1. Dev Log #069: 2023-07-21
  2. Thank you all for providing various feedback! This week, we have fixed many bugs (and there are more fixes on the way!), have made several adjustments, and further increased the rewards in the endless mode to enhance the overall experience.
  4. Please continue to follow us on our official Bilibili channel or Youtube channel, and we will keep you informed of any progress!
  6. Endless Mode Optimization:
  7. The maximum HP of enemies in the endless mode will slightly increase with each round.
  8. We have added more rewards in the endless mode, including:
  9. Up to a maximum of 1000 gold reward.
  10. Up to 6 talent points.
  11. Up to 3 extra backpack slots.
  12. Added an 8 maximum HP reward.
  13. Added a permanent strength reward.
  14. Added a reward to remove 1 card, up to a maximum of 8.
  17. Card Optimization
  18. “Romantic” can now stack. As for the various gameplay possibilities, everyone is encouraged to use their creativity and imagination!
  21. "Internal Wound" has been reworked, enhancing the Evil Monk's early offensive capabilities and balancing their strength in the early game.
  24. "Counter Strike" has been reworked to provide the Evil Monk with more card cycling options, ensuring better overall flexibility.
  27. "Good is Evil" has been changed to AOE skill. Now, you no longer need to worry about the combat withthe 3 Wolves or Skeleton Queens!
  30. “Guardian Angel” no longer consumes energy. Spam it! Spam it with all your might!
  33. Other Optimizations
  34. Optimized "Persistent Pays Off"’s description, adding a non-stackable note. (It's not a nerf! It was always non-stackable, but it wasn't previously indicated.)
  36. Changed "Curse Human Rib" from giving 3 curses to giving 3 evils. Now, when encountering the Skeleton Queen event, you need to consider carefully whether to attack or assist.
  39. The avatar information will now display the number of cards drawn.
  42. Added a fixed resolution option of 1920x1080 60Hz.
  43. Improved the special effects of "Fiery Strike"
  44. Optimized the explanation for "Bloody Fight" skill, making it clearer.
  45. Enhanced the probabiility for encountering Master of Light and Shadow. After completing the prerequisite events, the Master of Light and Shadow event can now occur on tiles 2-11, 12, and 13.
  46. Enhanced the effects of some reflection damage skills, which will now reflect at least the base damage of the opponent's attack.
  49. Bug Fixes
  50. Fixed the issue where the UI goes off-screen when receiving too many endless backpack rewards.
  51. Fixed a targeting bug caused by the mouse going off-screen.
  52. Fixed the bug with "Versatile" causing Faithful Devil’s cards not to be consumed.
  53. Fixed the issue with Dragon Princess learnt upgraded Analogy and losing counts after loading a save
  54. Fixed the abnormal behavior when quickly quitting the game.
  55. Fixed the counting error when the endless backpack space exceeds the maximum value.
  56. Fixed the issue where selling a relic in the shop duplicates the relic on pressing the space key.
  57. Fixed the game crash caused by Faithful Devil inner demon summoning a fairy in the combat with Omen.
  58. Fixed the display issue when there are too many elements brings by Sacrifice Others.
  59. Fixed the problem with cards that consume all energy not being recognized correctly when played from the deck.
  60. Fixed the freezing issue when Fat Pig is under the effects of Best Practice and Sound Sleep
  61. Fixed the issue with Nirvana icon not disappearing after use.
  62. Disabled selecting X cards when using "Space Circle" to avoid accidental selection.
  63. Fixed various issues related to the player's card UI temporarily hiding on the battlefield.
  64. Fixed the health regeneration prompt for Dragon Princess when leaving a location.
  65. Corrected the explanation for Fire Fox‘s’ Self-Detonation.
  66. Fixed a bug where the White Dragon's choice of the "kill everyone" option in the Black Water River event did not grant curse cards.
  67. Fixed the problem where using multiple spirit power for "Practice to Perfection" only increases damage once.
  68. Fixed the issue with Storm of Strikes adding only one attack when used multiple times.
  69. Fixed the problem with copied X cards from Spirit Shifting not recognizing energy correctly.
  70. Fixed the issue where Jade Emperor can still trigger Above the Nine Heavens when under a restriction effect.
  71. Fixed the problem in transmutation with of General of Heaven Tower.