives the Modernized Ottoman Government if you did not weaken the Harem. This means you have the Harem when you finish the disasters again.
  138.    - Fixed an issue where the Gascon Musket Company and the Order of Saint Joan didn't have the new unit models from the Domination DLC.
  139.    - Fixed a bug that prevented the Sisterhood of Jeanne d'Arc to have the proper government and ruler names if the modifier is missing.
  140.    - The government reform "Bureaucratic Rule" now increases the Harmonization Speed instead of decreasing it.
  141.    - "Reclaim Neumark” effect for Domination when the player is the Emperor is changed. Now, you gain 1 Imperial Authority for every 25+ Dev province you conquer.
  142.    - The EoC mission "Grand Coordinators" now has a non-DLC alternative reward.
  143.    - The tooltip information about gaining a PU CB on Portugal for Castile is now displayed better.
  144.    - The Catholic reward for the French mission regarding the French Wars of Religion is now granted for the properly displayed duration.
  145.    - The Spanish Armada mission now properly displays the conditions for getting the Restoration of Union CB on ENG/GBR.
  146.    - The event "A new Imperial Capital?" for the Ottomans will no longer grant you territorial cores outside of Italy when you decide to move your capital to Rome.
  147.    - The estate agenda "Befriend 's Rivals" will not be available if you are at war with the rival's rival country.
  148.    - The Anglican Aspect unlocked by the English mission Piety of the State for the Protestant Faith is now correctly granted and unlocked.
  149.    - Zimbabwe will no longer magically create production development by building and demolishing farm estates.
  150.    - The Tribe's estate privilege "Autonomy to the Tribes" will no longer prevent the Tribes from losing estate loyalty when you seize land.
  151.    - The event "The Subjugation of Austria" will no longer cause Austria to be inherited by another Christian country in very rare situations.
  152.    - Fixed a bug that prevented advisors outside of your culture group to grant monthly modernization.
  153.    - Land of the Christian Sun T1 is now properly logged as a T1 for Republic / Theocratic Japan.
  154.    - The system of Councils for Spain will only allow one bonus at a time.
  155.    - France has access to Strong Duchies after integrating all their Appanages.
  156.    - The reform "Representatives of the Crown" will now work with Appanages.
  157.    - The Sino-Altaic culture now has proper access to Subutai's Strategies gov. Reform.
  158.    - Fixed an issue of the "Protectors of Eastern Christianity" modifier being removed too soon for Japan.
  159.    - Estate privilege "Noble Contracts" will now properly not subtract loyalty from nobles getting their land seized for Brandenburg and Prussia.
  160.    - The Teuton AI will no longer kill itself by attacking other HRE members while inside the Empire under regulations by the Emperor.
  161.    - Fixed issues regarding canals in savegames.
  162.    - Reactivated base-game missions for Ming and East Asian countries in the absence of the Domination DLC.
  163.    - Tibetan Horses will only be granted and permanent if a subject owns Lhasa.
  164.    - Completing Mission Crisis of the Ming Dynasty no longer unlocks Government Reforms up to Tier 10.
  165.    - Fixed AI not raiding Coast.
  166.    - Fixed the overlap of the name and parliament button in the province view.
  167.    - Support for conditional scaled modifiers for government mechanics.
  168.    - Open Store Page will now use Steam Overlay Browser before opening an external browser.
  169.    - Disinheriting your heir as Aragon will no longer create a personal union between Navarra and Castile.
  170.    - Banner cavalry now has a static cost of 0.1 Corruption. The discount they get has been reduced from -0.1 to -0.04.
  171.    - Banner cavalry cost can't be brought down below 0 to remove corruption for free.
  172.    - Dismantle HRE tooltip shows electors' names again.
  173.    - Prestige gain in Dismantle HRE tooltip is no longer visible if it's 0.
  174.    - Effects are now shown in the Dismantle HRE button tooltip.
  175.    - Vassals no longer have a merchant icon next to them in the subject's view.
  176.    - Vassals now have a vassal-type icon in the subject view that shows what modifiers they get and give their overlord.
  177.    - Added a missing new line in requirements to maintain a personal union tooltip.
