1. Vault of the Void: Nightmare
  3. Hey folks -- the wait is over, Vault of the Void: Nightmare is finally here! Thank you all for your patience as we put this together, I hope the wait is worth it! Before I dive into the details, I wanted to give a quick thank you for all the support for the mobile release, and also all the people who helped out making this release smooth by playing on the Beta Branch. This was instrumental in helping us squash as many little bugs as possible before going live. However, as usual, we’re on standby here for the next 48 hours to hotfix any issues we find! So please, if anything shows up, let us know in the Forums or on Discord! Thank you so much!
  6. Whats New?
  7. The goal of Nightmare was to get a smattering of content across several areas of game play, including some stuff we had been wanting to address for some time! Nightmare includes:
  8. 12 new Cards
  9. 12 new Artifacts
  10. 9 new Spells, including specific Class Spells which can be obtained from the Spell Child!
  11. 5 new Encounters, including hallway fights, Elites, Guardians and even a new Vault Guardian!
  12. 3 new Challenge Coins
  13. 17 new Achievements
  14. Slight tweaks to some Starter Decks and Spells
  15. Full balance pass across many aspects of the game
  16. Numerous bug fixes and improvements
  18. A full list of all the changes will be at the bottom of this post, with specific bug fixes and balance notes included!
  21. Dawncaster Crossover!
  22. Alongside Nightmare comes our portion of the epic crossover between Dawncaster and Vault of the Void! Players from Dawncaster will have noticed the epic Vault of the Void card pack available in game. Players of Vault now have the chance of facing the mighty Corellion Solspear and his devout followers, an epic Elite fight found on Floor 2.
  24. If you haven’t heard about Dawncaster, its a deck building RPG with no microtransactions and frequent updates, available on both Android and iOS. You can join their Discord to learn more! The team over at Wanderlost Interactive have been amazing friends through both our development journeys, and were a massive help getting Vault of the Void, answering my many platform specific questions! We love being able to do this with them, and look forward to more epic content together in the future.
  27. Whats Next?
  28. Our major focus was getting a nice big content update out to celebrate the mobile release, and say thank you to all players for support so far. From here, our next major milestone will be Switch release, hoping by the end of the year. As we continue progressing this, work will be going in alongside on the 5th class. I’ll be sharing dev diaries and development progress as we go on that!
  32. Thats it from us here! Its been a hard working couple of months and as we approach the end of the year, we're excited about the few more things we're keen to check off! Thank you all so much for the support, and a huge thank you to anyone who took the time to leave a review or rating on any of our store fronts -- its a major help for us and some of the best marketing we have!
  36. Hope you all enjoy the patch -- until next time!
  38. All for now!
  39. - Josh
  42. Full Patch Notes
  43. New Content
  44. 12 new Cards
  45. 12 new Artifacts
  46. 9 new Spells
  47. 5 new Encounters
  48. 3 new Challenge Coins
  49. 17 new Achievements
  52. Balance -- Hidden
  53. Combo is now consumed when the card is played instead of after all card effects are resolved. This means Discard: Combo 1 can properly replenish Combo when playing a Swift card.
  54. Bleed Starter: Perforate (new card) now replaces For the Throat.
  55. Draw Blood: Deal 6 damage on upgrade, up from 4.
  56. For the Throat: Apply Bleed 7(10), up from 6(9), and can appear in card rewards
  57. First Blood: Deal 11(14) damage, down from 15(21), and apply 11(14) Bleed, up from 7(10).
  58. Thousand Cuts: Apply Bleed 15(20), up from 13(17).
  59. Open Up: Set Bleed to 20, up from 19.
  60. Bloody Hell: Apply Bleed 6(8), up from 5(7).
  61. Salt in the Wound: Grant 4 Silent Shivs, up from 3.
  62. Scatter Shot: Apply Bleed 5(7) to all enemies, up from 4(6).
  63. Unrelenting: Upgrade no longer gives +5 Damage but +1 Combo.
  64. Slick Strike: Deal 7(10) damage, down from 8(11).
  65. Light It Up: Deal 8(9) damage, down from 9(10).
  66. Blades Upon Blades: Deal 7(10) damage, down from 9(12), but generate 2 Hidden Blades each trigger, up from 1.
  69. Balance -- Other
  70. Spell Child expanded his book and now you can reroll for more spell selections, and the first spell before reroll is always one of the two new class specific spells.
