1. (and Patch Notes
  3. The balance update is here!
  5. Wizard rabbit is playable!
  7. The story is now in Chinese as well!
  8. Yay!
  10. Patch Notes
  14. The Haste status effect now moderately increases movement speed.
  16. Luck Potion - Text corrected from "significantly" to "slightly"; this was always the case, but the text was just wrong.
  20. Eaglewing Charm - Added significant movement speed increase
  22. Metronome Boots - Movement speed increase slight > moderate
  23. Winged Cap - Movement speed increase slight > moderate
  24. Thief's Coat - Movement speed increase slight > moderate
  26. Witch's Cloak - Added slight movement speed increase
  27. Starry Cloak - Added slight movement speed increase
  28. Reaper Cloak - Added slight movement speed increase
  29. Wolf Hood - Added slight movement speed increase
  30. Ninja Robe - Added slight movement speed increase
  31. Kunoichi Hood - Added slight movement speed increase
  32. Shinobi Tabi - Added slight movement speed increase
  33. Sunflower Crown - Added slight movement speed increase
  34. Midsummer Dress - Added slight movement speed increase
  35. Grasswoven Bracelet - Added slight movement speed increase
  36. Maid Outfit - Added slight movement speed increase
  38. Shrinemaiden's Kosode - Was always a significant movement speed increase when you had a buff, but the text said it was only "slight"
  40. Quartz Shield - Effect changed
  41. Old Effect: Set your Defensive cooldown to 30 seconds, and reset it when a loot item with a cooldown activates (with a hidden 2.5 second cooldown)
  42. New Effect: Sets your Defensive cooldown to 30 seconds, and when a loot item with a cooldown activates, reduces your Defensive's cooldown by the loot's cooldown
  44. Nova Crown - Effect changed
  45. Old Effect: Set your Special's cooldown to 30 seconds, then reset and charged it every 8 seconds
  46. New Effect: Sets your Special's cooldown to 30 seconds, then reduces that cooldown to 1 second every 8 seconds and charges it
  48. Those two items' effects were changed because I constantly got bug reports from people confused about how they work with moves with no cooldown. They still have many of the same strengths as before. Hopefully it's easier to predict how the new effects will work with various items and abilities before you take them.
  52. Amethyst Bracelet - 20% damage increase > 30% damage increase
  53. Demon Horns - 25% damage increase > 30% damage increase
  54. Gladiator Helmet - 30% damage increase to abilities/loot with cooldowns > 20% damage increase to abilities/loot with cooldowns
  56. I was trying to keep a consistent buff amount, where an item without any drawbacks would buff something about 20%, and items with drawbacks would be 30% or more depending on how big the drawback was.
  57. The Gladiator Helmet broke this rule; and while I don't think it was *too* strong by itself necessarily, it was objectively better than some other loot items that could appear in the same chests, like Tactician's Rod.
  58. Amethyst Bracelet and Demon Horns, however, both have drawbacks, so they've been buffed accordingly.
  60. Flame Bow - 150 damage > 180 damage
  61. Spiderbite Bow - 50 damage + 30 damage poison for 5 ticks > 50 damage + 40 damage poison for 5 ticks
  63. Purification Rod - Now has a CD of 18 seconds and gives "Elegy" for 5 seconds (previously just gave Smite for 10 seconds, making it objectively worse than the Holy Greatsword)
  65. Jade Staff - Now only requires you to use 2 Specials instead of 3
  67. Cloud Gaurd - Invuln time 8 seconds > 5 seconds.
  68. This one might upset people, but it was very very easy for Bruiser to get just one item or upgrade to make her completely invincible with this item; and it's even easier now that there are even more items that give movespeed. It's still possible to make a "continue moving for 100% invincibility" with this item, but it's been made more difficult than before.
  75. - Opal Primary - Now deals 250 damage in a radius around you, instead of a ranged blast. Decreases all other cooldowns (including loot) by 2 seconds each time its used.