  178.    - Added missing localization for the history log about incidents starting in the HRE.
  179.    - Fixed peace treaty terms changing after reopening the peace treaty interface with a province ceded in a state that is pillaged.
  180.    - When two vassals that are allied to each other are being annexed, one declaring an independence war no longer results in the other being instantly annexed.
  181.    - Fixed issue where forts un-mothballing cause movement to be recalculated.
  182.    - Eyalet subjects are no longer displayed as automatically joining Overlords war.
  183.    - Fixes so you can call on senior allies when going to war against a vassal.
  184.    - Taking land in war no longer occasionally loses all crownland.
  185.    - fixed AI over-prioritizing militarization.
  186.    - Fixed state view interactions going out of the screen on smaller resolutions.
  187.    - After accepting a Request to Share Maps from another nation, the popup that appears shows correctly who is the receiver.
  188.    - Naval doctrine icon now shows the correct icon and the "No doctrine" icon is back instead of showing the first Naval doctrine.
  189.    - Added an alert for Slacken Recruiting Standards.
  190.    - can_use_peace_treaty now doesn't check if both countries are at war.
  191.    - Fixed Expand Empire Casus Belli not showing up.
  192.    - Fixed fleets not being able to merge after repairing.
  193.    - Fixed mine depletion resulting in decimal development.
  194.    - Form Coalition action is now available at 50 Aggressive Expansion, not 51.
  195.    - Fixed incorrect number for sailors increase in macro builder tooltips.
  196.    - Added information about government power being frozen in the tooltip.
  197.    - Galley flagships can now be built.
  198.    - The “Wants your provinces” modifier can no longer overflow into positive values.
  199.    - Reinforcement cost is now capped at 10%.
  200.    - Fixed occupation priority to match that from the siege screen.
  201.    - Ideas taken within 1 year of the first country now correctly give innovativeness.
  202.    - Fixed fleet speed modifier applying two times for flagships.
  203.    - Fixed heir not being removed as a military leader in define_heir effect.
  204.    - Fixed special units not being able to be hired when below 0 Absolutism.
  205.    - Fixed colonial range map mode showing incorrect effective distance.
  206.    - Fixed provinces are colored green in the macro builder when trying to build special units even if the limit has been reached.
  207.    - Mercenary companies no longer use the origin province owner's land maintenance for their maximum morale.
  208.    - Destroy and add building effects now update the building window properly if they are used together.
  209.    - Added overflow checks to variable effects.
  210.    - Sich Rada government ability now spawns Cossack cavalry and infantry in a 3-1 ratio.
  211.    - Mercenary condottieri are now allowed to use the mercenary drilling modifier of the original country.
  212.    - Random Candidate Bonus ability is now distributed in all categories instead of one.
  213.    - CAT tag can be used again in the script.
  214.    - Added a development cap for development-based growth of government power.
  215.    - Tribal allegiance now can't go down by more than 0.25 monthly from development.
  216.    - Define ruler now changes the original dynasty.
  217.    - Fixed Cavalry to Infantry ratio from Born to the Saddle leader trait not working.
  218.    - Fervor will no longer decrease the upper limit when a Focus is selected.
  219.    - Condottieri can't loot provinces of countries that the renting country isn't at war with.
  220.    - Changed the text of unoccupied forts requirement in peace deals.
  221.    - Enemy Zone of Control no longer extends to tributary land.
  222.    - Special naval units no longer show the cost and build button on provinces with the inland sea.
  223.    - Fixed outliner tooltip for why integration can't progress.
  224.    - The mandate Growth tooltip now includes the multiplier.
  225.    - Fixed the wrong government name mentioned in the debate failed message.
  226.    - Effects text in monument tooltips won't be shown if there are no effects applicable.
  227.    - Added information about overextension in Grant Province Screen when it would go above 100% for subjects.
  228.    - Fixed overlapping text in the naval macro builder.
  229.    - Added a missing line break in the Current Trade Power tooltip.
  230.    - Cleaned the Found Indian Company decision reward.
  231.    - Added a missing line break to the monument upgrade effect.
  232.    - Fixed sorting by diplomatic cost in the peace treaty screen.
