- Update v1.0.1.4:
- Improved HUB
- Updated community translated languages with the latest translations
- Update v1.0.1.3:
- Added hand craftable FICSMAS Data Cartridge recipes
- After unlocking a FICSMAS Data Cartridge in the Calendar, you will also receive a recipe to be able to craft them in the Workshop in case you happen to lose them
- Increased the ADA Gift pickup message chance to make up for them no longer repeating after playing once
- Added a scroll bar to the Server Options in the Server Manager to prevent the “Disable Seasonal Events†option from flowing out of the UI and displaying over the description text
- Updated community translated languages with the latest translations
- Update v1.0.1.2:
- ADA’s messages after picking up presents will now only play one time each
- Always show options that are marked as "Hidden in Game" or "Hidden in Main Menu" in Server Manager Server Options tab, regardless of whether the dedicated server has a save loaded or not.
- This allows for toggling options like “Disable Seasonal Events†on servers that are already running, Please note that this setting requires a server restart to take effect
- Updated community translated languages with the latest translations
- Update v1.0.1.1:
- Reverted the snapping changes when building on the sides of Pillars to allow free placement again
- Potential fix for a crash when replacing holograms with another (I.e. Replacing Pipe Hologram with a Hypertube)
- Fixed a crash when Upgrading Power Poles or splitting a Wire from a Power Pole or Wall Outlets
- UI
- Fixed incorrect title in Network Errors
- Updated community translated languages with the latest translations
- Updated credits
- Update v1.0.1.0:
- Copy pasting settings now works on Generators and Extractors
- Clearance Boxes (White Outlines) no longer show up for lightweight buildables (Foundations/Walls) which are built inside of a Blueprint designer
- Clearance Box for the Blueprint designer no longer shows if you’re building inside of it
- Fixed a crash related to Upscalers on lower spec GPUs when using FXAA (CompilePipelineStateTask::CompilePSO)
- This was the crash on startup that would require using -dx11 as a launch option for a workaround, using this command to avoid this crash should no longer be necessary
- Fixed a crash in Multiplayer when entering a vehicle with another player already inside of it
- Fixed Creature Spawners not being visible on Radar Towers
- Fixed Creature Spawners being loaded causing performance hitches
- Fixed build mode status carrying over when sampling in Multiplayer, meaning you would sample an entire blueprint when trying to only sample a part of it in some scenarios
- Fixed Customizer Quick Switch not working for Clients in Multiplayer
- Fixed a crash when a player attempts to pause the boombox music before being loaded in all the way. Also safeguarded against other input crashes with the boombox
- Fixed a Crash when there is a Failure to open Save game and blueprint files for reading
- Fixed white boxes appearing in the compass when Train Stations would be built from Blueprints in some scenarios
- Fixed Frame Windows not allowing other buildings to snap to them
- Fixed hard drives being voided from drop pods if they are left there and the game is saved and reloaded
- Fixed Wires not being upgradable
- Fixed issue where MK6 belts would sometimes not transport the proper amount as displayed in the UI and end up clogging
- Fixed crash on shutdown related to WWise
- Fixed performance issues in huge factories related to Wwise voice starvation
- Fixed Power Pole wire splitting dismantling highlight displaying for everyone, it should now only show for the player that is building the hologram
- Fixed a few places where the Ocean was clipping
- Tweaked the customizer logic for Conveyor belts and Pipelines
- Updated Physics of the Cables on the Constructor
- Optimizations to the Buildable Subsystem and Tick System
- Voice Chat Detection (Volume attenuation) is a new setting under Options > Audio
- This setting will reduce the game-volume when input from other applications or from your microphone is detected, full explanation is on the in-game tooltips in the options menu
- The following command line ini overrides are now allowed
- (-CustomConfig= and -ini[Section]:Value=)
- Fixed FFGDynamicStruct missing a NetSerializer
- Fix for Compass displaying labels in Right-To-Left languages as Left-To-Right
- Updated community translated languages with the latest translations
- Updated language completion rates
- The following languages are now partially translated by community, the percentage number represents how much is translated so far
- Thai – ภาษาไทย – 72%  
- Update v1.0.0.7:
- Fixed a crash related to Gas Pillar Clouds due to removal of Gas Pillars
- Update v1.0.0.6:
- Fixed so that items don’t respawn when loading save files created in
- Fixed issues where the customizer would incorrectly apply customization