1. Quality-of-Life & Optimization Update v1.1 is here!
  3. Quality-of-Life features and fixes:
  4. When you hover over ingredients while browsing a merchant’s goods you now see the number of those ingredients in your inventory in the tooltip. Now you’ll know for sure when you are out of Poopshrooms!
  5. You can now create potions by pressing its picture in the Recipe Book (as you could do with the craft panel on the Alchemy Map). Quick brew and put on the scales in one move!
  6. You can now hover over the Effect icon on the Alchemy Map to see the name of that Effect. Now you’ll know for sure what that blue paw icon meant!
  7. Now you can see wrongly filled vessels on a Legendary Recipe even if those vessels are not used in this recipe. No more accidental poops instead of Nigredo!
  8. Improved controller/gamepad controls and UX. Also the controller support setting is now turned on by default. Especially useful for Steam Deck players and those who want to chillax while brewing some quality concoctions using gamepad!
  9. Touch is now supported. Now grinding and throwing stuff around can be even more fun on Steam Deck!
  10. Restored the ability to use Enter and Numlock Enter as a Spacebar alternative in the Haggling mini-game! It used to be there before, but something went wrong :)
  12. Optimization:
  13. General optimization. Everything should work better and faster!
  14. Higher FPS. No more slideshows – only a smooth and oddly satisfying experience!
  15. The game now uses much less memory. Now you probably won’t need to close all your browsers on a weak PC!
  16. Focusing/alt-tabbing the application won’t freeze the game anymore. Now the game refreshes the list of save files only when the Save/Load Menu is opened.
  17. Loading optimization. Game just loads faster and smoother. Simple as that.
  18. Application closing optimization. No more freezes and crashes when quitting the game!
  19. Lower hardware requirements. Tried the game before and it didn’t load? Try now – maybe now it’s playable for you!
  21. Bug fixes:
  22. Most game mechanics are now framerate independent. It means that everything will work the same on different hardware as originally intended.
  23. The Haggling mini-game speed is now framerate independent. Changing FPS to 30 won’t make it easier (sorry!), but it will now work the same for everyone.
  24. The potion indicator moving speed from stirring with the spoon is now framerate independent. There was a huge difference between different hardware (for some too slow, for some too fast), now it’s balanced for everyone! By the way – don’t forget to heat the coals before stirring for faster movement ;)
  25. Philosopher’s Salt rotates the potion indicator correctly regardless of pouring speed.
  26. Fixed a game-breaking error caused by switching pages in the Recipe Book.
  27. Controller support setting now shouldn’t break mouse controls when turned on. It’s now turned on by default, so if you encounter some strange mouse behavior, please let us know.
  28. Fixed the bug that allowed duplicating potions and ingredients by hovering over a slot in the Alchemy Machine with an item in hand and quick saving.
  29. Now creating Legendary Substances via Alchemy Machine unlocks corresponding achievements after the Machine finishes working (used to unlock on start). No more spoilers!
  30. Fixed an error that happened when a player created a very long path for a potion by using a large amount of ingredients.
  31. Gamepad – GUI element with price above the scales now selects only if it’s not hidden.
  32. Gamepad – sometimes the cursor selected invisible items from the inventory (when they were near the Recipe Book button).
  33. Gamepad – “Brew this recipe“ button deselects when RB or LB pressed.
  34. Fixed a game-breaking error that happened when going in the main menu while navigating between rooms.
  35. Fixed cursor twitching while navigating between rooms.
  36. Fixed the bug that prevented the game from loading for the first time in some rare cases (endless loading issue).
  37. And many other bug fixes.
  39. Other minor changes:
  40. Changed the versioning system for builds.
  41. Loading screen: added coloring for the “empty“ part of the loading circle.
  42. Updated colors and icons for additional potion quest requirements in the met state.
  43. Now the “Save recipe” button becomes active right after you click the “Continue brewing from here” button in the Recipe Book, allowing duplication of existing recipes. Can be useful in some rare cases.
  44. Long texts in the Main Menu don’t scale down anymore, and they look much better. Can be pretty long now!
  45. Added XP icon on the Tooltip while hovering Level Button.
  46. “Haggle” Button and “Start Haggling” Button texts now can use 2 lines if the text is long.
  47. Collecting Green bonus in Haggling Minigame now triggers fade animation of this bonus.
  48. Esc button now skips Night animation.
  49. Logs now have more useful info for debugging. Can be helpful if we need to dig into a particular issue to find a solution and/or release a hotfix.
  50. Redesigned error screen – it now contains more useful debug info. Can be helpful when helping players with particular issues and analyzing errors without sending logs.
  51. Added hourglass animation when closing the game to show that closing in progress (so you know that the game didn’t crash, it just needs some time)!
  52. Small UI fixes and tweaks.
  54. Screenshots of new QoL features:
  56. For those who played Potion Craft with mods:
  57. Please make sure to remove all mods before updating the game. If you’ve used any mods, the game can break, and we won’t be able to help with such problems. If you encounter any errors, please make sure you didn’t use any mods (even if it was once and a long time ago) before sending a bug report.
  59. What’s next:
  60. We are working on a substantial update, “Garden 2.0”, planned for release in 2024 (we don't have a specific release date yet, as it's still in deep development)! This update will introduce new rooms including a pond, a mushroom cave, and a crystal grotto. The update will also bring new garden mechanics and planting management, along with a new talent system and other exciting features!
  62. Here’s some devlogs about what’s in development:
  64. – Garden 2.0: New Plants System
  65. – Garden 2.0: Planting and Replanting
  66. – Garden 2.0: Potion of Wild Growth
  67. – Garden 2.0: Room for Growth
  68. – Garden 2.0: New Plants
  69. – Talents 2.0
  70. – And there will be more devlogs soon!