1. Patch Notes - January 2024 - 1.2.2
  3. ⭐Changes inspired by our community!
  5. Major Features
  6. PvP Mode: Added a option for players to fight each other in a duel during co-op runs. You can start a duel at Andromeda's bar by interacting with the new Duel's altar.
  7. 20 new spells: 5 new spells per Hero
  8. Telescope now works offline. We made this change to make the feature accessible for players in some areas that had issues connecting with the Telescope server. Telescope should also work now on console as well
  10. Small Features
  11. Cetus Cavern now has 4 categories instead of 3, the fourth one will always be the random one (Nebulous Choice)
  12. community inspired ⭐ Slimes will now change direction toward nearest available enemy when bouncing (if they have a line of sight to them)
  13. Sparks now bounce multiple times even if no enemies around (make it stronger on bosses) + visual improvement
  14. Effect descriptions can stack into different columns if too many elements are displayed while checking spells
  15. community inspired ⭐ Feathers on Pavo's ruins will always be of a higher level after sacrificing health 3 times (globally)
  17. Balancing
  18. Increased damage for some spells:
  20. AYLA
  21. - Toxic bomb
  22. - Fatal dash
  23. - Misleading clone
  24. - Fisherman's demise
  26. KIRAN
  27. - Fiery dragon punch
  28. - Hadoken
  30. OCTAVE
  31. - Miseria
  32. - Adustio
  33. community inspired ⭐ Added back 3 Stars per Shadow Clones
  34. Sparks bounce one more time
  35. Increased damage for Fire Shield
  36. Slightly increased time delay between attacks for Aries / Cancer & Gemini
  37. Removed or reduced invincibility on some attacks of Scorpio / Cancer / Libra / Aquarius when it was not necessary
  39. Bug Fixes
  40. community inspired ⭐ You could get stuck in a ground of one of the exploration rooms
  41. Calie's Prismatic Beam could sometimes not hit enemies correctly if game FPS dropped
  42. When being casted by player 2 some hits from the spell ""Slashing Squall"" would always use player 1 spell modificators
  43. When being casted by player 2 the spell ""Quicksilver"" would spawn at player 1 position
  44. community inspired ⭐ When being casted by player 2 the spell ""Poisonous vortex"" would move facing player 1 direction
  45. community inspired ⭐ ""Start 30 escape attempts"" would unlock earlier than it should
  46. community inspired ⭐ Achievement for unlocking Bapy and Barbecue would sometimes not work on ps5
  47. It was possible to press input to equip an aura while the game was paused
  48. community inspired ⭐ The combo of the aura ""Prowess of the sky"" and ""Zimzim laugh"" echo would trigger pseudo infinite spawns of thunder strikes
  49. community inspired ⭐ The game could sometimes freeze while skipping Zodiacs cutscenes
  50. community inspired ⭐ Healing shards would not be collected if the spawn animation didn't finish before a layout transition
  51. community inspired ⭐ Capricorn warn signs for their missile attacks would sometimes not disappear
  52. Topaz Companion spell would not always hit every time if attacking fast
  53. community inspired ⭐ Return to Characters in Papa Yalee was only making you go one rank higher
  54. community inspired ⭐ Lightning Dance spell could keep visual elements after being launched
  55. community inspired ⭐ Favored by the Earth bapy achievement would not work correctly
  56. community inspired ⭐ Bapy Summon Star Chest would not give stars in falling in the pit of Pavo's ruins and Echo Island
  57. We reworked the way we handle backup files to handler cases on where player could lost save data if their game crashed or in case of a power outrage. If you find any issues with save files after this update please contact the developer team through the steam forum or the official Hibernian Workshop discord server.