  233.    - AI will ignore truces with enemy subjects in the war declaration screen as they do with manual call-ins via diplomatic action.
  234.    - Add a finish date to the tooltip for vassal cores.
  235.    - Declare war screen now shows HRE emperor allies and counts them into force summary. Setting them as co-belligerents is now allowed.
  236.    - Fixed trade protectorates not being able to be canceled.
  237.    - Expand Infrastructure Cost Modifier will be replaced for players without Leviathan DLC.
  238.    - AI shouldn't be able to call Players to war when they are already at war with a nation AI declared on.
  239.    - Updated the Expel Minorities tooltip.
  241. #############################################################
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  243. #############################################################
  245. ###################
  246. # Bugfixes
  247. ###################
  248.    - Yangtze River flood event doesn´t add devastation to all owned provinces anymore.
  250. #############################################################
  251. ######################## ###########################
  252. #############################################################
  254. ###################
  255. # Gamebalance
  256. ###################
  258. # Governments
  259.    - The government reform "French Feudalism" no longer needs 50% of Crownland to integrate subjects. Instead, the "Seize Land" effect has now a counter which allows you to start the integration of an appanage. In other words: to integrate Orleans you would need to seize land and start the integration. For integrating Armagnac you would have to seize land again. You can save up the seize land charges so you can integrate all appanages later at the same time.
  260.    - Modernization has now a base decay of 0.3 per month.
  261.    - Increased the yearly manpower gain from the "Mobilize New Order Regiments" interaction from 0.3 to 0.75 for the Russian Empire and its republican equivalent.
  262.    - Increased the yearly manpower gain from the "Equip Streltsy" interaction from 0.2 to 0.3 for the Russian Principality and from 0.1 (which was a number bug) to 0.6 Years of Manpower.
  263.    - The elective monarchy is now mutually exclusive with States General.
  265. # Other
  266.    - The decadence mission "End the Eyalet Rebellions" now requires you to have 70 Absolutism if you are in the Age of Absolutism or Revolutions. "The Eyalet Rebellion" will now remove 100 Absolutism when fired.
  267.    - Added an alternative trigger to the decadence disaster "Restructure Administration" which no longer forces you to have 2 Admin Idea Groups filled to complete this mission.
  268.    - The decadence disaster "End the Eyalet Rebellion" will now request 60 provinces in the Europe continent instead of 50 in Western Europe specifically.
  269.    - The Plot of the Harem disaster no longer reduces the stats of your heirs by 1/1/1.
  270.    - The decadence event "Corruption of the Court" now costs 0.1 years of income instead of 0.2.
  271.    - The mission reward of the decadence mission "The Eyalet Crisis" now lasts for 30 years instead of 19750 days.
  272.    - The decadence mission "Handle the Janissaries" no longer requires you to make 9 Mil power per month.
  273.    - Severely tuned down the Janissaries spawned from events of the Janissary Coup disaster.
  274.    - Eyalets now count as your border, meaning you can core provinces next to them.
  275.    - Missions that require you to have some idea groups of a category filled out have now alternatives. Also decreased the number of needed military and admin idea groups from 3/2 to 2/1 idea groups needed.
  276.    - The Janissary Coup disaster now increases the Janissary Influence by 10% instead of 30% and Janissary Max Privileges by 3. It no longer decreases the Loyalty Equilibrium.
  277.    - The events of the Internal Power Struggle disaster now have a lower increase of their penalties. Additionally, they no longer decrease the stability to their fullest strength.
  278.    - The estate privileges for the Janissaries from the Janissary Coup disaster now increase influence by 10% instead of 20%.
  279.    - The English Parliament Issue "Army Reform Acts" increases Army Tradition by 5 and Army Professionalism by 0.5% instead of 15 and 1% respectively.
  280.    - The English Parliament Issue "Man-of-War Acts" increases Navy Tradition by 5 instead of 15.
  281.    - The English Parliament Issue "Maritime Discipline Acts" adds 20 Military Power instead of 50.
  282.    - The English Parliament Issue "The Black Act" will now increase stability by 1 instead of 3.
  283.    - Restored Siamese ideas partially. They have their old traditions and ambition back as well as their cavalry combat ability.
