1. Update v1.8.0:
  2. What’s new?
  3. 🟡reworked visuals of all 2010s set equipment ✨
  4. 🟡reworked visuals of all fire & fog machines 🔥
  5. 🟡steam achievements based on earned awards count are now given only when the day changes (previously were given as soon as the awards ceremony starts, which is a bit spoilery) 🏆
  6. 🟡added button in Set Info window to quick-upgrade all set equipment to best available options 🕹️
  7. 🟡allow placement of actors anywhere on the set floor in Set Designer and Direct Scene even if they clip into objects, to allow e.g. placing them inside jail cell 🎭
  9. Bug fixes:
  10. 🟢bug fix where the player was unable to replace VFX/SFX employee working on a film
  11. 🟢bug fix where the icon of a previously renting actor is displayed above the house
  12. 🟢bug fix where the player add a stunt scene and then add a normal scene afterward, the set from the previous stunt scene gets removed
  13. 🟢bug fix where adding extra normal scenes deletes stunt scene from the film
  14. 🟢bug fix where the player get achievement “experienced filmmaker” too early
  15. 🟢bug fix where sometimes movie reviews were not generated
  16. 🟢bug fix where actors have costumes in places where they shouldn't have them
  18. Update v1.7.19:
  19. 🟢added 16 new Steam achievements
  20. 🟢added VFX to some actor animations and stunts: Sorcery VFX, Mythology Weapon Magic VFX, Cigar smoke, Mythology ritual VFX, More Sorcery VFX, Laser from eyes of the superhero, Portal Open, Portal Enter, Portal Exit
  21. 🟢various graphics optimizations that should improve fps
  22. 🟢faster loading of savegames list
  23. 🟢restored max unlockable studio lot size to its original (larger) limits
  24. 🟢increased cost of unlocking plots around the studio lot
  25. 🟢bug fix where player could unlock plots outside of build mode
  26. 🟢fix double music overlapping in Character Creator
  27. 🟢bug fix in Direct Scene where actors would sometimes appear partially inside the floor and could not be moved
  28. 🟢added option to rename employees (edit button next to employee's name in character sheet)
  29. 🟢bug fix where new TV show episodes could not be filmed if the original filming sets are deleted
  31. Update v1.7.18:
  32. - new windows added in Build Mode -> indoors -> windows
  33. - fix TV show episodes after 1st episode showing as rank 0
  34. - fix bug where double-clicking the Continue button in tutorial could skip a step and softlock the tutorial
  35. - employees will now always reach task locations (desks, movie sets, tables) even if they are completely blocked by obstacles
  36. - add Reset button in Product Creation for returning the planned product to default state
  37. - TV shows category in product charts now shows all active shows (i.e. released and not retired) even they don't have all their episodes released yet
  38. - the RP gain rate from Researchers has been adjusted and increases per decade, which should improve the Research pace, also the average RP gained per month is now shown in Research menu next to the player's current RP
  39. - fix bug where tenant bubble popups of city houses were hidden when saving and loading while in city view, and were shown again only if you exit & re-enter city view
  40. - save menu now stops the progressive loading of savegames list if the menu gets closed
  42. Update v1.7.17.1:
  43. improved visuals of room doors
  44. continue button in main menu now loads the most recently updated save (hover the mouse over it to show which file it is)
  45. optimized thumbnail generation for employees and filming sets, which should improve memory usage and reduce lag spikes
  46. fix bug where studio fans would sometimes reset to 0 or a small number after gaining too many
  47. fix bug where new sets made in Set Designer would not appear in build mode
  48. fix bug where some stars were shown as belonging to incorrect studios during awards ceremony
  49. fix bug where stunt animations in Direct Scene would sometimes get stuck into a T-Pose
  50. fix bug where actor animations in Direct Scene would reset to their first frame after completing
  51. save menu now loads the save files one by one instead of all at once, which would freeze the game for a while if there are too many/large save files
  52. fix bug in Direct Scene where actors would disappear when they get too close to the camera
  53. fix some objects having blank thumbnails in build mode
  54. reduced difficulty of earning Best Stunts award
  55. Blockbuster-buster mission no longer fails if you release a non-blockbuster product
  56. rival studio names, district names, and randomized product names are now always in english regardless of selected game language
  57. properly format large numbers in various menus (fans, ticket sales etc)
  58. extra scenes in Product Creation are now limited to max 25 normal & 25 stunt
  59. fixed "pirate drinking alcohol" actor animation poking bottle into eye
  60. fixed hat of western costume clipping into some haircuts
