1. The Performance Patch
  3. Hellooooooo Delusionites!
  5. Thank You to everyone who has continued playing, reviewing, streaming, talking about, and enjoying Dread Delusion. An additional thank you to everyone who's been reporting bugs in the forums or over in our discord!
  7. The team has been hard at work squashing bugs and making improvements to the game. Let's talk about it!
  11. Over the course of the game’s development and post-launch, the development team has worked towards optimizing Dread Delusion. Between the large-scale isles, bustling towns with eccentric characters, and hostile fauna, the game featured a wealth of content that made certain areas run less than stellar. With this latest update, you’ll find the Oneiric Isles to be a much smoother experience, performance-wise! We’re looking at a 30% increase across the board!
  15. Patch Notes:
  17. Performance:
  18. Merged meshes throughout the game, significantly improving CPU usage and fixing FPS drops when entering new regions.
  19. Adjusted lightning in the Underlands to increase performance.
  20. Tweaked how the game handles loading in The City of Progress region, improving performance.
  21. General Changes:
  22. Some music tracks have been changed (Some areas were using an incorrect track)
  23. Added visual feedback when the player fails a charm check with the Entice spell.
  24. Added visual feedback so the player can tell when a critical cast was performed while wearing the Ring of Spellcraft.
  25. Made several changes to some of the roaming NPCs outside of Sepulchre to help guide players and provide general information about the region.
  26. Removed the mention of alchemy refining in Hallowshire.
  27. A visual aid was added on Shipwreck Isle to help players dock their airships.
  28. Added in a system that would teleport the player back to the tutorial island if they somehow skipped it.
  29. Quest Bug Fixes:
  30. Fixed an issue causing quests to disappear from the player's journal.
  31. Fixed an issue during the "Whispers of Ghosts" that caused an important NPC to not spawn in the correct position.
  32. Fixed an issue where the player could not turn in a particular quest if the players had already stolen from.
  33. Made changes to the description in the "Madness of the King" quest to make it more clear what the player should be doing.
  34. Fixed an issue that prevented the player from turning in the "Damn Fine Tea" quest.
  35. Fixed an issue where the caretaker wouldn't leave after completing the quest in Thornwood Manor.
  36. Fixed an issue in the "Madness of the King" quest where the correct dialogue option was not showing up, preventing player progression.
  37. Fixed an issue during the "Missing Persons" quest where quitting out would permanently lock a door required for progression.
  38. Fixed an issue that was causing Lludd to spawn inside a mushroom during the "Secrets and Spores" quest.
  39. Fixed an issue where a key item wouldn't be removed from the players' inventory after turning in the "A Divine Captive" quest.
  40. Fixed a UI issue during the Lost Purse quest.
  41. General Bug Fixes:
  42. Fixed an issue causing a low-LOD model near the Lost City dungeon to remain loaded in, preventing player passage back.
  43. Fixed an issue causing the player to run through a staircase in the clockwork tower in Hallow Town.
  44. Fixed an issue causing the airship to dock improperly at Thornwood Manor.
  45. Fixed an issue that was causing items in a hidden cave in Hallowshire to disappear when approaching them.
  46. Fixed an issue where the player would get trapped on a railing in the
  47. Fixed an issue where enemies could pass through walls in the Sacred Shroom area if they were aggressive to the player.
  48. Fixed an issue that allowed the player to buy the airship more than once.
  49. Fixed an issue that prevented the player from using the Apostatic Union's bed in Hallow Town.
  50. Fixed an issue that prevented the player from interacting with the lore skull in the Lost Purse.
  51. Fixed an issue making invisible walls pop up after getting the airship.
  52. Fixed an issue causing the elevator in the Endless Isle mines to load in a weird position.
  53. Fixed an issue where the Emberian's name was displaying as ???.
  54. Fixed an issue where the Wikkan Faction Room was always accessible even if the player was considered disliked by the faction.
  55. Fixed an issue where players could purchase lockpicks beyond their inventory cap.
  56. Fixed an issue where thewould show up without a truth potion at Hallow Castle.
  57. Fixed an issue that was causing the Panoply of the Ancients achievement to not unlock.
  58. Fixed an issue that caused Emberian Ore not to stack.
  59. Fixed an issue causing certain traps to spawn under the floor geometry.
  60. Fixed an issue where the NPC Ezra Thornwood would repeat their dialogue.
  61. Fixed an issue causing a lore puzzle in Pwyll to drain all the players' mana.
  62. Fixed an issue that was causing a Deaths Veil resource to be inaccessible on a particular island.
  63. Fixed an issue where the river at the Thornwood Manor wouldn't animate.
  64. Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck on a stairwell in the Lost City of Progress.
  65. Fixed an issue causing an old spellbook description to run out of the text box.
  66. Fixed a gap in the geometry that would appear after helping the Entombed One.
  67. Fixed an issue that was causing Myghar's name to show up before he introduced himself.
  68. Fixed an animation issue with an NPC at the inn at Sepulchre
  69. Fixed an animation issue with an NPC in the Lost Purse.
  70. Fixed an issue where the player's reputation would increase instead of decrease when going against the Outlaws.
  71. Fixed a few dialogue issues in Pwyll that were causing NPCs to give the wrong location for quests and items.
  72. Fixed an NPCs dialogue in the Clockwork Kingdom where they mentioned a nonexistent poster.
  73. Fixed an issue where the background music would overlap with the  quest music.
  74. Fixed the Emberian Key description so it doesn't appear out of the text box.
  75. Fixed a texture issue causing the stairs under the High Confessor in Blinding Light to overlap.
  76. Fixed an issue causing the lore puzzle to soft-lock the game.
  77. Fixed an issue where the count for iron ore would not increase visually
  78. Fixed an issue causing the music to pause when the player leaves an area
  79. Fixed an issue that was causing the Golden Typos Music not to start playing.
  80. Fixed an issue causing a specific section in The Cradle to have no collision.
  81. Fixed an open mesh in The Cradle.
  82. Fixed an issue that was causing coffin details to load improperly.
  83. Fixed an issue that was causing a rock to despawn.
  84. Fixed an issue where a door on the Emberian Shipwreck flickered after the player opened it.
  85. Multiple fixes to word-related issues throughout the game (e.g typos)
  86. Multiple fixes to texture-related issues throughout the game
  87. Multiple fixes to object-related issues throughout the game (e.g floating props, objects clipping into one another, etc.)