1. The Progression Update is released!
  3. Here we are - v2.7.0 is now live on the main branch! Concurrently, the game is now on sale to celebrate!
  4. Please note there are minor save compatibility issues (no crashes expected). If needed, you can access v2.6.3 via the Steam beta branch.
  6. The Progression update focuses on the two main forms of progression in the game: The maps and the heroes. This is a really large update, perhaps even larger than the v2.6 Great War update. Not only that, I believe this might be the best update the game has seen since v1.4. It changes so much of how the game is played in the direction of there being much more to explore - whether we are talking literally about map exploration or figuratively about exploring the various avenues of hero skill synergies.
  8. The headlines of the update are as follows:
  10. New, more compact maps with height differences, win conditions, and an open number of player slots
  11. New skill system sorting skills into categories and adding 120+ new subskills
  12. New units, new spells, new adventure map buildings, new art upgrades
  13. Various QoL improvements and balance changes
  14. ~70 bug fixes
  17. If you want a development log about what’s changed and some thoughts about why, you can go check out the previous announcement - or you can see the short form of the patch notes below.
  19. It’s been a long development process stretching across 23 pre-releases, and I want to thank everyone who played and gave feedback on the features as they were being worked on. It is thanks to them that we now all can enjoy this wonderful update. Oh, and thanks to the wonderful community artists who submitted ideas and designs for the various community art updates.
  21. Now that v2.7.0 is out, I can start working on v2.8. I’m doing my best to make sure the next update will be a lot smaller than the last two updates, both of which have been much too big.
  28. Map generation completely overhauled
  29. All maps have been replaced. Some new maps share name or shape with old maps
  30. New UI for setting up games
  31. 5 new win conditions for some maps (incl. 5 new buildings)
  32. New system for creating templates for the random map generator
  33. Resource piles now have different levels of wealth depending on what part of the map they spawn on
  34. Maps now generate with cliffs
  35. Two new terrains: Gold Beach and Dreamscape
  36. New large terrain art assets for all terrains
  42. The game now uses Skillsets instead of Skilltrees for hero progression by default
  43. Sorted all current skills into 47 major skills and the rest into subskills
  44. Reworked the following skills: Tactics (now called Strategist), Champion, Aeromancy, Swiftness (now called Wind Pace), Weightless Soul (now called Wing Master), Fortune, Terramancy, Heavy Soul (now called Stone Heart), Enchanting, Swordsmith, Armorsmith (now called Shieldsmith), Pyromancy, Leadership, Armorer, Hydromancy, Offense, Mysticism, Summoning, Avatar, Engineering, Wisdom, Demoralise (now called Horror), Tragedy, Mastery, Scouting
  45. Added 2 new major skills: Carnage, Faith
  46. Added 54 new general subskills: Affinity, Gambler's Wheel, Inspiration, Lucky Star, Grave Guard, Life From Death, Demonic Reduction, Demoncaller, Possession Cataclysm, Fireleaper, Inferno, Heroism, March Onwards, Persistence, Plating, Lifelink, Aggression, Manalife, Underdog, Grand Physician, Vigour, Belch, Digest, Spit, Betrayal, Survival, Stormbringer, Luckyguards, Life Aether, Jewelsmith, Mana Drain, Demon Blood, Rainstorm, Sapper, Swallow, Conversion, Elite Guard, Brawn, Skepticism, One on One, Dragonform, Guard of None, Dragonslaying, Prism, Customisation, Whimsy, Productivity, Nobility, Forceful Strike, Cult of Muscle, Gold Teeth, Putrid Air, Undying
  47. Added 36 new faction subskills: Salary, Royal Tribute, Old Mirth, Elven Artillery, Lunar Rites, March of Nature, Mage General, Spire Attunement, Scholar, Coil of the Dead, Frost Lich, Turn Living, Ritual of Power, Venomus Demonicus, Great Feast, Sandcaster, Hero's Horde, Ritual of Flesh, Swamp Silver, Bog Witching, Scale Lord, Doppelganger, Tunnel, Dragon Whisperer, Ways of the Sea, Pearl Crown, Fire Dance, Gold Digger, Carve Guards, Earthen Eternity, Uphold Tradition, Serene Meditation, Tea Master, Umsql, Cult Recruiter, Romance
  48. Added 23 new skills for Rogue Realms: Chemistry as a new major skill, and 22 subskills: Mana Crystals, Buying Life, Golden Blood, Dragonskin, Bestial Fury, Life summoner, Rootcaller, Questing, Analysis, Test the Flesh, Research, Midlife Crisis, Spore Spreading, Budding, Neurotoxin, Mychoral Guard, Artillery, Mechpriest, Inspiring Drum, Energetic Jam, Peace Binding, Province Guards