  61. swapped places of NC-17 and R rating slots in Research
  62. moved Cyberpunk theme slot after Superhero theme slot in Research
  63. "Edit in Set Designer" button in Set Info window has been removed, will be re-added when it is fully functional
  64. credits screen in main menu
  65. known issue: when renting a home for a star, the thumbnail sometimes becomes a black square, will be fixed in next update
  67. Update v1.7.16.1:
  68. - new theme "Regency", inspired by Bridgerton, including costumes, set designer objects, and build mode objects
  69. - new visuals for all set equipment cameras/lights/mics of 1950-2000
  70. - optimize thumbnail generation for Build Mode, Set Designer, Set Equipment, which should reduce lag spikes significantly
  71. - add one default filming set per theme to always have available sets for any theme without having to make them in Set Designer
  72. - progressively increased difficulty in achieving high movie score as decades progress
  73. - add sound for notifications, togglable in Settings
  74. - fix windowed mode not always working
  75. - make not-yet-available research grayed out instead of hidden, so you can always see when the next research will arrive
  76. - set default FPS limiter to 60 (configurable in Settings) to avoid GPU overheat
  77. - fix Researchers always working even when they have to attend education
  78. - fix room info & filming set info windows getting auto-closed every time you enter build mode
  79. - fix some actor animations that were looping even though they shouldn't
  80. - limit max fame level of available-for-hire employees to level 1
  81. - research for medium & high quality food is now available from the beginning of the game
  82. - the studio fences and gate get renovated after 1950 and after 1980
  83. - the cinema next to the studio gets renovated after 1980
  84. - company money is now limited to max 999 billion
  85. - company fans, product fans and product ticket sales are now limited to max 999 million
  86. - product hype is now limited to max 9999
  87. - reduce fame increase rate by 50%
  88. - fix filming set's camera resetting to cheapest camera when relocating
  89. - fix overflow when calculating product revenue that caused the revenue to become negative
  90. - fix room type icon not showing above a premade room when it is placed in build mode
  91. - actors in Set Designer can now be placed anywhere even if they clip into objects
  92. - added buttons for deleting files in the open/save file dialog in Set Designer and Import Character menus
  93. - allow getting loans even if company money is below 0
  94. - fix bug in TV show episodes after first episode that showed incorrect scene rating and prevented reshooting scenes
  95. - fix VFX/SFX designer tasks in Product Creation (post-production tab) not being cleared when starting a new product
  96. - fix employee type filter in Hire Employees menu getting reset when hiring an employee
  97. - added decorated versions of premade rooms in Build Mode
  98. - added subcategory buttons in Build Mode for premade rooms (simple/decorated) and filming sets (default/local/steam)
  99. - added decade intro sequence shown when reaching new decade
  101. Update v1.7.15:
  102. - 80+ new actor animations and stunts, available in Direct Scene menu
  103. - added search box in animations/costumes/stunts tabs in Direct Scene menu
  104. - show notification when SFX/VFX designers are not assigned to an office
  105. - fix bug where reshooting a scene in some tutorials would prevent tutorial completion
  106. - fix bug that prevented completing the "PR Pusher" mission
  107. - fix bug that sometimes made desks and other objects unreachable by employees
  108. - fix "Learn the ropes" Steam achievement not being awarded
  109. - increased duration of SFX/VFX designer tasks and other filming tasks
  111. Update v1.7.14:
  112. - multiple new actor animations & costumes in Direct Scene menus
  113. - added option to disable pausing the game when the window loses focus
  114. - added Shift + Right Mouse Button drag as an alternative way to rotate the view
  115. - added "open saves folder" button in save menu
  116. - disabled "employee liked/disliked the food" notifications
  117. - fix bug where the bus would be stuck at the studio gate if the game was saved & loaded right after the bus dropped off the passengers
  118. - fix a crash that happened at random times during high memory usage
  119. - fix sounds of award ceremony not respecting the master volume setting
  121. Update v1.7.13:
  122. - fix bug where the filming set mics & lights didn't contribute to the product score
  123. - fix bug where actor animations on filming set were not playing upon loading a saved game
  124. - fix award ceremony sounds not respecting the master volume setting
  125. - add "supported the devs" achievement
  126. - add "report a bug" button in main menu and pause menu