1. SunnySide Patch 7 Update
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  4. No idea what is updated!
  6. SunnySide Patch 6 Update
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  9. Animal Selling
  10. Thanks to your amazing feedback in the community polls channel on our Discord Server, we have now implemented Animal Selling! This is a whole new system that not only allows you to sell your unwanted animals, but it also uses a dedicated formula to calculate how much an animal will be worth based on their living conditions, happiness, and overall love meter.
  12. This change will make SunnySide’s Ranching systema lot more robust, and you can now even focus solely on that “career path” as your form of income in-game. Based on your choice in the Discord Community poll, the animal selling interface can be accessed through the Animal Companion app. Simply toggle Sell mode and the game will display an estimated value for the animal, which updates in real time. You can then set an animal to be sold, but you will have until the end of the day to cancel the process if you change your mind. The next day, animals which were set to be sold will disappear, their slots in a coop or sleeping spot will open, and you’ll see money in your pocket!
  14. New Crafting Recipes at the Crafting Table/Build Station
  15. We have added a number of new crafting recipes which can be found in the Crafting interface inside either the Crafting Table or Build Station. These items, some of which are level locked, will provide a more smooth and enjoyable experience especially for players at the later stages of their playthrough.
  17. We will continue to balance the requirements as well as work on potentially adding more ways for you to utilize the crafting system.
  19. New Storage Customizations
  20. We know storage and inventory management can be a big portion of the day-to-day loop in SunnySide, and we have seen how meticulous some of you are with your boxes of items! Honestly, it’s very impressive, and to give you all more tools to customize your storages we have implemented changing the color tag and icon of storages to make things easier to find at a glance.
  22. Simply open a storage interface, and inside you should be able to change the color and icon of the storage container. Keep in mind that this does not apply to the global cache, vendor drop points or cave caches, and only works for whatever storage you can build on your farm.
  24. Food Crafting Balancing
  25. We heard your feedback on the excessive amount of time foodcrafting can take. Before this update, the time for a food crafting recipe would be calculated based on the amount of output you select. So if a 1x Soy sauce would take 30 mins to be done, 4 of them would take 2 hours. We have changed how this calculation is done and it is no longer a one-to-one multiplier.
  27. We now use increments which means the time will only be multiplied once a threshold is reached. This, from the beta feedback, seems to be a much more preferred method of calculating the time and should allow you to do much more with less food crafting equipment in the same amount of time!
  29. Let’s take a look at what else the team has worked on this week:
  31. Farm Animals & Pets
  32. Animals no longer try to seek your attention when you're far away from them (in a different farm for example).
  33. Animal shearing and milking stations now only grab animals from the farm the player is at.
  35. Progression and Skill Tree
  36. Fixed an inconsistency with the amount of resources trees drop when cut, especially when used alongside its related skills.
  37. The skill "Farmer" should no longer affect the last stage of a crop, causing it to wither the next day.
  39. Shops and Vendors
  40. Fixed an issue to the vendors, where you could purchase more than 100 items if you exceeded the amount.
  41. Subsequently, to ensure an enjoyable experience for all post this fix, we've bumped the max item purchase to 300 items.
  42. You can now add 10, 100 or 300 items to your cart from a vendor's item list. This is currently only implemented for Items in vendor shops and we'll look into a similar solution for services in future updates.
  44. Phone and UI
  45. The currently tracked quest is now highlighted in the journal app.
  46. You can now untrack quests, this will also hide it from your HUD. Simply re-click on a tracked quest to toggle it off.
  47. The black phone screen after using certain apps such as SunnySeed should no longer appear.
  49. Caves
  50. Using an Ofuda in battle no longer removes all the instances of that card.
  52. Social System
  53. Fixed an issue with Lucy's dating cutscenes.
  54. "Tend the Animals" activity at Reed Estate hangout is now accessible during correct time of day.
  56. Build Mode
  57. Fixed an inconsistency with Build Mode where sometimes the rotations degrees would not persist between items.
  58. All buildable sittable surfaces such as chairs and sofas now correctly attach to the building they're built on when moving buildings around.
  59. When drawing paths or walls, if the path cannot be placed (if it exceeds the buildable area) instead of the game canceling the placement of the whole path/wall, it now gives you an error "Cannot place path/wall" without discarding your process of drawing.
  60. Time now pauses when using a food crafting machine.
  61. There are now pre-placed building stations on all farms besides farm 1. You can find each one inside the large open sheds and they need to be built.
  62. When loading a save, placed blueprints should now show up more reliably.
  64. Farming & Cooking
  65. Compost bins now give you the correct type of fertilizer.
  66. All unlocked food crafting recipes now appear in food crafting machines all the time, consistently.
  67. Food Crafting XP is more generous now.
  68. Fixed an incorrect stage length for Japonica.
  69. All crops now correctly fruit inside of a greenhouse regardless of season.
  70. Greenhouses should work a lot more reliably now.
  71. Simple syrup now acts as a sweetener in cooking recipes.
  73. General Bug Fixes & World Improvements
  74. Vehicles no longer continue to move when opening the Map App or Journal App through hotkeys M and J.
  75. The minimap will now dynamically zoom in and out as your speed changes. For example, when on a vehicle and going at high speed the mini map will zoom out to show you more of the map proportionate to your speed so you can navigate easier.
