1. Across the Obelisk - Patch 1.4.1
  3. Hi everyone,
  5. Here’s the latest hotfix for Across the Obelisk! With these changes we hope to slightly improve Nenukil's damage scalability in the early game when he uses a build focused on Fast charges, in addition to giving him several new options with Wrench or Feint.
  7. Card balance:
  9. Charge: Yellow version increased damage with speed scaling to 1.2 (from 1)
  11. HitandRun: Blue version increased damage with speed scaling to 0.6 (from 0.5) and 1.2 (from 1) in the yellow version.
  13. Gunshot: Upgrades are now uncommon (from common). Blue version now deals damage based on enemy speed and yellow version has increased damage and burn charges.
  15. Burning Shot: Added apply X burn charges in the base version, increased fast scaling to 2.5 (from 2) in the blue version and yellow version increased damage a bit.
  17. Feint: Changed to Discard as many cards as you want to get block and shield. Yellow reworked to give block and shield based on your fast charges and puging them (With this version, we give the option to those scouts who at some point do not want to be the first to act or who want a way to spend their fast charges).
  19. Wrench: Added dispel shackle.
  21. Fixed, Double barrel talent to gain the bonus of + charges for fury and fast.