1. Patch Notes 1.0.3
  3. Hello everyone!
  5. With patch 1.0.3, we are again working on fixing both bugs and adding lots of quality of Life (QoL). We hope that you will be able to enjoy the game even more.
  8. Multiple fix with NPC/Quest:
  9. Fixed Expo 67 stand not following its tile
  10. Unlocked Corriveau being stuck on the docks forever after The Expo67.
  11. Fixed inputs being lost for players when talking to customers that are supposed to go back to the boat
  12. Fixed the Devil disappearing again to the Shadow Realm. He should not disappear ever again.
  13. Fixed Blue Pigs not spawning on reload
  14. Added SFX to Blue Pig
  16. Shack and Build Mode:
  17. QoL : Added visual indication to stations and furnitures (arrows and x) so players better see what is the front of the station
  18. QoL : Made it so the beds can be interacted with from any angle to prevent softlocks
  19. Fixed bug on the grid that prevented placement in certain area or over repairable area
  20. Fix items not capable of being placed in corner when they are not squared
  21. Fairy Lights can now be open and closed like a real light
  22. Adjustments made to the indoor corridor to prevent baskets from getting stuck if a player throws it accidentally.
  24. Co-op Fixes:
  25. Fixed food not appearing on plates for client and host
  26. Fixed Basket replication so it properly display if it is open or closed
  27. Fixed UI that showed an Apple with Item Name on top of it
  29. Other Fixes/Changes:
  30. Fixed other vanishing items like evaporators, furnace, barrels, mixer.
  31. Fixed mailbox that wouldn’t show old letters
  32. QoL : Modified icon for Juices to be easier to recognize.
  33. QoL : There is a sparkle to indicate where is the broom in the cooking quest.
  34. QoL : It no longer takes 12 ovens to upgrade an 2* oven.
  35. QoL : Allowed placing Antoine's tile next to mineral tiles (was only rock before).
  36. Preventing trees from spawning under roads and other ground obstacles.
  37. Fixed achievement for upgrading all your tools to gold and harvesting veggies.
  38. Fixed buckets not being usable on reload
  39. Fixed typos and other localisation issues that were giving wrong instructions.
  40. Fixed tools being lost for non-host players when upgrading. Save game affected should have a default tool available.
  41. Fixed crash when a client owning a Fido disconnects
  42. Fixed price for maple syrup on table to give the base sell price + 5$ extra instead of just being 5$.
  44. Other small fixes and improvements.
  46. We are grateful for your support as we keep improving the game and continue to patch the game and add improvements, let us know what you think about them.
  48. Please let us know of any bugs you run into in our Discord!