1. Patch 1.083
  3. Hello there dwellers of the deep,
  5. We are back with a few improvements and fixes!
  7. The UI size slider in the options menu now affects the size of tooltips in the game.
  8. Keybind text in the card pile tooltips are disabled when a controller is active.
  9. 'Middle Click to Delete' text in the inventory is disabled when a controller is active.
  10. 'Right Click to Sort' text in the inventory is disabled when a controller is active.
  11. In the 'card upgrade' menu, card size is increased when the game is running on a Steam Deck.
  12. Card description size increased.
  13. All 'Tutorial Hints' illustrations and text have been revised.
  14. Improved line breaking when a stat icon would be placed on a new row.
  15. Fixed an issue when using 'restore default keybindings' would visually still show old keybindings.