- Update v150731:
- Features
- Improved the armory and its display, as well as its filters
- New map Cliff: the Cliff battlefield is inspired by the sweeping coastal landscapes of northern Germany
- Army General
- Highway 66
- Fixed III./PR 14 being classified as an HQ battalion
- Code fixes
- Removed a message that appeared during a surrend, just before the end of game screen
- Fixed some models in the Armory having transparent areas
- Fixed a crash that occurred when AI reached enemy spawn
- Fixed units with a tripod not displaying the correct strength value in the unit sheet
- Fixed a crash that happened in rare cases in Army General Coop
- Fixed a bug that allowed selecting an infantry unit by selecting soldiers that were already dead
- Correction of player name display in Army general
- Correction of certain building models
- Fixed IA not using its artillery on the Kreide map
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when a Seize was given at the same time as producing a unit.
- Fixed smokes from MLRS that can shoot them, which no longer do damage
- Correction of inconsistencies in some shielding
- Mirage 5BA mirsip self-evacuation corrected
- Improved AI which now uses RECON type aircraft
- Correction of missing dlc padlocks on armory units
- Fixed labels sometimes appearing in the sky when playing a replay
- Fixed freezes that could occur with some mods
- Fixed bug that allowed exceeding the 9 aircraft limit
- Fixed the Soviet M-240 now firing at a more realistic angle
- Fixed lobby window not being able to be minimized after a game
- Fixed bug where you could see the name of a transported unit with the "NameOnly" display option
- Infantry models in a transport are now always visible.
- The scrollbar in the video options tab now updates correctly when changing resolution
- Fixed Return Fire order sometimes disappearing
- Fixed routed units no longer turning their backs on the threat
- Fixed the "multiplayer" section in the profile, where you can now scroll
- Data fixes
- Soviet MIG-23MLD [AA1]'s files have changed and needs to be replaced in your deck
- Nato forces
- N.G. M1 ABRAMS : Price decreased 200 to 190
- M1 ABRAMS : Price decreased 210 to 200
- N.G. M60A3 (TTS) : Price decreased 125 to 120
- M60A3 (TTS) : Price decreased 135 to 130
- AH-6F LITTLE BIRD : Stabilizer decreased 35% to 10%
- AH-6G LITTLE BIRD : Stabilizer decreased 35% to 10%
- MH-47D CHINOOK : Stabilizer decreased 35% to 10%
- Recon OH-58C Scout : Stabilizer decreased 35% to 10%
- Command UH-1H CO : Base Availability increased 2 to 3
- F-15C EAGLE [AA2] : Price decreased 285 to 270
- F-16C [AA] : Price decreased 245 to 220
- F/A-16 renamed F/A-16 [AT]
- F/A-16 [AT] : Price increased 255 to 260, weapon AIM-9L added
- AIRBORNE (DRAGON) : Price decreased 80 to 75
- N.G. M40A1 : Price increased 35 to 40, Suppress damage decreased 212 to 159
- AB Mk.19 40mm : Price increased 40 to 45
- LIGHT RIFLES (Dragon) : Health points decreased 10 to 9
- LIGHT RIFLES (LAW) : Health points decreased 10 to 9, Price decreased 60 to 55
- LIGHT RIFLES (RCL) : Price increased 60 to 65
- Command N.G. RIFLES LDR. : Price decreased 45 to 40
- Recon SNIPER (M82) : Price increased 35 to 45
- Command M1025 HUMVEE CP : Base Availability increased 2 to 3
- Recon N.G. M113A3 ACAV : Suppress damage decreased 210 to 159
- Recon M113A3 ACAV : Suppress damage decreased 210 to 159
- M274 MULE M40A1 : Suppress damage decreased 210 to 159
- I-HAWK : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- M167A1 VADS 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- AB M167A1 VADS 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- AERO-M167A2 PIVADS 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- M167A2 VADS 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- XM85 T-CHAP : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- * **FOB** : Veterancy locked
- * **FOB** : Veterancy locked
- * **M274 SUPPLY MULE** : removed **CH-47C CHINOOK** as transport option
- United Kingdom
- CHALLENGER MK.2 : Price decreased 230 to 220
- Recon LYNX AH.7 CHANCELLOR : Base Availability decreased 4 to 3
- JAGUAR GR.1 [RKT] : weapon Hydra 70 added
