1. Update v150731:
  2. Features
  3. Improved the armory and its display, as well as its filters
  4. New map Cliff: the Cliff battlefield is inspired by the sweeping coastal landscapes of northern Germany
  5. Army General
  6. Highway 66
  7. Fixed III./PR 14 being classified as an HQ battalion
  8. Code fixes
  9. Removed a message that appeared during a surrend, just before the end of game screen
  10. Fixed some models in the Armory having transparent areas
  11. Fixed a crash that occurred when AI reached enemy spawn
  12. Fixed units with a tripod not displaying the correct strength value in the unit sheet
  13. Fixed a crash that happened in rare cases in Army General Coop
  14. Fixed a bug that allowed selecting an infantry unit by selecting soldiers that were already dead
  15. Correction of player name display in Army general
  16. Correction of certain building models
  17. Fixed IA not using its artillery on the Kreide map
  18. Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when a Seize was given at the same time as producing a unit.
  19. Fixed smokes from MLRS that can shoot them, which no longer do damage
  20. Correction of inconsistencies in some shielding
  21. Mirage 5BA mirsip self-evacuation corrected
  22. Improved AI which now uses RECON type aircraft
  23. Correction of missing dlc padlocks on armory units
  24. Fixed labels sometimes appearing in the sky when playing a replay
  25. Fixed freezes that could occur with some mods
  26. Fixed bug that allowed exceeding the 9 aircraft limit
  27. Fixed the Soviet M-240 now firing at a more realistic angle
  28. Fixed lobby window not being able to be minimized after a game
  29. Fixed bug where you could see the name of a transported unit with the "NameOnly" display option
  30. Infantry models in a transport are now always visible.
  31. The scrollbar in the video options tab now updates correctly when changing resolution
  32. Fixed Return Fire order sometimes disappearing
  33. Fixed routed units no longer turning their backs on the threat
  34. Fixed the "multiplayer" section in the profile, where you can now scroll
  35. Data fixes
  36. Soviet MIG-23MLD [AA1]'s files have changed and needs to be replaced in your deck
  37. Nato forces
  38. USA
  39. N.G. M1 ABRAMS : Price decreased 200 to 190
  40. M1 ABRAMS : Price decreased 210 to 200
  41. N.G. M60A3 (TTS) : Price decreased 125 to 120
  42. M60A3 (TTS) : Price decreased 135 to 130
  43. AH-6F LITTLE BIRD : Stabilizer decreased 35% to 10%
  44. AH-6G LITTLE BIRD : Stabilizer decreased 35% to 10%
  45. MH-47D CHINOOK : Stabilizer decreased 35% to 10%
  46. Recon OH-58C Scout : Stabilizer decreased 35% to 10%
  47. Command UH-1H CO : Base Availability increased 2 to 3
  48. F-15C EAGLE [AA2] : Price decreased 285 to 270
  49. F-16C [AA] : Price decreased 245 to 220
  50. F/A-16 renamed F/A-16 [AT]
  51. F/A-16 [AT] : Price increased 255 to 260, weapon AIM-9L added
  52. AIRBORNE (DRAGON) : Price decreased 80 to 75
  53. N.G. M40A1 : Price increased 35 to 40, Suppress damage decreased 212 to 159
  54. AB Mk.19 40mm : Price increased 40 to 45
  55. LIGHT RIFLES (Dragon) : Health points decreased 10 to 9
  56. LIGHT RIFLES (LAW) : Health points decreased 10 to 9, Price decreased 60 to 55
  57. LIGHT RIFLES (RCL) : Price increased 60 to 65
  58. Command N.G. RIFLES LDR. : Price decreased 45 to 40
  59. Recon SNIPER (M82) : Price increased 35 to 45
  60. Command M1025 HUMVEE CP : Base Availability increased 2 to 3
  61. Recon N.G. M113A3 ACAV : Suppress damage decreased 210 to 159
  62. Recon M113A3 ACAV : Suppress damage decreased 210 to 159
  63. M274 MULE M40A1 : Suppress damage decreased 210 to 159
  64. I-HAWK : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  65. M167A1 VADS 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  66. AB M167A1 VADS 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  67. AERO-M167A2 PIVADS 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  68. M167A2 VADS 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  69. XM85 T-CHAP : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  72. * **FOB** : Veterancy locked
  75. * **FOB** : Veterancy locked
  78. * **M274 SUPPLY MULE** : removed **CH-47C CHINOOK** as transport option
  79. United Kingdom