  49. Moved several subskills from Rogue Realms exclusivity to be part of the base game; of the old Rogue Realms exclusive subskills, only Call Beasts, Chemistry, Infest, Tinker, Lovely Tune, Exploitation and Crystal Assembly remains locked to Rogue Realms
  50. Designed new skillsets for all heroes
  51. Changed which skills and subskills heroes start with
  52. Changed, on a skill to skill basis, how many ranks a hero can learn, and what requirements exist for the skill
  53. Added 64 new spells for the new skills
  57. 12 new units added: The Blood Golem, Medician, Mercenary, Nighthowler, Herculean, Terraformed, Questing Raffe, Aether Witch, Vulpella, Life Reaper, Blood Aspirant, Rune Beacon
  58. 15 new adventure map buildings added to the game
  59. Sea towns have been added as a special type of Brine town for players owning Rogue Realms DLC
  60. Added 6 new spells: Nightmare, Dream, Slumber, Detonate, Reap, Root
  61. Hand Designed Skirmishes - these were previously randomly generated
  65. Improved default boat during naval combat
  66. Divine Vessel spell now creates a unique boat with unique overworld and in-battle graphics
  67. Lizardfolk heroes now create Turtles instead of Boats at the docks. These have a unique overworld and in-battle graphic
  68. Most factions get unique new walls during sieges (by DeadSaracen)
  69. All factions get a new unique look for their first aid station warmachine (by SleepyMage)
  70. Updated art for Crusader, Paladin, Bloodsucker, Firestinger, Corruptor, Boneliath (by DeadSaracen)
  71. Updated art for Enclave units by AntRose
  72. Implementing 2 minor graphical updates + 1 overhaul to the pheromones subskills (drawn by AntRose)
  76. All hero classes now get a unique silhouette for their artifact equipment screen
  77. Guardposts made by Mason now are guaranteed to give their units to the hero defending them when attacked, instead of there being a chance for the enemy to attack the guardpost but not the hero, or a guarantee for this to happen if the hero was uncamped
  78. Bodyguards/entourage losses are now calculated differently and more accurately
  79. Now all types of entourage units regenerate at 15% each day
  80. Week of X unit can no longer roll into technical units such as gods
  81. General artifact set and Champion Statue now give +1 Entourage instead of the Bodyguards skill
  82. Entourage time scaling now limits entourage units during early game for longer
  83. Rogue Statue now gives +3 daily movement instead of the Logistics skill
  84. FOW can now be cleared to the very edge of the map
  85. More player colours
  86. Units with damage reduction now show small glimmers during battle
  87. Lorane now starts with Nighthowlers
  88. Obelisk visions now look different
  89. Tide now starts on Gold Beach terrain, and Delirium starts on Dreamscape terrain
  90. Reduced the frequency of Death Coil killing huge amounts of units by increasing the damage dropoff per jump
  91. Hex and Toadify spells are now Water-school instead of Earth
  92. You can now see what a unit will bloodwarp into by holding B while looking at an expanded unit tooltip
  93. Transformation from Apothecary no longer clears curse of undeath from Malediction or Bane
  94. Air Shield now stacks with units that already had Ethereal, and stacks with itself when cast multiple times
  95. New sprites for the following artifacts: Mesmer's Wall, Batal's Gloves, Ruby Band, Ring of Power, Conjurer's Cape, Champion Banner
  96. Reduced the amount of Firepower/Waterpower/Airpower/Earthpower given by artifacts to 1/10th, to match the new spellpower mechanics
  97. Changed the effect of some artifacts to no longer give +1 skill point, but instead to use proficiency/entourage/command
  98. - Mesmer's Eye
  99. - Rabbit's Feet (daily gold income)
  100. - Tusk's Immortality
  101. - Rogue Trousers
  102. - Bluepearl Ring
  103. - Locket of Death
  104. Removed Learning from a series of artifacts and replaced it with an Experience rate bonus. These are nerfs
  105. - Ring of Victory
  106. - Regal Tunic
  107. - Pompous Crown
  108. - Artisan Helmet
  109. - Tusk's Helmet
  110. - Mandel's Gem
  111. Special artifact bonuses such as "Shadowbetrayal", "Grizzly Guard" and "Unit Speed" will now show up in the UI as skills and will now have tooltips explaining their effects
  112. Most units have had their living status sorted into more accurate categories (undead, human, draconic etc), and you can now see a unit's living status in its tooltip
  113. Heroes now have a per-hero setting for living status
  114. Some new living status categories have minor buffs or debuffs, such as Plants taking double damage from the burning status
