- Version 0.7.0
- [Added]
- -Rearrange shelves option to stocker, with this option stockers can take not allowed items from shelves and carry to right shelf
- -New Customer Characters
- -New Customer Vehicles
- -New Driveable Vehicles
- -Upgrade money threshold option for builder
- -Now while painting, it switches to a camera angle that shows where you are painting
- -Customization to warehouse, office
- -Use Water option to washer
- -More hotel guests upgrade
- -Employee work tracking dashboard. Appears with the last 30 job with dates
- -Different camera angles to car customization
- -Now our vehicles are getting dirty and we need to wash them
- -Commission to crypto
- -Price sort type to zonama
- -Shelf panel to vending machines for easy setup
- -Product Settings to vending machines
- -Customers can now get angry when they can't find an empty toilet
- -Priority Shelf to stocking employees
- -Give room option to receptionist
- -Solar panel and battery sockets to station roof
- -Fill lemonade cups option to workers
- -Fill lemonade inventory option to workers
- -Lemonades can not add from lemonade panel
- -Now farmer need insecticide to spray trees
- -New dirt texture to clean
- -Roof Sign
- -Now if spoiled products stay on the shelves for too long or dirts was not cleaned for a long time, rats will come
- -Added directional sign to make it easier to understand the direction of objects such as computer parts
- -Atm now shows how much money withdrawn today by customers
- -The cat now catches rats if it is trained
- -Sound to rats
- -Now some customers will be able to react to something on the TV
- -Honk to driveable vehicles
- -Now if the station is closed, customers stop browsing from shelf to shelf and go to the cash register
- [Changed]
- -Now, only tutorial products can be purchased in tutorial
- -Stocker fill plane with drug option is now on by default
- -Taken pictures now saves to right to the save file folder
- -General Performance Improvements
- -Engine Version Updated
- -Manager default money threshold for order is increased
- -Oil Pump gain increased a lot
- -Painting panel
- -When we order same product more than 30, it does not come in a single box anymore, the rest will be sent in another box
- -Bedless workers now regenerates less energy
- -Now, when we want to take multiple products off the shelves at once, they all come out in a single box
- -Now, if we are empty-handed, we directly pick up the product we took off the shelf
- -Hit effect
- -Employees now check to see if there is another shelf nearby where it can be placed, before returning a box to the warehouse
- -Now lemonade stands shows lemonades visually
- -Computer case model
- -Now sleep requires a long press to prevent accidental sleep
- -Hotel customer price increased
- -Now the harvest from the trees is collected in one box
- -Battery capacity increased
- [Fixed]
- -Some tutorial tasks like exit building does not count while tutorial is disabled
- -Sometimes products fall from our hands
- -Very rarely rope renderer can cause crash
- -Navigation bugs that cause employees to get stuck
- -Sometimes employees try to get behind the wall when placing items to the dispensers
- -Sometimes when bodyguard hit a customer we can get a bill
- -Sometimes the customer does not drop the package when first hit
- -Customer vehicles instantly teleported to auto wash machine
- -Oil Pump panel refreshing constantly
- -Some achievements does not trigger for some players
- -If we hit an employee who quits, he comes back to work for a short time
- -If auto save occurs while on the painting screen, we can have that painting without paying
- -Level 2 and Level 3 arcade does not have smell and heat area
- -Car shines even when the washer doesn't use water
- -When we buy a vehicle, if it is marked on the map, the mark does not disappea
- -When we modify a vehicle, if we do not have enough money, we keep the modifications
- -Some vehicles are very difficult to wash
- -Owned vehicles inventory accessible with equipment
- -A wrong text that provides misinformation about decorating the Christmas tree
- -Employees immediately take the box back from the shelf and take it to the warehouse
- -If the key image is not found in the tutorial texts, it says MISSING
- -The automatic lemonade stand spends one lemonade per customer
- -Beds cannot be used for a while when you first enter the game
- -Toilet Turnstile can placed inside another turnstile
- -Toilet Turnstile category is station
- -The farmer is constantly watering the trees
- -The farmer does not use tools while irrigating
- -If an employee puts a product into the box shelf panel while it is open, the panel does not update
- -Farmer not playing lemon squeezing animation on the ground
- -If we beat the customer while he is waiting in the car, he may get stuck there
- -If we beat the customer while he is paying, his payment drops to zero and never leaves the cash register