1. Update
  3. Attention Soldiers,
  5. We updated the Steam and Xbox versions of Arma Reforger.
  7. Visit our Dev Hub to read about Known Issues.
  8. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.
  10. Changelog
  12. General
  13. Added: Official server capacity changed from 32 to 48 (Conflict and Game Master)
  14. Fixed: Combat Ops Save and Load not working properly
  15. Fixed: Combat Ops Task Attack could not be completed in certain situations
  16. Fixed: Rank limitation was applied to user action in a scenario where players can't level up their rank
  17. Fixed: Common crash related to HTTP connection
  18. Fixed: Crash when looting items of a dead character that the Garbage System removes
  19. Fixed: Crash when trying to call EquipmentStorageSlot::CanAttachItem with a null entity
  20. Fixed: Crash in script after certain VME's
  21. Fixed: Disabled physics collisions on missile projectiles, helps with RPGs ricocheting when they shouldn't
  22. Fixed: Garbage System performance by only doing a nearby player search when relevant
  23. Fixed: Secondary fire warheads were not being deleted properly
  24. Fixed: Server was sending incorrect addon load order to the backend
  25. Fixed: Various localization issues
  27. Modding
  28. Added: BaseMoveComponent - Temporary attribute CollisionEnabled to enable physics collision of projectiles, such as throwables
  29. Added: ArmaReforger.gproj - None layer preset to debug behavior of physics without collisions
  30. Added: Weapons - CollisionEnabled set in GrenadeMoveComponent of Grenade_Base.et
  31. Added: Weapons - Projectile layer defined in ShellMoveComponent of Ammo_MortarShell_Base.et
  32. Added: ScenarioFramework - Action to restore default state of the layer allowing for looped workflows