1. Knights of Honor II Patch Notes Game ver. 1.6.0
  3. Update Overview
  5. This is the fifth major update since the release of Knights of Honor II: Sovereign. With this update, we added more depth and features to the game’s Vassalage mechanics, allowing players to choose if their vassals should contribute to their war efforts, economy or books and faith income.
  6. This version also adds more modifiers to the Army Supply system, making it even more important for players to keep an eye on their armies’ situation. Running out of supplies now has a serious impact on your soldiers’ performance and can easily turn the tide in battle.
  8. Special thanks to everyone who tried this version during our public beta. Your feedback was invaluable, and we will certainly continue the public beta with the next version. Keep your eyes open for the next couple of weeks for our beta-announcement on Steam and Discord!
  9. Changes to Vassalage
  10. We added three special types of vassalage: Scutage, March and Sacred Land. Players can change the vassal type with a special option available to their king.
  12. Scutage:
  14. • Vassal is protected by its sovereign; the sovereign must aid it in all defensive wars
  15. • Sovereign receives +100% gold tribute
  16. • Vassal generates +100% gold from population
  17. • Vassal generates +3 gold in every village
  18. • Vassal has 10% cheaper building and upgrade cost
  20. March:
  22. • The vassal is sworn to aid the sovereign in all wars
  23. • Vassal pays no gold tribute
  24. • Vassal has +3% squad manpower for each keep (up to 10 keeps)
  26. Sacred Land:
  28. • Vassal pays no gold tribute
  29. • Vassal pays 20% book income
  30. • Vassal pays 20% piety income
  31. • Vassal develops skills and traditions 20% cheaper
  32. • Vassal generates +2 books in each Monastery/Mosque/Shrine
  33. • Vassal generates +2 piety in each Monastery/Mosque/Shrine
  35. The following changes affect all vassal types:
  37. • Vassals now ask their sovereign to support them whenever they are attacked. Refusing to help a vassal negatively impacts crown authority and opinions.
  38. • Newly created vassals now inherit their sovereign’s relations with other kingdoms
  39. • Players can now convert their vassals’ provinces to their own religion
  40. • AI is now more hesitant to attack vassals of a powerful sovereign
  41. • Increased gold produced by workers from 0.2 to 0.5
  42. • Increased gold produced by rebels from 0.1 to 0.2
  43. • Updated Books income tooltip
  44. • Updated Piety income tooltip
  45. • Decreased commerce upkeep by 50% when trading with a vassal
  46. • Reduced merchant character level bonus to base trade from 1 to 0.5 per level
  48. Changes to Army Supply System and Morale
  50. • Army movement speed decreased by -30% (was 15%) when the army runs out of supplies
  51. • Armies that run out of supplies now have a -75% penalty to archer salvos
  52. • Armies that run out of supplies now have a -50% penalty to cavalry attack
  53. • Increased out-of-supplies morale penalty from -5 to -12 for armies in foreign lands
  54. • Increased leadership morale bonus from 1/2/3 to 2/4/6
  55. • Increased bonus defense granted by high morale from 25% to 50%
  56. • Increased morale threshold that gives no bonus from 10 to 15
  57. • Added a defense penalty for armies with morale below 15. Max. penalty is 50%.
  58. • Increased the maximum flat defense bonus given by morale from 3 to 15
  59. • Added a siege weapon to mercenary armies including the necessary UI
  61. Misc
  63. • “Influence” now has a bigger impact on diplomatic decisions
  64. • Increased the max. influence modifier of diplomats from 20% to 30%
  65. • Changed criteria for AI to accept offered land from the province’s loyalty to its culture and increased the chance of the AI to accept the offer
  66. • Changed the Bug Report Window text to remove "Reports are automatically sent" (this was causing issues with players thinking they automatically sent the report)
  67. • Fixed a bug with knight actions causing 100% success chance if negative modifiers stacked too high
  68. • Fixed Papal States being able to form Italy