1. Devlog #07: Swordmaster Comprehensive Upgrade & Urgent Bug Fixes in New Release
  3. Key Updates
  4. Fixed several new multiplayer crashes to improve online stability.
  5. Fixed talent loss issues in "Infinite Dungeon" for "Demon Gunner," "Force Awakening," and "Gun in Booty" after loading saves.
  6. Fixed issue where unlocking achievements such as 'Apocalypse Party' and 'Breaker Games' for all characters using the skull was not functioning correctly.
  7. Addressed the problem of monsters having zero health after level 100 in "Infinite Dungeon."
  8. Introduced two new beers, "Divine Technique" and "Soul," in the tavern.
  9. Added a dragon with the "Dark" attribute.
  11. Bug Fixes
  12. Fixed an issue where the "Swordmaster - Skill 2" could not upgrade weapon quality.
  13. Addressed the malfunction of "Blacksmith - Skill 2."
  14. Resolved the issue in "Immortal Mode" where players could select duplicate talents that did not activate.
  15. Fixed the inoperative "Red Blessing: Recycling Plant."
  16. Hosts can now select "Immortal Mode" in multiplayer.
  17. In "Immortal Mode - Formless Buddha," only the host's UI was hidden.
  18. "Undead - Skill 2" did not work in "Immortal Mode - Night God Moon."
  19. The "Mary Sue" talent was negating the "Undead" buffs.
  21. Balance Adjustments
  22. The new character "Swordmaster" has been fully upgraded with his three skills’ weapons upgradable to three special orange weapons, including "Wandering Dragon."
  23. After upgrading to an orange weapon, the "Swordmaster" can automatically pick up nearby weapons during charge.
  24. Changed "Gravity" elite monsters to trigger intermittently.
  26. Other Adjustments
  27. "Immortal Mode" will no longer trigger cheat detection.
  28. Modified the text description for "Probability" beer.