  115. Improved various aspects of the Manage Heroes screen
  116. Warmachines now show tooltips when you hover your mouse over them during combat
  117. Tailtoads and Snowbeards now have their damage scale correctly and display correctly
  118. Infernal Gate is now weaker for armies with very few units (less than 100 unit power)
  119. Units that transform still retain proficiency bonus; this includes Lacks
  120. AI now prioritises fighting an enemy hero head on over teleporting home to defend their town from that same threat
  121. AI now prioritises developing and defending their strongest towns first, and will no longer become confused when two towns close by each-other both are threatened
  122. Higher levels of AI now prioritise hiring two heroes immediately when the tavern is bought
  123. Projectile Protection now also reduces ranged attack damage by 25% and is now named Deflection
  124. Fighter hero classes now gain Knowledge slightly faster
  125. Extended the differences between Mob Strength: Low and Mob Strength: High advanced map setting
  126. When hovering over the hero's movement bar in the HUD, the number of tiles in the current path is shown on the map
  127. Forts and Citadels that require more creature dwellings to build now also show other requirements in their tooltips.
  128. Changed the depth at which the Devour text is drawn, to be drawn on top of instead of underneath blood particles
  129. Made the resources given by Buried Treasure more controlled; now a certain number of piles will always give gold and a certain number of piles will always give rare resources
  130. Reduced the power of Buried Treasure for starting areas for small maps
  131. Amount of resources, amount of artifacts, and power of artifacts given by roaming heroes now scale with their level
  132. In battles where you gain more unit power than lost, the game will no longer phrase it as losing a negative number
  133. Oligarchy now affects entourage units
  134. Rewrote the tooltip for Statue of Physique to explain that heroes need to know Might or Ardour to be affected
  135. Updated the Elemental Crystal spell in Sample Mods to now use the new, more straightforward mod functionality for summoning spells
  136. Prevented the AI from casting Swift Retreat randomly during battles
  137. Updated the text in the window that explains army limit size
  138. Extended "Force Symmetry" to also guarantee same results when opening chests
  139. Extended "Force Symmetry" to also guarantee placing the same artifacts
  140. Reduced the variability of undead units by half, tieing the outcomes to specific heroes
  141. Heroes who specialise in undead units now have a significantly higher chance of creating those undead units
  142. The Idol unit will no longer become converted by Blight Ritual
  143. Updated lists of faction units for Custom Skirmish to include v2.6 and v2.7 extra-faction units
  144. Improved the tooltip for towns; the size of the small buttons, and the area for the cursor within which the tooltip will stay active
  145. Increased the Command of structures that use a lot of unit power, such as the Arena (by +1 command for each 25k gold worth of units)
  146. All Units list in Lexicon can now search for unit names or ability names
  147. All Units list in Lexicon can now filter for unit tiers
  148. Adjusted distance that AI is able to find buried treasure, making it more dependent on number of clues that they have found
  149. AI heroes now keep track of cooldown for individual spells during combat, increasing the time between casting the same spell twice
  150. Made it possible to right click units into and out of unit conversion buildings
  151. Changed how gold cost of Training Grounds is displayed
  152. Added Wildren Shrine to Wild's lexicon page
  153. Combat will now end faster when fighting Betrayal units that are out of health
  154. The mana display on the HUD now more accurately shows mana pct when you have between 0-20% mana
  155. Adjusted the number of units summoned by summoning spells to scale more accurately, incl. a lower number of units for low spellpower, incl. fewer units summoned by a single unit casting a summoning spell
  156. Blight Ritual will no longer convert your hero's specialty unit if the hero has the Mastery skill
  157. Reduced occurrence rates of unlockable heroes to 1/3rd of main heroes
  158. Inner Health can no longer be cast on Undead units
  159. Increased the stats of catapults that are used during defense
  160. Added a description of heroes specialisation unit and starting spells to map selection and lexicon
  164. Siren Song has been made more powerful, its effect increased by 25%