  284.    - Takeda ideas now grant proper Army Professionalism.
  285.    - Restored Siamese ideas partially. They have their old traditions and ambition back as well as their cavalry combat ability.
  286.    - Eyalets and Core Eyalets have now -5k Manpower and -5 Land Force Limit to reduce the benefits from having a high quantity of low development Eyalets.
  288. ###################
  289. # Interface
  290. ###################
  292. # Country
  293.    - Fars is now pink.
  295. # Icons
  296.    - Thalassocracy (Government Reform) now has a proper icon.
  298. # Unitmodels
  299.    - Fixed typo in country colors that turned a lot of country unit models white. (Thanks for finding the solution @Gunthah).
  301. # Tooltips
  302.    - Benefits from Celestial reforms no longer have a blank name in the country modifiers tab.
  303.    - Fixed a tooltip error in the mission "Shield of Outremer".
  304.    - Fixed an error that prevented the Divine Empire of Japan from granting the appropriate title of 'Tenno' to its rulers.
  306. # Other
  307.    - Fixed a typo in the description of the Portuguese achievement 'The Navigator'.
  309. ###################
  310. # Script
  311. ###################
  312. # Achievements
  313.    - Fixed an issue that prevented the Forever Golden Achievement from being displayed as available to Castile for Golden Century or Domination owners.
  314.    - Aragonese missions are now properly cataloged towards the Forever Golden Achievement.
  315.    - The Achievement 'Big Blue Blob' now correctly highlights all non-French provinces in Europe.
  316.    - Fixed a few localization and requirement minor issues with 1.35 Achievements.
  317.    - Spain can now be diplomatically formed via 90 Republican Tradition or 100 Devotion so Aragon as a Peasant Republic can form it diplomatically.
  319. # Decisions
  320.    - Forming England will now grant you the English Monarchy as long your tier 1 is not locked / your government is not locked.
  321.    - The decision to form the Angevin Kingdom no longer requires you to have 25 provinces in the French region.
  322.    - Forming Siam through the decision now requires Administrative Technology 20.
  324. # Events
  325.    - Made the Yellow and Yangtze River floods less punishing.
  326.    - English/British flavor events can now fire for the Angevin Kingdom too.
  327.    -  A Question of Faith event will no longer fire during the Shinto Christianity Incident.
  328.    - The event 'Question of Faith' will also not fire during the Ikko Ikko and Neo-Confucianism incidents.
  329.    - Hungary now has to be an independent country to be forced into a personal union under Austria.
  330.    - Elective Monarchies now look for a Christian noble when the country is Christian itself. In other words, the House of Osman will no longer claim the Czech throne.
  331.    - The Ottoman event 'The Ottoman Line of Succession' will now fire less frequently if you have already had this event with the same heir and will reduce its maluses for recurring instances of the event for the second option.
  332.    - Made it so if you choose to convert to Christianity via the Shinto incident event chain, you will always get the full Christian outcome (Land of the Christian Sun).
  333.    - Revolutionary France will now properly be able to choose regarding the adoption of new national ideas upon embracing the Revolution in the event "The Storming of Bastille".
  334.    - The Golden Bull Treaty event which subjugates the Pope for France, now also sets the Pope to start with much less Liberty Desire to account for Liberty Desire from Development.
  335.    - The event "Election of a New Ruler" for Elective Monarchies will now remove the heir if you decide to not elect your current ruler/heir.
  337. # Missions
  338.    - The Qing mission 'Ten Grand Campaigns' now grants the necessary claims in the Burma region.
  339.    - Added proper highlighting for the Lower Burma area in the 'Campaign in Burma' mission for Qing in Domination.
  340.    - Adjusted the mission ‘Campaign in Burma’ for Domination's Qing, to require 25 provinces in Burma, instead of certain set areas.
  341.    - Added Random New World triggers for 2 French missions.
  342.    - The mission "A Realm of Chivalry" now requires 100k troops killed in total instead of 20k troops killed in a single battle.
  343.    - The Emperor of China mission Shengshi & Zhishi now has simplified requirements and rewards.
