- New Content Update
- Hello,
- We are pleased to announce we have released a new update. There hadn't been an update in a short while due to taking a much-needed break, mainly due to burnout from work, IRL things, etc.
- Changes:
- -Added a new level theme: Harbor
- -Added an achievement for finding the new level
- -added a new entity
- -fixed a fatal bug where sometimes entities could not hit the player
- -added an achievement for killing the new entity
- -Fixed a bug where sometimes you would be unable to re-equip a weapon item if you spam unequip/equip keys
- -Fixed a bug where the poison buff icon still shows when dying to poison and starting a new game
- -Some optimization tweaks
- -Fixed some item names not being shown correctly when examining them on the floor
- -Added an option to delete saved files
- -Fixed a bug where the UI is disabled by default (setting) on the first time playing
- -Fixed a bug where the lantern appeared intensely bright
- -At least one vendor will always spawn on the safe levels
- -If you miss a shot with a crossbow at an enemy and hit a wall/floor/object, there is a high chance the bolt will not break and drop and you can go pick it up
- -Same applies above with the nailgun also, there is a high chance the nail can also be picked up
- -Updated changelogs are now shown in a box on the left side of the in-game menu as not everyone reads announcement posts
- -Changed start-up intro logo
- For the next update, we plan to add a new game mode that allows you to create a custom game where you can change game parameters (e.g, entity spawn rate, item spawn rate, etc).
- Be sure to join our discord to report bugs, leave suggestions, and more!
- Cheers