1. Patch notes: V
  2. The following improvements have been made:
  4. Added option to disable head movement when walking.
  5. Added the option to modify the speed of the animations when pressing buttons.
  6. Added a click assist feature to determine and allow mouse clicking on the controller closest to the player's crosshairs.
  7. Added a click assist feature to highlight the control that will be pressed.
  8. Added an option so that click assist is activated only by pressing the [SHIFT] key.
  9. Added the ability to enable or disable internal reactor log logging (disable to improve performance).
  10. Added a new hazard suit, replacing the previous pseudo-astronaut suit.
  11. Added end of day autosave option (can be turned on or off from settings).
  12. Added an icon in the game's initial menu to access the Discord.
  13. Changed AO's behavior to not approach the player without a reason, and not follow the player.
  14. Changed all character animations to be correctly viewable in third person (co-op mode).
  15. The reactor simulation was improved and the external climate is now considered in the temperature of the water that enters the plant.
  16. The representation of the progress bar in the tablets upgrade section has been improved.
  17. Partially redesigned the options menu of the game.
  18. Simplified the health meter: health level and integrity level of the protective suit (if the player is wearing it).
  21. The following fixes have been made:
  23. Fixed bug where the camera jump up in some situations.
  24. Fixed bug of low mouse sensitivity.
  25. Fixed bug where audit rewards model changed when loading a saved progress (it is not retroactive).
  26. Fixed bug that slowed core damage when the temperature was above the operating maximum.
  27. Fixed bug of circulating pump status on main valve panel.
  28. Fixed bug when cleaning a waste fuel disposal that would still show up as a pending task.
  29. Fixed bug that triggered critical mass cinematics repeatedly.
  30. Fixed bug in the propagation of the pressure of the Pressurizer when closing the valve 6.
  31. Fixed bug in Geiger counter sometimes not detecting radiation.
  32. Fixed bug of the failed audit due to having waste in the final disposal tanks.
  33. Fixed some typos and incorrect units of measure.
  34. Fixed bug when saving and then loading a progress with the protective suit on.