  344.    - The mission "Seize France's Throne" now grants permanent claim on the areas of Britanny, Burgundy, Picardy, Lorraine, and Provence.
  345.    - Added dynamic province highlighting for the French mission 'Indian Dominance’.
  346.    - Added a new and improved version of the 'Conduct Population Census' to better reflect and display the +1 Monthly Administrative Power granted by the Reform Civil Registration mission of the Emperor of China.
  347.    - Added a new version of the Expand Palace Bureaucracy to better reflect its empowered version granted by the Cornerstone of an Empire mission.
  348.    - Added alternative triggers for French colonial missions if Random New World is active.
  349.    - The Angevin mission will no longer request you to discover Canada and this is already covered when you colonize North America.
  350.    - Added an easier to understand tooltip to the "Mainland Alliances" British mission.
  351.    - Fixed an issue that made it unclear that you can't cheese the upgrade of your Centers of Trade in the Swedish mission tree.
  352.    - Added a sneaky missing bracket at the very end of the DOM_Spain_Missions file.
  353.    - The Brandenburg mission 'Construct the Kiel Canal' now properly grants access to the Canal even before Tech 22 and grants a supplementary bonus to your treasury.
  354.    - Fixed a trigger for a Revolutionary France mission.
  355.    - Added the Toulon Dockyard modifier to the correct province, for the Aragonese mission.
  356.    - Fixed an issue that fired the failure event for the conquest of Franconia for Domination's Brandenburg mission.
  357.    - Fixed an error that prevented the Japanese Divine Empire from being granted.
  358.    - Daimyo missions now have alternative requirements other than "Is Japan" to allow Domination players to complete the mission tree before forming Japan.
  359.    - The Spanish mission 'New Capital' no longer highlights every single capital everywhere.
  360.    - The Mission 'Holy See Politics' now properly scopes to the capital of the Papal States.
  361.    - The modifier "Religious Stability" from the English mission "Piety of the State" now increases Tolerance of true faith by 0.5 and Yearly Patriarch Authority by +0.5.
  362.    - The Russian mission "Break the Tatar Yoke" has now a secondary condition that allows you to get rid of the Tatar Yoke modifier if you have 85% Warscore.
  363.    - Fixed an issue with the Angevin mission "Settle in America" which tells you to colonize Canada instead of colonizing the New World.
  364.    - Fixed an error that prevented 'A New Buddha' from granting a new mission for people without other DLCs other than Domination.
  365.    - Fixed a wrong scope in the Fortify the Coast mission for Chinese minors, Qing and Ming.
  366.    - Adjusted the displayed tooltip reward for the Toulon mission of France, to reflect the actual reward granted.
  367.    - Reordered the triggers for the 'Kingdoms of Spain' for better visibility and fixed an error associated with its reward.
  368.    - Added a missing claim for Malacca in the Portuguese missions.
  369.    - The modifier 'Reformed Haijin Policy' now has a proper modifier scoped to the country level.
  370.    - Added a missing claim for the Majeerteen area in the proper mission reward.
  371.    - The Shinto Warriors modifier now grants 0.5 flat Land Morale instead of 0.1.
  372.    - The Portuguese mission "The Cape of Good Hope" now grants a claim on Zanzibar.
  373.    - Fixed an error that gave breakaway Chinese warlords 100 Monarch points instead of 150 in their Independence mission.
  374.    - Removed the positive gain of inflation from the modifier "Silver House of China" granted by the Single Whip Law mission.
  375.    - Fixed an issue between the Occitania and Provence missions for Aragon.
  376.    - Fixed an issue that prevent Qing from completing the "Dominate the Jurchen Tribes" missions due to the latter requiring "Be Manchu".
  377.    - Fixed an issue that prevented some based game Qing missions from appearing without Domination.
  378.    - Reduced the refunding of corruption granted by the "The Eight Banners" mission available to Jurchen tribes, Manchu, and Qing.
  379.    - Provence will now always accept the subjugation offer by France in "Provençal Question" however they will not be instantly integrated by the "A House United" special mission reward.
  380.    - Swapped the icons of ‘Fecho del Imperio’ and ‘Universal Monarchy’ for consistency's sake.
