1. Patch - A few fixes!
  3. This patch does the following:
  4. - Leather boots, tricornes, headbands and ponchos are now classified as armor, no longer clothing. Previously they appeared under armor in scrap settings, yet as clothing in storages (their class in the actual code was clothing). To simplify things and prevent scrap orders missing gear: all leather gear = armor. So this might mess up some players current storage planning (apologies), but I think this is easier and cleaner. All leather = armor. This will not affect the apparels stats in any way.
  5. - Direct orders to move items outdoors now work as they should, items no longer disappearing.
  6. - One crash related to moving item has been fixed.
  7. - Another crash related to beings jumping off screen or being stuck below ground, has been fixed.
  8. - Undeads-stuck-in-water will fix themselves much better.
  10. Best wishes and lots of love! <3
  11. //Mattias