1. Turbo Kid Patch v.1.0.118196
  3. Howdy, Wastelanders!
  5. We've been busy fixing bugs!
  7. Improvements
  8. In the  cutscene, we reduced the loot spray radius so that the dialog isn't interrupted when picking them up.
  9. Adjusted the spacing between elements in the credits to make dividers seamless.
  10. Improved framerate in the credits.
  11. Reduced the rrrrrrrrrrrumble on  coming out of the floor.
  12. In the , an alarm now plays when the flashing red lights start instead of when the countdown starts.
  13. All NPC icons in the map are now linked to the appropriate journal page with the More Info button.
  14. Updated the "More Info" button color in the map menu.
  15. Updated credits and various fixes for missing characters and funky display bugs in various languages.
  16. Added support for Japanese and Chinese.
  20. Fixes
  21. [list]
  22. In the  cutscene, we fixed an issue where running to the left immediately after  would not complete an objective.
  23. In that same cutscene, fixed instructions not disappearing when walking away from Naomi and restarting the dialogue.
  24. Fixed an issue where the tutorial prompt didnèt fully update when switching language in-game.
  25. Fixed some camera snapping in the crouching passage in the .
  26. In the settings UI, both the game and main settings menus were using the teal-colored "back" button for the notebook. Switched it back to the regular ivory one.
  27. Fixed the Buzzsaws at the bottom of  from going idle when going too high.
  28. In the tutorial, fixed TK's dialogue disappearing if the player walks to the left of the tutorial level.
  29. Fixed the map icon for the door to the  being off.
  30. In the , we fixed a fidgety camera when moving back and forth between McSpeedy and the starting zone.
  31. [*] Fixed issues with [spoiler]races[/spoilers] not raising their flags in the .
  32. Fixed the second pending reward not being handed out when returning to see the NPC after having already finished a  once.
  33. Fixed missing animations for  in the .
  34. Fixed a missing message when opening the notebook or map with the keyboard while a game controller was active and a speech interaction prompt or dialogue UI was displayed and returning to the game.
  35. ✨Potential✨ fix for the player who had the trap door close on him before he could get in it in the Cutscene with the . You know who you are, player! Shout out for reporting bugs! 😎
  36. Added some missing links to notebook entries.
  37. Fixed titles not being visible in the controller button assignment and video mode confirmation pop ups.
  38. [/list]