  381.    - Readded the mission "Prepare Reconquista" for Castile, so they can have claims to Granada again.
  382.    - Fixed an issue regarding Golden Century Castilian missions appearing in the wrong place.
  384. # Modifiers
  385.    - The Single Whip Law privilege now offers a lot more national tax and a lot less increased inflation to make it more appealing.
  386.    - Replaced both instances of flat land morale for Japan and Portugal with percentage ones.
  388. # Setup
  389.    - Fixed an error that allowed the estate privilege "Factionalist Nobility" to be momentarily visible for Castile even without the Domination DLC.
  390.    - Fixed a missing national idea for Orleans.
  391.    - Adjusted the Banners-related Celestial reform. It now requires 15% Cavalry Combat Ability OR 25 Banners and grants 10% Ratio instead of 50% as well as 5% Cavalry Combat Ability.
  392.    - Fixed an issue that prevented the Struggle for Royal Power from firing for the players who do not own Lions of the North.
  394. # Other
  395.    - Changed the icon for "Control over Monetary Policy" so it no longer gets confused with "Indebted to the Burghers".
  396.    - The decadence bar now also mentions that it in- and decreases by stability.
  397.    - The Decadence description now mentions that the ruler's victories and defeats decrease and increase Decadence.
  398.    - The privileges regarding liberating or enserfing the peasants will now block government reforms which would remove the Nobles or Burghers estate.
  399.    - All countries which can get their name or color changed have now proper access to decisions that allow them to restore their original color and name. Former Eyalets will now also restore their original names and color.
  400.    - Fixed an issue with the Tier 5 Tercios Government reform being instantly abolished but remaining available.
  401.    - The Expanded Black Army reform is now correctly registered in tier 5.
  402.    - The event "The Franco-Ottoman Alliance" can no longer trigger when France and the Ottomans are at war with each other.
  403.    - Fixed a wrong scope for the Emperor of China for Chinese Warlord missions.
  404.    - Fixed the Spanish localization of a few missions.
  405.    - Estate Privilege 'Support the Brahmins' now is only available to Muslim countries.
  406.    - Fixed a tooltip error with the mission 'Wine Monopolies'.
  407.    - Fixed some issues with the German localization.
  408.    - Improved the descriptions of some estate privileges.
  409.    - The Franciscan order now grants base production instead of base manpower.
  410.    - Fixed one of the canals having the wrong development cost reduction.
  411.    - The event "The Franco-Ottoman Alliance" can no longer trigger when France and the Ottomans are at war with each other.
  412.    - Fixed a wrong scope for the Emperor of China for Chinese Warlord missions.
  413.    - Forming Siam through the decision now requires Administrative Technology 20.
  415. ###################
  416. # Bugfixes
  417. ###################
  418.    - Fixed null subject type crash.
  419.    - Fixed no federal constitution advancement crash.
  420.    - Fixed crash not finding GUI for a dialog.
  421.    - Fixed issue with GOG Windows build not shutting down when restarting at the exit to the main menu.
  422.    - Russia can no longer have 5 different variations of serfdom active at the same time.
  423.    - Removed confusing triggers for the Plot of the Harem disaster.
  424.    - The estate agenda "Expand Port Infrastructure" is now properly auto-completed by the Burgher's privilege action instead of the one of the Clergy.
  425.    - Damarwulan has enough of his imposters. Fake Damarwulans will no longer count in won battles for the Damarwulan event.
  426.    - Buying subject upgrades for your colonies will no longer grant you admin power instead of costing it.
  427.    - Fixed an oversight that would have allowed the Mamluks to integrate way too large vassals when they get turned into an Eyalet by the Ottomans.
  428.    - Fixed a missing localization for the trigger "has_unembraced_institution".
  429.    - Fixed a bug where under rare DLC circumstances you would see your ability to form Trade Leagues and Trade Cities twice as a Veche Republic.
  430.    - Fixed a bug where the Russian Empire (and its Republican equivalent) would only give 0.05 Yearly Absolutism instead of 0.5 Yearly Absolutism.
  431.    - It is no longer possible as Russia to have your peasants be enserfed and liberated at the same time.