  77. Improved the performance when sleeping, the visible hitch when loading the sleep screen should no longer appear.
  78. You can now adjust the day length up to 60 mins instead of 30.
  79. Adjustments to the rendering pipeline, which should provide improvements to performance across different machines.
  80. Added a button to access the official community-run wiki in the Main Menu and Pause Menu.
  82. SunnySide Official Community-Run Wiki
  83. We have also added a link to the wiki in-game so you can access it easily in a pinch. If you’d like to get involved with the wiki, you can do so by joining our Discord community! Keep in mind that the wiki is purely community driven and while we endorse and support it however we can, it is not managed nor maintained by us.
  86. SunnySide Patch 5 Update
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  89. Farm Animals & Pets
  90. Animals should have an easier time accessing food/water stations.
  91. Reduced small animal water usage.
  92. Baby Swiss cows should now have the correct model and product and no longer turn into Jersey cows when growing.
  93. Horses can now only be added to “Horse Bed” when purchasing. Subsequently, no other animals can be added to the “Horse Bed” other than horses.
  94. Receiving the objective “Purchase a Horse from Riverside Ranch” now gives you the blueprint for a horse bed automatically. If you already have the objective, simply buy it from Hoshi Woodworks.
  95. If you have problems completing the objective “Purchase a Horse from Riverside Ranch” ensure that you are adding the horse to a “Horse Bed” after this update!
  97. Progression and Skill Tree
  98. The skill "Glinting Eye" should work properly now.
  99. The skill "Botanist" now appears a lot more smoothly and is less visually intrusive.
  100. Fixed empty requirements on a number of skills.
  101. Fixed the duplicate skill “Friendly III” and switched it to the correct “Friendly II”.
  103. Shops and Vendors
  104. Seasonal clothing shops and Debonaire should now sell the correct list of items.
  106. Phone and UI
  107. You can now back out of the Ofuda purchasing menu using a controller.
  108. The Omamori purchasing window should no longer get stuck on the screen occasionally.
  109. The minimap now works properly when on vehicles.
  110. You can now see the estimated value of a stack of items in certain inventories (storage boxes and player inventory for now).
  111. Added a "tidy up" button to storage in the game. This is the first step in our inventory management quality of life features we're working on. This button will remove empty spaces in storage and put the items close to each other. As inventory management in general is a hefty task it'll take us a bit longer to implement all the features we have planned, but we wanted to add this small feature for this update.
  113. Caves
  114. Ores should work a lot more reliably with the skill "Tungsten Arms".
  115. Fishing in Ice Caves is now fixed. This was happening due to the Rainbow Trout and Smelt missing their inventory item references. As a result, these two types of fish are also now acquirable.
  117. Social System
  118. Hanako and Blake duplicate removed from the Winter Decorations map.
  119. Yukio story spoiler:
  120. Fishing competition is now a lot more fair.
  121. Kyle should now be present during the fishing competition (during Town Birthday) after the competition has started. To submit your fish for the competition just talk to him at the fishing competition site.
  122. Fixed an incorrect string of dialogue for Mayumi, when if you invite her to a hangout and she suggests a location, it would instance display “MayumiMSG”.
  124. Buildmode
  125. When depositing items into a placed blueprint, the game now automatically grabs relevant items from your cache as well as your inventory.
  126. When placing down a blueprint, the requirements window now displays the amount in your cache as well as your inventory.
  127. The “Rotation Degrees” will now stay consistent when selecting different items to build with and no longer reset when selecting a new blueprint to place.
  128. You can now select and move animal sleeping spots that are placed on a ledge or are hovering in the air with ease.
  130. Farming & Cooking
  131. Greenhouses should all work properly in preserving crops now.
  132. Honeysuckle's leaves should no longer disappear during winter.
  133. Pickled Fiddlehead Fern recipe is fixed.
  134. Pickled Carrot recipe is fixed.
  135. Chicory is now an annual that dies in the winter.
  136. "Rice" cooking tag added to Short Grain and Long Grain Rice. (Malted Rice recipe should work now).
  137. Apple Pie, Chicory tea, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Peanut Butter Cookie Dough and Babka recipes fixed.
  138. Sesame Oil and Sunflower Oil recipes fixed in the Canning Machine.
  139. Walnuts can now be harvested properly.
  140. All nut icons now use the correct icon version without the bowl.
  142. General Bug Fixes & World Improvements
  143. Fixed a duplication bug with Cedar trees in the world.
  144. Fixed a rotation problem that caused farm trees to start leaning over the longer the player played. All farm trees should now be upright.
  145. Removed wreaths from Naka doors in winter.