1. Update notes (14.06.2024) - the Steam Deck update
  3. Another batch of bug fixes and improvements is here! We recently got our hands on a Steam Deck and we have been testing and improving the play experience on the device.
  5. Collaboration with UNIKAT
  6. Added UNIKAT label as co-publisher to Steam page. UNIKAT is a collection of independent, unique, and minimal games. It's brand new venture from Michal Napora who has helped us in marketing. No changes to relationship, we will still operate as an indie company.
  8. General changes
  9. Added graphical presets dropdown to settings menu
  10. Fixed a bug where chapter 6 autosave would not get deleted when finishing the chapter
  11. Adjusted glass material
  12. Updated localizations
  13. Changed controller trigger inputs from sprint action to camera zoom in/out actions
  14. Added camera look sensitivity multiplier to zoom action. Zooming in reduces the look sensitivity linearly depending on the level of zoom.
  15. Fixed a bug where settings menu dropdown elements would not scroll vertically when using a controller
  16. Fixed a bug where UI navigation would drop inputs when using a controller's directional pad at low frame rates
  17. Fixed positions of some spawned objects using "spawn" command from dev console
  18. Fixed a rare bug where water dripping got stuck in a loop when exiting water
  19. Loading screen now automatically skips the play button after player has finished chapter 1
  20. Adjusted camera behavior in water slides:
  22. In bends, the camera now adapts more strongly to the shape of the slide and anticipates the player's future movement path. This improves the visual presentation of those spots where the camera would look straight ahead at a wall instead of the incoming path.
  24. Added bloom lens dirt effect toggle to the graphics settings menu
  25. Fixed incorrect controller button icons in settings menu when using certain Xbox controllers
  26. Fixed a bug where player could get stuck in air when walking on a ledge
  29. Steam Deck
  30. Steam Deck has these custom graphical presets:
  32. Performance (60fps)
  33. Balanced (40fps)
  34. Quality (30fps)
  36. Added Steam Deck input icons to settings screen
  38. We are also now looking into performance optimizations for "interactive water" setting to allow Steam Deck users to enable it without tanking the performance.
  40. Linux
  41. Fixed missing audio output on some Linux devices
  42. Fixed video file playback (.mp4 format was not supported)