  432.    - Building and destroying farming estates will no longer increase your development under rare conditions. The "Expand the Fortifications" modifier is now properly removed from a province with a level 2 fort if said fort gets destroyed.
  433.    - The mission reward for the Ottoman mission "The Cradle of Civilization" lasts now for 30 years instead of 29 years and 265 days.
  434.    - Fixed a bug that prevented Anglois countries to benefit from Stonehenge.
  435.    - Fixed a bug where the Gokaido Reform and the Reform the Samuari government reforms would not show up in Japanese countries.
  436.    - Fixed the Decadence jumps from winning or losing battles with your monarch.
  437.    - Renamed the second add_stability_or_adm_power to add_stability_or_adm_power_per_stab to avoid overloading a single scripted effect.
  438.    - Removed an unnecessary base_monthly_growht from the Mercenary militarization.
  439.    - Removed the secondary_religion_group scripted trigger as it is no longer needed.
  440.    - Removed an unnecessary made_monthly_growht from the Mercenary militarization.
  441.    - The Order of Avis can now be established when you accept the Portuguese culture.
  442.    - Fixed a display error that showed Russia paying nothing for modernization ideas.
  443.    - Fixed an issue where Monthly Innovativeness gain was colored in red even if the gain was positive.
  444.    - The parliament issue "Fund an Industrial Project" now actually constructs a manufactory in the province.
  445.    - The parliament issue "Acts of Representation" now properly reduces the liberty desire of your subjects instead of your own.
  446.    - Fixed an issue where the rewards were swapped for the mission "The Asian Trade" for Novgorod-Russia.
  447.    - The Russian Rule ability no longer resets completely to 0 for the diplomatic and military abilities when a new ruler comes to power.
  448.    - Forming England and following the Angevin Path will no longer allow you to complete the mission "The Angevin Kingdom" twice.
  449.    - Fixed a missing localization for the trigger "has_unembraced_institution".
  450.    - Fixed some minor localization issues.
  451.    - Fixed the missing diplomatic action which allows you to call Trade Protectorates into your wars as advertised.
  452.    - Mission or event effects which distribute Development for provinces of a certain area do this now the defined amount of times. In other words: Missions like "Establish the Pashas" for the Ottomans now give properly 10 development instead of randomly giving more or less.
  453.    - The event "Competition with Nobility" now reduces properly the influence of the Janissaries if you pick the third option.
  454.    - Events for Russia and England / GB which define a new heir or ruler now check that the country is not a junior partner in a personal union.
  455.    - Elective Monarchies can no longer trigger the event for the Imperial Authority to gain twice should they be re-elected as the Emperor.
  457. #############################################################
  458. ######################## ###########################
  459. #############################################################
  461. ###################
  462. # Gamebalance
  463. ###################
  465. # War & Peace
  466.    - Fixed naval damage calculations.
  468. ###################
  469. # Script
  470. ###################
  472. # Missions
  473.    - Removed duplicate requirement from EoC missions that asked for 95 Mandate twice.
  474.    - Fixed an error that prevented players from accessing base-game Jurchen missions while owning Mandate of Heaven.
  475.    - Fixed an error with Emperor of China missions requiring content that is only exclusive to Ming (Haijin mission, Single Whip National Idea).
  476.    - Fixed an error that prevented players from progressing down the Aragonese/Spanish mission tree if they owned Golden Century but lacked Rule Britannia.
  477.    - Removed duplicate requirement from Emperor of China missions that asked for 95 Mandate twice.
  479. # Setup
  480.    - Increased to 40 from 25 the maximum number of owned provinces that France can have to be eligible for integration via the Parliament Act to Form the Angevin realm.
  482. ###################
  483. # Bugfixes
  484. ###################
  485.    - Fixed CTD caused by disabling alerts which do not exist in the game.
  486.    - Fixed AI asking other AI for a 0 Trust for 0 Favors.
  487.    - Fixed so the game doesn't switch away from the main theme in the main menu.
  488.    - Fixed CTD caused by revoking a seat when a parliament debate is ongoing.
  489.    - Fixed crashes related to mods modifying the music player.
  490.    - Fixed crash in faction view due to listbox not existing.