1. V 1.0.6 (March 21 2023):
  3. --- NEW FEATURES ---
  4. • Six new subclasses , one for each character class. Pit Brawler, Dark Paladin, Spellblade, Zen Monk, Thug and Fool.
  5. • Six new talents , one for each new subclass.
  6. • Added a simple mini-map to the dungeon for easier navigation
  7. • Added a Clear Achievements Button to the Settings panel - this will clear your earned achievements (locally only, not on Steam) so you can trigger them again. Use this if you found you were unable to trigger an achievement on Steam for whatever reason and want to try again - the Steam achievements will *NOT* be cleared online, just your own local record of them.
  10. • You can now visit any level room regardless of what level your gladiator is.
  11. • More potential fixes for de-syncing battles
  12. • Yield skill removed from multiplayer ( too buggy for now )
  15. • Fixed a bug where Know Thy Sword used the enemy's talent tree to calculate whether to add damage or not
  16. • Grave Pact now clears all status effects when used
  17. • Simplified Whirlwind as it was too buggy / exploitable / underused. It's now just a more powerful Barbarian Storm, there are no longer multiple turn charge ups etc
  18. • Meaty Burp now treated as sonic damage and not necrotic
  19. • Doubled the Paladin's holy damage talent
  20. • Fixed Aria of Respite so it regains 50% of essence not 40%
  21. • Dark Paladins and Thugs can only ever be evil and gain no good alignment points (can never spare enemy).
  22. • Paladins and Zen Monks can only ever be good and gain no evil alignment points ( can never slay enemy).
  24. --- BATTLE CHANGES / FIXES ---
  25. • "Hits in a row" as used by Ultimate Warrior now only refers to physical attacks , not spells etc
  26. • Increased weapon range of polearms slightly
  27. • Added a Fight Selector button to the end of regular battles so you can skip the battle caravan and return straight to select a new fight
  28. • Fixed a bug where Gaseous Wind did not proc with the Trickster Ability
  29. • Fixed a bug where Combat Ready was reversed ( lowered your chance of going first instead of adding ! )
  30. • Fixed a bug where regular attacks ("quick/normal/power") etc didn't target arms
  31. • Fixed a bug where Spiritual Hammer didn't show attack chance
  33. --- SHOP FIXES CHANGES ---
  34. • Blueprints no longer generate talents that can go above the max talent level ( eg you can no longer get an "Ultimate Warrior + 2" ) blueprint
  35. • Fixed a bug where final resale amount returned was lower than the amount on the button
  36. • Capes are now listed under Chest armour when searching for items
  39. • Gladiators of greater than a certain height now appear smaller in the portrait window so you can see their heads
  40. • Extra Chinese language translation
  41. • Reworked some boss character subclasses to use the new character subclasses