1. Supreme Ruler 2030 Update 10 is now Live for all users
  3. Summer time doesn't move as fast, but work is continuing for the Supreme Ruler series. Our apologies that there has been a longer than usual gap between public updates. The last few fasttrack updates we released had some elements we were concerned could have negative effects on gameplay, we needed more time to evaluate those changes before pushing it out to all users.
  5. There are lots of changes across various areas. The weather system wasn't working properly and has been fixed. The visual effects of unit shot, hit and kill have been updated. We found a cause of multiplayer sync errors and have solved it, hopefully that's the last remaining such issue. Some changes also relate to the existing WW1 scenario or the upcoming DLCs for 1936 Remastered and Global Outbreak.
  7. For anyone who missed the annoucement of those other two DLCs, you can watch the video here;
  9. Announcing two new DLCs for Supreme Ruler 2030 - Supreme Ruler 1936 Remastered, and Supreme Ruler Global Outbreak! Add Supreme Ruler Global Outbreak to your Steam wishlist today:...
  11. See a full list of changes below, we're already working on more features and fixes for future updates.
  13. Update v.1303 Full Changelog
  15. Engine Changes
  16. Engine work to support future DLC features
  17. Game Speed fixed to auto start for tutorials
  18. Weather system is fixed. Let it snow!
  19. AI Responses updated for 'mobile unit' requests, a non-mobile (speed <20) will respond now if there are no mobile units available (WW1 tank issues)
  20. Colony independence now factors in world volatility, game difficulty, military strength of parent (Note: will never happen if volatility set to none, dip diff less than Normal, or independence desire of region is 0.0)
  21. Resolved MP Sync issue with Cancel all Espionage
  22. Fixed camera movement that would sometimes "jump" when zooming in/out
  23. Fixed crash when selecting techs from unit designs
  24. Fixed the application of tech buffs to happen after the sqr of attack/def values
  25. Fixes to the option of squareunitvalue, was incorrectly squaring ranges, should just be attack values.
  26. People will start to migrate to abandoned towns
  27. Guerrillas now spawn on kill like partisans do. So do Zombies (SR Global Outbreak only)
  28. Fixed "kill creates half strength unit" code to use build strength / 2
  29. Added support for otherplayer=zero as 'all' on a number of events (ie war)
  30. Spy "Idle" order is handled properly (used to prevent new missions)
  31. Adjusted importing of govtypes to do up to 32
  34. Content Fixes
  35. Various map fixes and updates
  36. Petroleum deposits added in Mediterranean sea south of Cyprus
  37. Greece-Cyprus relations updated
  38. Events for 2023 sandbox updated based on Mexican election results
  39. Fixed California population
  40. Fixes to Brazil known units, removed 2 units given in error
  41. Various tutorial fixes
  42. TurretRot value set for all boats (not subs). Boats fire in all directions
  43. Tech tree buff effect values corrected based on proper equation (0.4 is +40%, not x40%)
  44. Updates to equipment file
  45. Updates to the tech tree
  46. Updates to known techs/known designs for some regions
  47. Updates to some government types for ECOWAS nations
  48. WMData file updates to support progression through eras
  49. Fixes to Arena 6 map including minimap fix
  53. Graphics and UI fixes
  54. New visual effects for shot/damage/kill actions in combat
  55. Updates/fixes to some 3D models
  56. UI updates in Region Popup
  57. Fixes to UI for unit combat stats and attack range value reporting
  58. Fixes to minimap pulldown list positions
  59. Adjustments to how tech effect values are described in the UI
  60. Fixed region code names for region of origin of capitalized letters
  61. Adjusted size of "Capital" and "Colony" map indicators seen at high zoom.
  62. Fixed "Capital" map indicator to work again with the game's Sphere system
  63. Fixed incorrect message "spy pending" when "spy not available"
  64. Improved use of "repeat" icon in spy missions
  65. Fixed a potential UI crash
  68. Other Stuff
  69. Tech tree text updates
  70. Fixes to some news items and alert messages
  71. Translation updates
  72. NG North Atlantic Convoy message 1828 "zero" lost bug fixed
  73. Fixed .scenario file game difficulty settings was being ignored, was always on default
  74. Fixed some historical leader pictures