  80. CHALLENGER MK.2 : Price decreased 230 to 220
  81. Recon LYNX AH.7 CHANCELLOR : Base Availability decreased 4 to 3
  82. JAGUAR GR.1 [RKT] : weapon Hydra 70 added
  83. AEC MILITANT Mk.3 renamed MILITANT Mk.3
  84. FV432 CARGO : Price decreased 40 to 25
  85. JAVELIN LML : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  86. SKYGUARD CV 35mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  87. RAPIER FSB2 DARKFIRE : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  88. RAPIER FSB1 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  89. RAPIER FSA : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  92. * Changed one 3-pts INF slot into one 1-pt  
  93. * Changed one 3-pts TNK slot into one 2-pts
  94. MNAD
  96. * **KRAKA MUN.** : removed **CH-53G** as transport option
  97. Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
  98. LEOPARD 2A3 : Price decreased 240 to 230
  99. M48A2CGA1 : Price decreased 70 to 65
  100. M48A2GA2 : Price decreased 80 to 70
  101. F-4F [AT] : Base Availability decreased 3 to 2
  102. M40A1 : Suppress damage decreased 212 to 159
  103. UNIMOG S404 MUN. : Speed increased 50 km/h to 65 km/h
  104. UNIMOG S404 : Speed increased 50 km/h to 65 km/h
  105. BOFORS L70 : Health points decreased 5 to 3
  106. FK20-2 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  107. FK20-2 20mm ZWILLINGE : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  108. I-HAWK : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  109. France
  110. Command AML-90 CP : Price decreased 90 to 80
  111. AML-90 : Price decreased 70 to 60
  112. AMX-13/90 : Price decreased 60 to 50
  113. Recon EBR 90 : Price decreased 90 to 80
  114. Command ERC-90 SAGAIE PC : Price decreased 140 to 130
  115. ERC-90 SAGAIE : Price decreased 110 to 100
  116. Recon ERC-90 SAGAIE RECO : Price decreased 115 to 105
  117. ALPHA JET E [HE] : Price decreased 90 to 80
  118. ALPHA JET E [NPLM] : Price decreased 90 to 80
  119. Recon CM.170 MAGISTER : Base Availability increased 2 to 3
  120. CM.170 MAGISTER (AT) : Price decreased 100 to 90, Base Availability increased 3 to 5, weapon AS.11 added
  121. F-8P CRUSADER [AA2] : Base Availability increased 2 to 3
  122. F-8P CRUSADER [AA1] : Base Availability increased 2 to 3
  123. MIRAGE F1 CT [LGB] : Price decreased 300 to 285
  124. MIRAGE III E : Price decreased 150 to 130
  125. SUPER ETENDARD [HE] : Price decreased 265 to 255
  126. M40A1 : Suppress damage decreased 212 to 159
  127. GENDARMES DE L'AIR : Price decreased 40 to 35
  128. Recon AML-60-12 : Price decreased 50 to 40, weapon CM60A1 (smoke) added
  129. Recon AML-60 GENDARM. : trait Military Police added
  130. Recon AML-90 : Price decreased 80 to 70
  131. CROTALE : Price decreased 135 to 125
  132. 53T2 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  133. PARA. 53T2 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  134. CERBERE 76T2 20mm CPA : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  135. M39/55 40mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  138. * Removed **RESERVISTES (LRAC)**
  141. * **_Recon_ CM.170 MAGISTER** : base Veterancy decreased from XP2 to XP1  
  142. * **CM.170 MAGISTER (AT)** : base Veterancy decreased from XP2 to XP1  
  143. * **F-8P CRUSADER [AA2]** : base Veterancy decreased from XP2 to XP1  
  144. * **F-8P CRUSADER [AA1]** : base Veterancy decreased from XP2 to XP1  
  145. * **MARSOUINS** : cards increased 1 to 2  
  146. * Added **_Recon_ AML-60 GENDARM., MARSOUINS MILAN 2**  
  147. * Removed **MILAN 2**
  148. Netherlands
  149. BOFORS 40L70G : Health points decreased 5 to 4, Price decreased 45 to 35
  150. I-HAWK : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  151. M55 Maxson : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  152. Belgium
  153. Recon ECLAIREURS (RL-83) : Price decreased 65 to 55
  154. AMX-13 Mod.56 MILAN : Price increased 40 to 50
  155. UNIMOG S404 LOG. : Speed increased 50 km/h to 65 km/h
  156. UNIMOG S404 : Speed increased 50 km/h to 65 km/h
  157. I-HAWK : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  158. M167A1 VADS 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  159. PARA. M167A1 VADS 20mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  160. MAN Z311 Mi.50 : Removed Forward Deployment trait