  165. Changed how fear works, making it less likely to affect high power units
  166. Added fear resistance. Each time a unit is terrified, the duration of its next fear becomes shorter
  167. The fear from Wail is now strongly reduced by fear resistance
  168. Morale now additionally shortens / lengthens duration of fear
  169. Halved the rate at which Tailtoads inflict freeze
  170. Increased the attack cooldown of Psychotrophs, Sludge Spitter and Absurdum units
  171. Fireflies burst damage now reflects their attack damage
  172. Increased Fireflies' attack damage by 50%
  173. Reduced Betrayal proc chance from 100% to 100% for player owned and 80% for neutral owned
  174. Gilded Pearlshells now have a slightly lower proc chance for both Petrification and Midas Touch
  175. Incinerate now deals 150% damage to burning units instead of 200%
  176. Buffed stats of following units: Dragonworm, Farmer, Child of Midas, Hound Dog, Hound Tamer, Imp, Glutton, Anima, Forest Spirit, Militia, Halberdier, Spawnling, Deckmate, Soulmage, Lich
  177. Nerfed stats / increased cost of following units: Slickspitter, Sneagle, Malcorvid, Infernal, Hellgoat, Sorcerer, Psychotroph, Sludge Spitter, Absurdum, Kroll Bowman, Freshling, Songblade
  178. Halved the power of Entourage so it now works like its description and how it was meant to work
  179. Entourage can no longer give more units than the total power of all your real units on all your heroes and towns
  180. Reduced the xp cost of summoning demons to 1/3rd of what it is
  181. Demonology now summons slightly more demons early in the game and slightly fewer units later in the game
  182. Reduced the mana cost of Necromancy by 1 mana
  183. Reduced the scaling of Necromancy with number of enemy units by 20%, but increased its base strength (same change as what happened with Demonology)
  184. Reduced the AOE of Freshling attacks
  185. Increased the base health and damage of Shadowcasting and Shadowcloning copies, making these skills less reliant on several ranks
  186. Number of Boneguards created by a Bane hero now scales with their level: Number = hero level + 6 * bane rank
  187. Taxpayer unit ability now gives +5 gold per power instead of +2 gold per power
  188. Increased health of Ophidians, Monster Trogs and Hollow Champions
  189. Increased health and damage of Corpseeaters, and health of unupgraded Zombies
  190. Removed high level summoning spells from the list of spells that can be cast by Release
  191. Reduced the proc rate of release slightly for Amberodes (from 20% to 17.5%)
  192. Reduced the duration of Insensate for units not owned by any players to 75%
  193. Buffed Goblin health by +5 and Voodoo health by +3
  194. Gave leap units a very short immunity time after landing from a leap
  195. Reduced the power of Possession from units that do not belong to any player by 33%
  196. Infirmaries are now able to heal any unit that can be hired in town, even if those units are not faction units
  197. Nerfed the cost and thus difficulty estimation of Wildren unit
  198. Increased Slickspitter cost; decreased Slickspitter growth
  199. Increased Venom Darter cost
  200. Increased Agony Beetle cost
  201. Neutral Roaming heroes now either have half mana, or 30 + one quarter of their mana, whichever is lower
  202. Reduced the damage of Cannonneers manning the turrets of Tide walls for neutral encounters
  203. Reduced number of Cannonneers manning the turrets of Tide walls from 3 to 2
  204. Greatly increased Health and Damage of Sorcerers
  205. Halved the duration of the immunity given by Swift Retreat
  206. Changed summoned/miraged units with Midas Touch turning into golden statues to now just leave normal corpses to fix an unintended gold gain
  207. Warding now protects against Comet Strikes
  208. Projectile protection and range reduction now works against Arrow Rain
  209. Avatar now scales off the average of the mana cost of the spell and the actual mana spent on the spell; this reduces the number of units created up to by 50% in case all of the spell's mana cost is paid by Buffer or similar mechanics
  210. Limited the effect of gold stacks spawned by battle turning into Artifacts to only happen via Hunter or Plunder
  211. Reduced number of Runescribes manning the walls of neutral Earthen combat encounters
  212. Flying units that do not belong to any player now can only use their pick-up-and-kill ability on units with 25% less health than before
  213. Fixed low rank units turning into Wretched units when turned into undead despite weaker options being available
  214. Nerfed amount of Soul power gained from combat to be more flat, closer to 20 per combat
