1. Changelog v2.2.4.123130
  3. New Content
  5. Added various optimisations to voxel initialisation
  6. Voxel initialisation is now asynchronous - should reduce hitching when moving around level containing partially mined voxels
  7. Food and Water troughs now support 'allowlists' to only let certain NPCs interact with them, configure these lists by interacting with the deployed troughs
  8. Fixed issue where dog would sometimes just sit there barking at you, waiting for stick to be thrown, even though you'd already thrown it
  9. Added dynamic movement to dog tails
  10. Dogs should correctly turn to face you while waiting for you to throw the stick
  11. Fixed
  13. Update Mammoth Tusk item material to use bone hit effects instead of flesh
  14. Swapped added the bool stat to the mount to adding a modifier to the mount so theres a visual representation
  15. Update solo tree infobox to clarify that normal talents still apply when solo
  16. Add translatable string to solo tree inactive text
  17. Quick pass over talent placement to ensure consistent height / placement of benches and crafts
  18. Adding activate and deactivate audio for carts so the player knows when the state has been changed. Audio, event and replicated BP imp
  19. Add a check before the spawn location check to prevent autonomous spawns (Kea, Dreadwing, Drifters) from spawning if the player is within range of a spawn blocker
  20. Added Buffalo to Forest outposts
  21. Fixing single wall light trying to deploy the ceiling light instead
  22. Fixing single wall light on/off texture swaps as it was swapping out the wrong material slot
  23. Removed Item.Medicine from Medicine Bag (so it doesn't go inside itself)
  24. Added Any_Bag and Any_Backpack to sign icon options
  25. Fixed Deep Ore drills not scaling with their speed stat
  26. Updated drill UI to reflect area level scalling added recently
  27. Fixed chat box expanding with mount hp
  28. Fixed drop mesh for farming carts
  29. Fixed Seeding Cart icon
  30. Update Hyena Bait to require Gamey Meat instead of Fatty Tbone, so requires Antelope or Deer kills instead of Bears
  31. Fixed bug where cats and other animals would reset back to default colouring when retrieved from space
  32. Increase visible loadout slots and increased width of grid
  33. Added translatable strings to Orbital Exchange Interface
  34. Added extra functionality to water/food troughs to only allow creatures that have been whitelisted to interact
  35. Fix a guard condition when performing async voxel init
  36. Fixed new, consumption-related bug where AI combat behaviour wasn't being set correctly
  37. Added in extra logging to help track down issue with disappearing tames/mounts. Added validation to prevent instance of crash inside ProcessingComponent. Removed Styx_D_Escort debug sphere
  38. Changed the focused item to be the saddle youre sitting on along with its active state if it has an active state
  39. Scaled Dog_D down to 0.75x, adjusted locomotion set, adjusted max speed stat
  40. Removed editor-only flag check to fix build from failing
  41. Ensure no longer thrown for Mounts that haven't begun play yet
  42. Ensure no longer thrown for EditorPreviewActor mounts
  43. Removing Seeds 'grown by' stat so they can be stacked no matter what source they are obtained from
  44. Fixed stuttering movement on clients with Dog_C and D
  45. Resave crossbow workshop positioning
  46. Fixed bad movement setup on tamed Boar, resulting in significantly more movement speed than before
  47. Fixing Workshop Costs for the crossbows - the prices had not been balanced, the 2 earlier crossbows have had a dramatic price reduction, while the two later ones have been reorganised in the tree, one increased in price slightly and the other reduced
  48. TEMPEST: Fixed Stalker being named Striker
  49. Prevent placement of extractors on depleted exotic deposits
  50. Future Content
  52. Added stats for CHAC brand of workshop firearms
  53. Added text for CHAC rifle
  54. Adding Butchery and Advanced Butchery Bench
  55. Initial eagle setup checkin with base assets and anim bp, proper behavior tree to follow
  56. Added BLD_Railing_Thatch_Gate, BLD_Railing_Wood_INT_Gate, BLD_Railing_Reinforced_Wood_Gate, BLD_Railing_Iron_Gate, BLD_Railing_Concrete_Gate with animations
  57. Fix CHAC pistol muzzle flash position
  58. Slight resize and reposition of turret ammo indicator
  59. Turret player communications / visual pass: added light below the turret to signify ammo and target acquisition and added bars for ammo capacity to frame
  60. Fixed Pug fur not displaying correctly on NPC or Corpse. Reduced foot sliding in Pug AnimBP. Reduced Pug's default movement speed. Fixed Pug physics asset. Fixed Pug NPC using the wrong base class
  61. Fixed missing texture information on the bottom of the feet of the pug mesh, for both the regular and carcass textures
  62. Added 'Any_medicine' to the list of queries to put on the signs. Added item.medicine to the medical bag so it also counts as a medical item for sign use
  63. Basic Pass of Laika and Pug Item Setup
  64. Changed Terrenus to spawn based on the Bear spawn stat, this means they won't spawn on Easy Outposts and will have reduced spawn chance on easy difficulty missions/open world. This is a placeholder until new spawnstats are added
  65. Adding Pug Trophy
  66. Adding in base setup for Laika Assets, as well as harness model for future use, awaiting carcass textures
  67. Added functionality to the destroy button in hab loadouts
  68. Adding laika dog data table setup and adjustments to generic hand feed cre sound and updated correct feed water sound. Spacializer settings changes to pug and laika
  69. Added Laika corpse, more improvements to physics asset, cleaned up laika asset redirectors
  70. Improved Dog_D physics asset. Added asset validation for invalid NPC capsules
  71. Added 2 trophies for Laika as well as the carcass textures and materials on behalf of Marcos
  72. Adding Laika Trophies, Jumpsuit item icons, and recipes
  73. Added Laika harness and support for non-ridable tame equipment not inheriting from SeatBase
  74. Fixed Laika carcass name
  75. Small adjustment to laika and pug dog volumes of flinch and death
  76. Added new AnimBP for Dog_B
  77. Added extra movement to dog tails (some breeds more than others). Dogs will now wag their tails faster if they're looking at you
  78. Fixed issue where dog would sometimes just sit there barking at you, waiting for stick to be thrown, even though you'd already thrown it
  79. Added small amount of blended physics simulation to dog tails (and Laika's ears). Dogs should correctly turn to face you while waiting for you to throw the stick
  80. Adding Icons for Laika's Jumpsuit and adjusted recipe costs
  81. Feature locked new dog talents and recipes, pending future release