  163. * **_Recon_ SNIPER ESR** : base Veterancy increased from XP1 to XP2
  164. Pact forces
  165. USSR (СССР)
  166. TO-55 : Base Availability increased 6 to 9
  167. MiG-23MLD [AA] renamed MiG-23P [AA]
  168. MiG-27K [LGB1] : Price decreased 300 to 270
  170. M-240 240mm [CLU] : weapon M-240 added
  171. M-240 240mm : weapon M-240 added
  172. DESANT. 2B14 82mm : Added Forward Deployment trait
  173. TOS-1 BURATINO : Price decreased 375 to 350
  174. KrAZ-225B SNAB. renamed KrAZ-255B SNAB.
  175. ZU-23-2 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  176. DESANT. ZU-23-2 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  177. 9K33M3 OSA-AKM : Base Availability increased 4 to 5
  178. ZSU-23-4M3 BIRYUSA : Helicopter weapon Range increased 2,475m to 2,650m, Aircraft weapon Range increased 2,650m to 2,825m
  181. * **DESANT. PULEMETCHIKI** : base Veterancy decreased from XP2 to XP1
  184. * Added **MiG-23MLD [AA1]**  
  185. * Removed **MiG-23P [AA]**
  188. * **DSh. (RPG-16)** : added **BTR-70** as transport option, removed **BMP-2D** as transport option  
  189. * Added **MiG-23MLD [AA1]**  
  190. * Removed **MiG-23P [AA]**
  191. 79-YA GV. TANK. DIV.
  193. * Added **MT-12 Rapira 100mm, MiG-23MLD [AA1]**  
  194. * Removed **MiG-23P [AA]**
  195. 119-Y OTD. TANK. POLK
  197. * **_Recon_ MOT. RAZVEDKA** : added **_Recon_ RAZV. BMP-2** as transport option, removed **_Recon_ RAZV. BMP-1P** as transport option
  198. German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republik)
  199. KPZ. T-34/85M : Price decreased 35 to 30
  200. KPz. T-54AM : Price decreased 70 to 65
  201. KPz. T-55AM2 : Price decreased 130 to 125
  202. KPz. T-72MÃœV2 : Price increased 155 to 160
  203. FlamPz. TO-55 : Base Availability increased 6 to 9
  204. MiG-21bis [HE] : Price decreased 165 to 150
  205. SPW-40P2 KONKURS : Speed increased 65 km/h to 85 km/h
  206. SPW-40P2 MALYUTKA-P : Speed increased 65 km/h to 85 km/h
  207. FLAK S-60 57mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4, Price decreased 45 to 30, Base Availability increased 6 to 8, Aircraft weapon Range increased 2,300m to 2,475m
  208. FASTA-4 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  209. FLAK KS-19M2 100mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  210. FLA-MG ZPU-4 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  211. FLAK ZU-23-2 23mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  212. 9K33M3 OSA-AKM : Base Availability increased 4 to 5
  213. Fla-SFL 23-4 SHILKA : Helicopter weapon Range increased 2,475m to 2,650m, Aircraft weapon Range increased 2,650m to 2,825m
  214. Fla-SFL 57-2 : Aircraft weapon Range increased 2,300m to 2,475m
  215. Poland
  216. T-55AM MERIDA : Price decreased 130 to 125
  217. MiG-21bis [HE] : Price decreased 165 to 150
  218. MiG-21bis [AA2] : Price increased 130 to 145
  219. MiG-21bis [RKT2] : Price increased 110 to 125
  220. 2S7 PIWONIA : Price decreased 250 to 240
  221. ASU-85 : Price decreased 60 to 50
  222. KrAZ-225B ZAOP. renamed KrAZ-255B ZAOP.
  223. AZP S-60 57mm : Health points decreased 5 to 4, Price decreased 45 to 30, Base Availability increased 6 to 8, Aircraft weapon Range increased 2,300m to 2,475m
  224. DESANT. ZU-23-2 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  225. ZU-23-2 : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  226. DESANT. ZUR-23-2S JOD : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  227. ZUR-23-2S JOD : Health points decreased 5 to 4
  228. PRWB OSA-AKM : Base Availability increased 4 to 5
  229. ZSU-23-4M1 SZYŁKA : Helicopter weapon Range increased 2,475m to 2,650m, Aircraft weapon Range increased 2,650m to 2,825m