  215. Improved Dragon Temple's rate of upgrading dragons by 4x
  216. Dragon Temple can now upgrade summoned dragons and entourage dragons, but only for the duration of that battle
  217. Warding now protects against Comet Strikes
  218. Projectile protection and range reduction now works against Arrow Rain
  219. Changed the way that Summoning spells scale with spellpower, unit cost, etc. Overall, they are now a bit weaker but scale better lategame
  220. Nerfed the secondary effect of the Hunting skill (giving artifacts when fighting beasts that did not come from Hidden Beasts)
  221. Increased the time to attack for Ranged units with Wind-up, more accurately halving their attack speed
  222. Reduced damage of Cultists and Spiritists
  223. Increased Venom proc chance for low tier units, mostly affecting Cultists, Spiritists and Venom Darters
  224. Reduced number of Grey Boys on avatars slightly for avatars after the first
  225. Forbidden Tome can now at most give +10 knowledge
  226. Units that summon units summon fewer units (see "Minor Changes: Adjusted the number of units summoned by summonings spells to scale more accurately")
  227. Doubled the resources given by Commercial Centre town perk
  229. MODDING
  231. You may now specify unique targets for bloodwarping and other similar effects when doing unit mods by adding in a new line called "Elite Target: Nameofunit"
  232. Heroes can now have their living status set
  233. Global variables can now be read and changed by prefacing a variable with an @ instead of using the global_read() and global_set() functions
  234. New function to make heroes unavailable by conventional means, allowing creation of special heroes
  235. Complete overhaul of skill modding
  236. New modding custom scripting functions:
  237. - find_object_index(name)
  238. - find_sprite_index(name)
  239. - add_sprite(filename,number_of_frames,x_origin,y_origin)
  240. - draw_sprite(sprite_index, image_index, x, y, x_scale, y_scale)
  241. - draw_sprite_outline(sprite_index, image_index, x, y, x_scale, y_scale)
  242. Two new functionalities:
  243. - put @ before the variable name in variable_exists() to check if the named global variable exists
  244. - array_create() and list_create() can now take any number of arguments to instantly put inside the list/array
  245. Technical unit groups for the various factions now get generated BEFORE mods are loaded, allowing you to use these groups with mods
  246. Implemented support for replacing unit sprites along with the new Unit Edit format
  247. Implemented support for replacing unit sprites without using a Unit Edit data.txt file
  249. BUG FIXES
  251. Reduced the hard disc use when showing the battle menu
  252. Docks building will no longer show up in the middle of battlefields when fighting near a docks
  253. Heroes who gain knowledge when leveling up also gain the +10 to current mana
  254. Fixed rooted units still being able to use Charge
  255. Removed the graphical effect of True Strike (archery bonus) on Blaster attacks hitting own units
  256. AI will no longer use Devour Own indiscriminately in fights against the player
  257. Fixed a bug that might make the AI pay for a hero without getting them
  258. Fixed AI not prioritising tavern for players with Rogue Realms installed
  259. Fixed autobattle spellcasting simulations sometimes making a battle a loss that was a win before the spell simulation
  260. Fixed Paradisic Meadow showing +1 bonus while giving a +2 bonus
  261. Casting Chaos while in a naval battle will no longer scatter units into the water
  262. Fixed a bug that made unlockable heroes have different town building layouts than other heroes
  263. Fixed a bug that made Mercury Boosts draw half souls instead of full ones
  264. Fixed Hydra Heralds not triggering correctly if dying in a battle that an enemy initiated
  265. Fixed several other post-battle effects not triggering correctly when battle was initiated by an enemy
  266. The daily ore income from Carver Stalls now is displayed correctly
  267. Setting all players to be on the same team will no longer trigger any achievements
  268. Taming now works correctly after autocombat
  269. Fixed High Unit Growth advanced map setting quadrupling unit growth instead of just doubling it
  270. Fixed a bug that would sometimes leave roaming heroes stuck on treasure
  271. Fixed Swift Retreat giving immunity when used by an AI that wouldn't use it to retreat
  272. Heroes with Infest can now interact with buildings that have already been visited specifically to Infest them
  273. Fixed Buried Treasure giving 2x as much sulphur as other rare resources