- FV432 CARGO : Price decreased 40 to 25
- JAVELIN LML : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- SKYGUARD CV 35mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- RAPIER FSB2 DARKFIRE : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- RAPIER FSB1 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- RAPIER FSA : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- * Changed one 3-pts INF slot into one 1-pt
- * Changed one 3-pts TNK slot into one 2-pts
- * **KRAKA MUN.** : removed **CH-53G** as transport option
- Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
- LEOPARD 2A3 : Price decreased 240 to 230
- M48A2CGA1 : Price decreased 70 to 65
- M48A2GA2 : Price decreased 80 to 70
- F-4F [AT] : Base Availability decreased 3 to 2
- M40A1 : Suppress damage decreased 212 to 159
- UNIMOG S404 MUN. : Speed increased 50 km/h to 65 km/h
- UNIMOG S404 : Speed increased 50 km/h to 65 km/h
- BOFORS L70 : Health points decreased 5 to 3
- FK20-2 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- FK20-2 20mm ZWILLINGE : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- I-HAWK : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- France
- Command AML-90 CP : Price decreased 90 to 80
- AML-90 : Price decreased 70 to 60
- AMX-13/90 : Price decreased 60 to 50
- Recon EBR 90 : Price decreased 90 to 80
- Command ERC-90 SAGAIE PC : Price decreased 140 to 130
- ERC-90 SAGAIE : Price decreased 110 to 100
- Recon ERC-90 SAGAIE RECO : Price decreased 115 to 105
- ALPHA JET E [HE] : Price decreased 90 to 80
- ALPHA JET E [NPLM] : Price decreased 90 to 80
- Recon CM.170 MAGISTER : Base Availability increased 2 to 3
- CM.170 MAGISTER (AT) : Price decreased 100 to 90, Base Availability increased 3 to 5, weapon AS.11 added
- F-8P CRUSADER [AA2] : Base Availability increased 2 to 3
- F-8P CRUSADER [AA1] : Base Availability increased 2 to 3
- MIRAGE F1 CT [LGB] : Price decreased 300 to 285
- MIRAGE III E : Price decreased 150 to 130
- SUPER ETENDARD [HE] : Price decreased 265 to 255
- M40A1 : Suppress damage decreased 212 to 159
- GENDARMES DE L'AIR : Price decreased 40 to 35
- Recon AML-60-12 : Price decreased 50 to 40, weapon CM60A1 (smoke) added
- Recon AML-60 GENDARM. : trait Military Police added
- Recon AML-90 : Price decreased 80 to 70
- CROTALE : Price decreased 135 to 125
- 53T2 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- PARA. 53T2 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- CERBERE 76T2 20mm CPA : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- M39/55 40mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- * Removed **RESERVISTES (LRAC)**
- * **_Recon_ CM.170 MAGISTER** : base Veterancy decreased from XP2 to XP1
- * **CM.170 MAGISTER (AT)** : base Veterancy decreased from XP2 to XP1
- * **F-8P CRUSADER [AA2]** : base Veterancy decreased from XP2 to XP1
- * **F-8P CRUSADER [AA1]** : base Veterancy decreased from XP2 to XP1
- * **MARSOUINS** : cards increased 1 to 2
- * Added **_Recon_ AML-60 GENDARM., MARSOUINS MILAN 2**
- * Removed **MILAN 2**
- Netherlands
- BOFORS 40L70G : Health points decreased 5 to 4, Price decreased 45 to 35
- I-HAWK : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- M55 Maxson : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- Belgium
- Recon ECLAIREURS (RL-83) : Price decreased 65 to 55
- AMX-13 Mod.56 MILAN : Price increased 40 to 50
- UNIMOG S404 LOG. : Speed increased 50 km/h to 65 km/h
- UNIMOG S404 : Speed increased 50 km/h to 65 km/h
- I-HAWK : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- M167A1 VADS 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- PARA. M167A1 VADS 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- MAN Z311 Mi.50 : Removed Forward Deployment trait
- * **_Recon_ SNIPER ESR** : base Veterancy increased from XP1 to XP2
- Pact forces
- TO-55 : Base Availability increased 6 to 9
- MiG-23MLD [AA] renamed MiG-23P [AA]
- MiG-27K [LGB1] : Price decreased 300 to 270
- M-240 240mm [CLU] : weapon M-240 added
- M-240 240mm : weapon M-240 added
- DESANT. 2B14 82mm : Added Forward Deployment trait
- TOS-1 BURATINO : Price decreased 375 to 350
- KrAZ-225B SNAB. renamed KrAZ-255B SNAB.
