1. 1.0.17 Update: Divine Compass, Takes Me Home!
  3. Dear brother and sisters,
  5. Recently we received some letters from our friends to asked for help when they get lost in mysterious realms, so we developed a powerful tool to help you! Let me introduce: Divine Compass!
  7. Dive Compass User Guide
  8. On the day after finishing main quest , you will received a paper crane from Yang Ziqiong, open it to unlock Divine Compass.
  9. When you are in battle scene (except breakthrough scene), open map view to show the compass, after choosing your destination on the list on the right-side, the compass arrow will lead to portal in this area. When you close the window, there is a tiny compass arrow around your character, too.
  10. Everytime you entry new scene, the compass will be turned off by default. Also, you can choose the first option one destination list (Stop direction) to close the compass manually.
  13. We also prepare some regular updates:
  15. Adding new content
  16. 1、Adding direction (Devine Compass) for every mysterious realms.
  17. 2、Adding new collaboration content with independent game Mountain Gates & Mystic Realms. You can visit the vallay on Mysteric Realm and find "Red Coat" to trigger the quest.
  19. Content Optimization
  20. 1、User interface of Qiongzhen Pavilion Development
  21. 2、Fix some translation issue on crash pop-up message
  22. 3、Adding "Sort" button on Pet Inventory
  24. Need help? Why not check the Steam Guideline!
  26. 《一方灵田》玩家常见问题
  27. Immortal Life 的一篇指南
  28. By: 2P Games
  29. 常见问题与解决方案汇总
  31. Besides, there is a Official Wiki powered by community!
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  34. Discord Community
  37. 2P Games & Yi Fang Studio