  76. - Saph. Primary - GCD is now 0.5 seconds, damage is 100
  77. - Ruby Primary - Has a larger radius and deals 450 damage, with a cooldown of 4 seconds
  78. - Garnet Primary - Deals 240 damage; you gain Flash-Str when you use your Defensive
  79. - Emerald Primary - Deals 240 damage in a larger radius, no longer slows you down, slightly increases movement speed at all times
  81. - Opal Special - Damage increased 280 > 360
  82. - Saph Special - Now deals 90 damage 4 times to a larger radius, and erases bullets in a small radius around your opponent
  83. - Garnet Special - Damage increased 280 > 380
  85. - Defensive (Astral Seal) - Now has a cooldown of 20 seconds, with 2 uses per cooldown. Field lasts 10 seconds by default, and gives "Astra", which boosts all damage by 15%. (She can now have 100% uptime on her seal. This makes Wizard Rabbit's base DPS as high as Bruiser Rabbit, as long as she can stay within her seal)
  87. - Opal Defensive - No longer lays down a field, and instead gives Astra for 7 seconds. Cooldown is decreased to 15 seconds.
  88. - Saph. Defensive - Field now gives "Ghost", and lasts for 3 seconds.
  89. - Ruby Defensive - Field now gives "Nova" (50% damage boost) and lasts for 8 seconds.
  90. - Garnet Defensive - Field now gives "Rabbitluck" and lasts for 5 seconds
  91. - Emerald Defensive - No longer lays down a field or gives buffs. All damage is increased by 20% at all times. Gains 3 uses per cooldown. Your movement speed is locked at its base value, and you're no longer affected by abilities or loot that slows you down
  96. - Saph. Primary - Now deals 70 damage 4 times
  97. - Ruby Primary - GCD 1.6 > 1.5, stops you in place for less time than before
  99. - Saph. Secondary - No longer able to activate manually; instead activates every 10 times you deal damage
  100. The text for this in game currently has a number of typos, it activates every 10 hits and still resets your Defensive if it has 5 seconds or less on its cooldown.
  101. I'll fix the text in the next minor patch.
  103. - Ruby Secondary - Deals 180 damage, no longer has a GCD, now has a cooldown of 4 seconds
  108. - Ruby Primary - Damage increased 350 > 400, time slowed reduced to only 400ms
  109. - Emerald Primary - Damage increased 300 > 320, now only slightly reduces movement speed
  111. - Saph. Defensive - Now gains 2 uses per cooldown
  112. - Garnet Defensive - Chance of procing Super increased 20% > 40%
  113. - Emerald Defensive - Damage amount increased 10% > 15%, now fixes your movement speed to a value slightly higher than your base (regardless of other loot effects)
  118. - Ruby Secondary - Damage 85x2 > 90x2, and now only slows movement on use, rather than stopping it completely
  119. - Ruby Special - Now displays a countdown next to the move, showing how long before "Burn" wears off
  120. - Ruby Defensive - Now can no longer be reset by loot or abilities
  122. The Ruby Defensive + Garnet Secondary build was just tooooo much, sorry about that! I'm mostly okay with you finding ways to make yourself almost immortal, but making your entire party immortal from any distance was a lot.
  127. - Primary + all Primary upgrades - Now slow you down less, and for a shorter time. Arrow fires faster
  129. - Opal Primary - Damage increased 350 > 400
  130. - Ruby Primary - Reworked; now applies Burn instead of its previous effect
  131. - Garnet Primary - No longer slows you down at all
  132. - Emerald Primary - Reworked; now has an un-resettable, unchangeable 10 second cooldown, and deals 600 damage
  134. - Saph. Secondary - Damage increased back to 100, debuff now deals slightly more damage (150 > 200), and will automatically deal 100x2 to any enemy you apply any debuff to
  135. - Emerald Secondary - Debuff does more damage (150 > 200)
  139. - Ruby Secondary - Now deals 100 damage to all enemies and grants Berserk, with a 2 second GCD and 4 second cooldown
  140. As of the current build, I forgot to put in a cooldown. Enjoy it while it lasts, I'm fixing it in the next patch
  142. - Saph. Defensive - Cooldown reduced from 4 seconds > 3 seconds, but cooldown can no longer be affected by items. Also no longer erases bullets at destination of jump.