- ZU-23-2 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- DESANT. ZU-23-2 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- 9K33M3 OSA-AKM : Base Availability increased 4 to 5
- ZSU-23-4M3 BIRYUSA : Helicopter weapon Range increased 2,475m to 2,650m, Aircraft weapon Range increased 2,650m to 2,825m
- * **DESANT. PULEMETCHIKI** : base Veterancy decreased from XP2 to XP1
- * Added **MiG-23MLD [AA1]**
- * Removed **MiG-23P [AA]**
- * **DSh. (RPG-16)** : added **BTR-70** as transport option, removed **BMP-2D** as transport option
- * Added **MiG-23MLD [AA1]**
- * Removed **MiG-23P [AA]**
- 79-YA GV. TANK. DIV.
- * Added **MT-12 Rapira 100mm, MiG-23MLD [AA1]**
- * Removed **MiG-23P [AA]**
- * **_Recon_ MOT. RAZVEDKA** : added **_Recon_ RAZV. BMP-2** as transport option, removed **_Recon_ RAZV. BMP-1P** as transport option
- German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republik)
- KPZ. T-34/85M : Price decreased 35 to 30
- KPz. T-54AM : Price decreased 70 to 65
- KPz. T-55AM2 : Price decreased 130 to 125
- KPz. T-72MÃœV2 : Price increased 155 to 160
- FlamPz. TO-55 : Base Availability increased 6 to 9
- MiG-21bis [HE] : Price decreased 165 to 150
- SPW-40P2 KONKURS : Speed increased 65 km/h to 85 km/h
- SPW-40P2 MALYUTKA-P : Speed increased 65 km/h to 85 km/h
- FLAK S-60 57mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4, Price decreased 45 to 30, Base Availability increased 6 to 8, Aircraft weapon Range increased 2,300m to 2,475m
- FASTA-4 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- FLAK KS-19M2 100mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- FLA-MG ZPU-4 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- FLAK ZU-23-2 23mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- 9K33M3 OSA-AKM : Base Availability increased 4 to 5
- Fla-SFL 23-4 SHILKA : Helicopter weapon Range increased 2,475m to 2,650m, Aircraft weapon Range increased 2,650m to 2,825m
- Fla-SFL 57-2 : Aircraft weapon Range increased 2,300m to 2,475m
- Poland
- T-55AM MERIDA : Price decreased 130 to 125
- MiG-21bis [HE] : Price decreased 165 to 150
- MiG-21bis [AA2] : Price increased 130 to 145
- MiG-21bis [RKT2] : Price increased 110 to 125
- 2S7 PIWONIA : Price decreased 250 to 240
- ASU-85 : Price decreased 60 to 50
- KrAZ-225B ZAOP. renamed KrAZ-255B ZAOP.
- AZP S-60 57mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4, Price decreased 45 to 30, Base Availability increased 6 to 8, Aircraft weapon Range increased 2,300m to 2,475m
- DESANT. ZU-23-2 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- ZU-23-2 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- DESANT. ZUR-23-2S JOD : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- ZUR-23-2S JOD : Health points decreased 5 to 4
- PRWB OSA-AKM : Base Availability increased 4 to 5
- ZSU-23-4M1 SZYÅKA : Helicopter weapon Range increased 2,475m to 2,650m, Aircraft weapon Range increased 2,650m to 2,825m