- Percy.Jackson.and.the.Olympians.S01E03.1080p.WEB.H264-BeautifulKeenSpanielOfFertility
- Percy.Jackson.and.the.Olympians.S01E03.1080p.WEB.H264-BeautifulKeenSpanielOfFertility
- Show: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
- Title: We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium
- Season: 1
- Episode: 3
- Size: 1969M
- Files: 11F
- Date: 2023-12-27
- Duration: 43 min 48 s
- Source: Web
- Encoding: H264
- Bitrate: 6 119 kb/s
- Audio Format: E-AC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus with Dolby Atmos)
- Audio Rate: 768 kb/s @ 6 channels
- Audio Lang: English
- Sub count: 23
- Subtitles: English / Chinese / Czech / Danish / Dutch / Spanish / Finnish / French / German / Greek / Hungarian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Spanish / Norwegian / Polish / Portuguese / Portuguese / Romanian / Slovak / Swedish / Turkish
- Summary:
- Percy is tasked with the quest to return Zeus stolen Master Bolt, to
- stop a war between the gods. Choosing Annabeth and Grover as his
- quest mates, they set off to retrieve it from the
- Underworld. Enemies derail their journey before its barely
- begun, and the three seek refuge from a stranger that could pose
- even more of a dangerous threat...