1. Small Update v1.2.3
  3. Improved gun fire control, addressing remaining targeting issues. Now the guns should fire from both sides very effectively, while the fps performance during combat should be increased.
  4. Penetration mechanics further improvements and balance. The estimation should match more to the data of the penetration tables, but please note that the data is indicative and should not be granted as a norm during combat, due to the many variables involved.
  5. Alliance mechanics improvement so that an urgent alliance is formed against a common enemy, so that there are no more unstable, individual wars against a major alliance, which caused bugs in land battle and blockade mechanics. For example, previously Germany and Austria could have an alliance and Britain and France could fight against them but Britain and France were not in an alliance, creating many illogical happenings in the campaign. With this improvement, the alliance window in the upper left corner should always update promptly with the nations involved in a major war. This fix needs a new campaign to apply fully, and cannot repair issues of an ongoing campaign.
  6. Improved campaign mechanics so that nations will not dissolve so easily due to losing an amount of their home provinces and also the nations that reappear should now not disappear the next turn, if they have no port yet.
  7. Campaign's economy should now be more demanding after increasing ship maintenance.
  8. Fixed a bug that caused extra damage to ships after a battle.
  9. Fixed submarines over 3000 tons to not consistently work in the game interface.
  10. Various other minor fixes and improvements.