1. Update v1.047.0:
  2. Highlights
  3. Fixed Airborne DLC owners who do not also own Liberation DLC to be able to play Airborne missions in CooP
  4. Fixed CooP progression blocker on Airborne Mission #6: Battle of Bloody Gulch
  5. Fixed crash on the Finnish mission "Through the Fire"
  6. Improved connectivity on the server list (much faster connect times to server) by disabling steam ping requests (the steamworks query system is way too slow and out of our control).
  7. Multiplayer
  8. Added 4th SMG passenger to T-70M Doctrine buy in MP late war
  9. Fixed default weather for 1v1 Losheim Gap
  10. Decreased capture weight of officer from 15 to 10
  11. Improved connectivity on the server list (much faster connect times to server) by disabling steam ping requests (the steamworks query system is way too slow and out of our control).
  12. Single Player
  13. Fixed for Airborne DLC owners who do not own Liberation DLC to be able to play Airborne missions in CooP by creating a 2nd USA faction. A more permanent solution to come soon.
  14. Fixed crash on the Finnish mission "Through the Fire"
  15. Fixed kv1 crew/passengers in Kharkov skirmish (1943_02-ger_kharkov)
  16. Airborne Missions
  17. The Pathfinders (airborne 01)
  18. German reinforcements if arrive they now arrive in improved method, as before they stayed AI move disable even infantry in truck/ht, after entering map once in they now perform better, and if they allowed to reach their final destination(if player hides) they disembark passengers and reach the search light manor lights patrol, show 2 pointers where they enter as before was only 1 and there are 2 entry points. Improved for coop as well.
  19. Dropped into the Fire (airborne 02)
  20. Fixed de-sync of video and audio for the briefing video
  21. Fixed officers group being angry and attacking your initial soldier(s) at first meet until any command is performed on assigned soldiers by user.
  22. Improved convoy handling.
  23. All of enemy patrol reinforcements arrivals, especially initial groups are now way more dynamically dependant on whats going on before they are called. This includes the fact if player has many more soldiers via coop, recruited number of paradrop soldiers and if he caused enough alarm. All these factors determine initial call. Remaining patrol waves are also dependant on players progress now instead of only timing after first. Meaning if player progresses enough they have higher chance to execute, this will spread out reinforcements instead of waves occuring early and not much near convoy arrival.
  24. Improved enemy sniper logic. Sniper will react if player sneaks into same house or area(<10m) and sniper visually knows this+enemy see ai brain active, he will now attempt to close quarters defense. If he noticed players vehicle at longer distance he will remain in his location and duck if possible.
  25. Fixed case where in coop, enemy sniper would not become discovered flag the moment he is active.
  26. Fixed dropped and landed allied paratroopers so that if player is near and in process of being assigned, allied ai react does not interfere with user recruited paratrooper move mode at same time.
  27. Hold Fast! (airborne 03)
  28. Fixed outro_completed
  29. Fixed action music script not being triggered when battle starts
  30. Improved howitzer variable task check so that talks of each howtizer out does not overlap.
  31. Fixed howitzers taken out tasks count issue. (destroyed || gun broken)variables.
  32. The Eagles and the Devils (airborne 05)
  33. Fixed player units transition when clips change and previous clip parts are no longer accessible. Both 1->2 and 2>3 clip switches now use script that can handle anything, deletes any enemy units left over in clip no longer playable but not inactive, separates player foot and vehicle units and moves them to new clip, in 3rd clip switch it also moves any ammo boxes player might have exited without realizing clip will switch.
  34. Clip for 3 is not executed right away, instead new clip that contains pink world lines of previous clip to allow units be handled by script, only then clip 3 is truly on.
  35. Clip2 & task or Clip 3 & its task WAITS to execute if revive hero task is active, this to prevent case where you are trying to revive hero and your units are moved, but bleeding hero is not. If of course he was in the part of old clip no longer visible on new.
  36. Fixed civilians zone, to make sure they only fit in clip 3 even though they are active as of clip 2. Reduce # of civilians at random as well.
  37. Fixed mix of different texmods on french_shop roof parts.
  38. Battle of Bloody Gulch (airborne 06)
  39. fixed coop progression blocker.
  40. Stop other/enemy_attack_hq from calling itself again after task 5 complete.
  41. Fixed task 02 so it cannot flip flop Fail<>Comp.
  42. Fixed 2nd timer to use seconds not minutes.
  43. Fixed rescue_squad assignment/user (again) This was because if player skipped 2 scenarios instantly in row, squad spawns it leads to way point command still execute after proper script assignment.
  44. Recon team rescue conditions check if not only dead but if not bleeding anymore, same for radio op.
  45. Recon team rescue can only fail after complete if all die and radio op rescue was not yet accomplished.
  46. Task4 cannot fail after its completed, as at that point you keep airstrike even if he dies by design(it has no script to remove if he dies).
  47. If task 3 shown and 2 failed, show 3 failed too(radio op must be dead as 2 failure means all recon dead and not bleeding).
  48. Shermans deployed if task 5 is completed but stugs still active(all).
  49. Expand pink world zone few meters to allow waypoint spawning of both german and player vehicles not to have a teleport safe case where it spawns just outside and is unable to move.
  50. Made sure all german reinforcements(mainly non inf) entire radii of waypoint is within active world clip as some were at the line and this could lead to unit stuck at waypoint spawn.
  51. Handle sherman reinforcement by not depending on gamezone, fixes any case where tank will arrive but not be assigned.
  52. Secret, no longer player assigned, retreats to hq area after secret complete, handling of his status vs germans masking improved. Remains as cannot die.
  53. Fixed broken heightmap polygons
  54. Surrounded at Noville (airborne 09)
  55. Changed task: 'destroy enemy rocket artillery' is now a primary objective because win condition required all enemy vehicles to be destroyed anyway
  56. Crimson Ridge(airborne 10)
  57. Task06(secure bridge) clean up of completion script.
  58. Fixed Task06 failure so it cannot occur moment completion trigger kicks in, it was possible to fail and game lose for few moments even if player reached and about to complete.
  59. Added fail safe upon securing bridge, check if any players units are on foot, if none then perform unlink on the selected soldier of player units that is to be "planter". This is critical. Add final failsafe, if planter does not exist for myserious reason, spawn one and move him to bridge.
  60. Once planter finishes both plants explosives planted considered completed instantly, this to prevent case where he planted but died on way back which would result in fail.
  61. Handle planter switch to ai and user with ables as well, to prevent coop crash case if player in dc with that soldier before.
  62. Planting explosives can only fail if not only planter is shot but bled out(non revivable).
  63. Planter is not killable at initial moving to bridge as to keep consistent with initial talks, can die after starting planting.
  64. Added a fail safe that if planter on bridge somehow gets path blocked or dies and its revived this could prevent waypoint command execution, thus fail safe is script after timer is up will still complete bridge explosives as planted as long as planter is alive(task07 not failed). Don't rely only on waypoint commands execution.
  65. Fixed browning not being grab-able
  66. Changed environment during load to be black
  67. When will it end? (airborne 12)
  68. Fixed soviet officer sometimes deciding to swim across the river
  69. Everything Else
  70. Moved Winters and Spiers talk audio files from Airborne DLC .pak to Base game files
  71. Fixed reload animation for sdkfz7_1 not playing and speed of animation
  72. Fixed "cannon" class vehicles from being able to be crewed by both gunner team and driver team at the same time after body component had been broken/repaired.
  73. Fixed minor issues in translations of Airborne DLC
  74. Fixed roof not hiding when units enter for Dutch buildings added with Airborne DLC