- v2.8.1 Patch Note
- *Optimized the lag issue when a large number of Adelvyn's summoned feline visages are present.
- *Adjusted the transformation logic for skin Fiendhunter.
- *Optimized skin Xylyth's idle animation in the lobby.
- *Bug fixes:
- -The M1894 Rifle bullets of skin Xylyth do not benefit from Projectile Size Enhancement soulboon.
- -Unable to filter power balls of Karmic Realm.
- -Hero becomes invincible when carrying Karmic Realm with the modifier that sacrifices followers to nullify the lethal damage.
- -Adelvyn's abyssal portals do not benefit from Damage Enhancement soulboon.
- -Commission tasks can be completed even without finishing Ashburn Revoir.