  274. Made sure that the Watering Well unit growth now rounds down when at 0.5 instead of sometimes rounding up and sometimes rounding down
  275. Fixed a bug that made units with leap underestimate or overestimate how far to charge / leap, especially when dealing with units with taunt
  276. Fixed Potency spells showing up in the Spellbook special spells tab
  277. Fixed a bug that allowed Shadowlocked or Petrified units to leave the battlefield in rare scenarios
  278. Fixed a rare bug crashing the game on the Last Week map
  279. Fixed a bug that would sometimes end a battle before a unit with Splitting or Potent Soul could use its on-death ability if that unit were the last unit fighting on its side of the battle
  280. Fixed flying units not scaling the walls even when permitted to or when the walls were breached
  281. Fixed Soul Beacon mercury boosting showing a different amount of units than what is actually given
  282. Fixed a bug that made the resource lost pop-up animation not show the number -1
  283. Fixed a bug that would crash the game when Haste was offered in a scroll or pandora
  284. Fixed a bug related to Pearl-searching particles being spawned off screen and piling up
  285. Chaos unit ability can no longer teleport units from boats into the water
  286. Fixed an exploit where you could force the Batal artifact set bonus to always proc by just not clicking the level-up button on your hero
  287. Fixed Soul Beacon not triggering each day in Hotseat PvP games and for the AI
  288. Fixed the tooltip for Pheromones spell stating that the spell deals damage when it in fact does not
  289. Fixed new Unit Edit files not correctly desyncing abilities from base unit and upgraded unit
  290. Fixed the Rogue artifact set bonus shadow heroes not syncing caster/fighter abilities
  291. Fixed a bug that would crash the game when Haste was offered in a scroll or pandora
  292. Fixed a bug related to Pearl-searching particles being spawned off screen and piling up
  293. Changed summoned/miraged units with Midas Touch turning into golden statues to now just leave normal corpses to fix an unintended gold gain
  294. Fixed Soul Beacon mercury boosting showing a different amount of units than what is actually given
  295. Fixed a bug that made the resource lost pop-up animation not show the number -1
  296. Fixed being able to dig for buried treasure while your hero is mid-movement, which would mess up the revealed treasure
  297. Fixed a graphical error in the Carcass sprite
  298. Fixed Academy being able to give lessons to avatars, which wouldn't do anything
  299. Fixed typo in description of Second Wind and Chaos spells (batte instead of battle)
  300. Fixed Diplomacy not combining separate stacks of identical units into a single stack
  301. Fixed some UI overlap issues with the hero window
  302. Fixed a bug that sometimes would have combat end before all units had deployed if enough units were killed at once
  303. Fixed casting Transform on low tier units making the game lag and eventually turn them into random, higher-power units
  304. Fixed Resurrection prioritising non-permanent units instead of prioritising permanent units
  305. Fixed a bug that would make summoned units that had been hexed able to be resurrected into permanent units
  306. Fixed a bug that meant that Balistas firing very far would deal no damage
  307. Units can no longer drown in naval combat if they are victorious
  308. Fixed a bug where certain buff spells could be repelled by Warding
  309. Fixed a bug where certain v2.6 units were not considered technical units when playing without Rogue Realms
  310. Fixed Entourage units not being considered when the AI is deciding to flee
  311. Fixed Necromancy not giving mana to avatars when using the Drain option
  312. Fixed the daily gold income of Exarch set bonus not being displayed in the gold income tooltip
  313. Fixed Wildren Shrine and Loss Shrine not being translated correctly
  314. Fixed a bug that made Forbidden Tome give one more knowledge than the number of spells you knew
  315. Made sure mana regen is described as an integer in the tooltip for Knowledge even when the hero has the Regeneration skill
  316. Fixed Lieutenant Hall not giving the same hero as what is displayed in the UI
  317. Fixed a bug that would allow you to duplicate Delirium heroes
  318. Fixed an occasional crash when the AI was trying to protect a town they'd town-portaled to
  319. Fixed a bug with the save file compression algorithm that would prevent the final 1-128 values not be recorded when compressing a grid
  320. Fixed certain combat encounters having no command (such as catapults) - now 1 command is minimum in all cases