  147. - Opal Primary - Now increments Special counter for 2 each time its used
  148. - Ruby Primary - Now hits once for 650 with a cooldown of 4 seconds, charges your Secondary twice while not incrementing Special at all, range is increased
  149. - Emerald Primary - Now only stops you in place for 1 second instead of 2
  151. - Opal Secondary - GCD 1.6 > 1.2, now attacks a radius around you for 170 instead of being a ranged attack, increases Special counter by 2
  152. - Emerald Secondary - Now attacks a radius around you for 170 instead of being a ranged attack, your movement speed is slightly increased at all times
  154. - Opal Special - Damage increased 500 > 600
  156. - Opal Defensive - Now increments Special counter for 5 each time its used
  158. - Fixed issue where using Ruby Secondary and Sapphire Special together could result in having more charges than needed to reset your Special until you used another ability
  159. - Fixed issue where her Defensive wouldn't activate "On gaining invicibility" loot effects
  164. - Azel, the Whispering Crow - Fixed issue where, on one of her singleplayer attacks, she would never enrage
  166. - Aus + Nimi, the Axewielder and Archer Mice - Fixed issue where, on one of their multplayer attacks, they would never enrage
  167. - Orn, the Oakspear Mouse - Fixed issue where one of her Hard patterns was accidentally doing Normal Mode things
  168. - Matti, the Paladin Mouse (Phase 1) - Fixed issue where, in Hard Singleplayer, she could begin knocking you back in the incorrect direction, resulting in a pattern that was very difficult to dodge
  170. - Kuu + Pi, the Silver and Gold Dragons - One of the "Normal" difficulty attacks could occasionally create patterns that were impossible to dodge, so it has been adjusted slightly
  172. - Final Boss - Fixed issue where the super special attack could desync, and come out early or late for people who weren't the host
  174. - Tassha, the Snowfur Wolf - Removed knockback from her Hard Multiplayer attack. This was left in by mistake; I removed it from the Singleplayer just prior to release, but forgot to also remove it from Multiplayer. I thought I would just leave it in, since it was what it was; but after watching a lot of people struggle with the attack (as players are likely to go to the Arsenal as their first Hard Mode stage), I decided to correct the mistake and remove it.
  176. - Merran, the Steeltooth Wolf (Phase 1) - Changed her "Tornado Slash" on Normal to be more like Hard mode, as it was pointed out by numerous players that the previous Normal Mode was actually harder
  181. - An option for "Large Text" has been added to "More Options". This doesn't work on all text in the game quite yet, but it will make item descriptions and timers larger
  183. - If you are playing solo or in Handheld mode, the Keyconfig screen has been adjusted to be more ledgible
  185. - Fonts have been adjusted to include French/Spanish characters
  187. - Color Match circles have been adjusted so that colors that might appear similar to colorblind players spin in different directions at different speeds
  188. - The visual effect for "cleaving one side" has been slightly adjusted
  189. - The visual effect for Defender's Primary and Spellsword's Primary has been slightly adjusted
  194. - Fixed issue where your unlocks could reset after finishing a run
  195. - Fixed issue where you could crash during Matti's phase 2
  196. - Fixed issue where you could crash in the leadup to the final boss
  197. - Fixed issue where Mink, the Greyeye Wolf, had the wrong color eyes in her portrait
  198. - Fixed issue where Battlemaiden Armor would behave oddly with abilities with no cooldown like Defender's Special
  199. - Fixed issue where the effect from getting shielded by Stoneskin looked incorrect
  200. - Fixed issue where players would report unlocking something to others in their lobby, even if they had already unlocked it
  201. - Fixed issue where Mermaid Scales wouldn't work on certain items/abilities that started battles on cooldown
  202. - Fixed issue where Secondaries without GCDs would trigger Altair Dagger's effects
  203. - Fixed issue where Winged Cap and Fairy Spear effects wouldn't be sent over the internet correctly
  204. - Fixed issue where the rating bar would show "Failed" for a frame directly after you defeated an opponent
  205. - Fixed issue where you could occasionally see loot by opening your inventory before opening a treasure chest
  206. - Fixed issue where the number for Druid's Garnet Secondary would fail to appear
  208. - A decent number of display issues in Japanese/Chinese have been fixed
  209. - A decent number of typos and mistakes have been fixed across all languages
  215. - Fixed issue where Sniper Rabbit's Sapphire Secondary upgrade would hurt herself and her allies when she gave out buffs