  71. Void Stone progress now caps at 3200. Pick Praetorian Guard (2) + Void Blessed (3) instabilities might get you an extra void stone now.
  72. Lashing Kick (Enlightened Martial Starter Attack): Block 3(4) when not in Zen.
  73. Leverage (Enlightened Martial Starter Spell): Trigger Future Strike at end of this turn.
  74. Hooked Bo (Enlightened Uncommon Artifact): No longer require Fatigued enemy to apply +1 Slow.
  75. Clawed Chain (Enlightened Common Artifact): Deal 3 Future Strike, once, up from 2.
  76. Unholy Cleansing (Daughter Rare Buff): Deal damage equal to Soultithe, twice, up from once.
  77. Boiled Blood (Neutral Spell): Rage 100%, down from 125%.
  78. Wicked Worshipers Fight (Robed Cultist, Void Effigy, Robed Cultist): Reduce power of Void Effigy abilities.
  79. The Birth Pit Fight (Pinkie, The Birth Pit, Pinkie): +1 AP to Pinkies every 6 cards drawn, down from 10.
  81. Symbol of Despair: Apply Fear 1 and Attack with 1 Frenzy, instead of Apply Fear 2.
  82. Symbol of Nothingness: Apply Hex 1. No longer apply Haunted.
  85. QoL & Bug Fixes
  86. Map
  87. Huge refactor the underlying code of map. Most things should look the same – report a bug if you find something is different in a bad way!
  88. This fix should have addressed the softlock that occured occasionally on the map!
  89. Route Planner: now you can go back on each step if you want to try another route, instead of having to reset the entire route if you click a wrong tile.
  90. Can no longer cheat Fog of War using the minimap!
  93. Deck Manager
  94. Refactor the underlying code of deck manager. Things don’t look the same but it should look better in every way – provide feedback if you feel otherwise!
  95. Drag and drop to add cards to the deck!
  96. Cards in the deck are now larger. Card names should no longer cover Void Stones and they’re properly centered.
  97. Adding a card to deck or removing a card from deck now gets better animations with no screen flashes.
  98. Improved performance when socketing and removing void stones.
  99. Improved tutorials in Deck Manager.
  102. Misc
  103. Mobile will default to having Auto Zoom enabled, increasing readability
  104. Fixed a problem that prevents Community Reward Interactive Battlefield from showing in the battlefield list.
  105. Fixed a problem that prevents purge effects from scrolling to the bottom.
  106. Switched Hidden Blade and Silent Shiv card arts in Developer Support Pack.
  107. Fixed a problem where selecting a random spec in Introduction could random into Trickster and crash the game.
  108. Fixed a crash when you get ALL the void stones in the void stone progress. No, before the patch you seriously really cannot get them all without cheating, but we’re fixing this anyway.
  109. Fixed a problem where the run timer stops ticking when you open a deck viewer.
  110. Changed the text in Introduction to indicate there is no Introduction difficulty for classes other than Hidden.
  111. The Spell Book button now shows an alert icon when you have a new spell available.
  112. Add “Hold to End Turn” in the options. If you would like to check the Discard pile but accidentally clicked on the End Turn, this might be a safeguard.
  113. Added “Compact Enemy Frames” in the options for mobile/tablet players.
  114. Fixed a problem where enemies could show incorrect Death prediction when Shii and Fortitude are involved.
  115. Added missing sound effects when playing Swift cards and when generating Hidden Blades.