1. Update v28.16:
  2. fixed attack commands stopping incoming reinforcing units
  3. fixed sync error due to dark skybox setting
  4. fixed weapons not firing on almost dead units due to incoming damage
  5. updated colliding empires scenario image
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Settings
  8. Added max frame rate setting.
  9. Added dynamic light quality setting.
  10. Added wide move scalar, toggle paused VO, right-click move tolerance settings.
  11. Added "pause/unpause" game voice-over setting.
  12. Added right-click move tolerance settings.
  13. Added mute on alt-tab setting.
  14. Added reset all settings buttons.
  15. Added show intro movie setting.
  16. Added snap_to_unit_zoom_target_distance_to_cursor setting. Controls the distance to cursor at which the camera zooms into a nearby unit. Set to 0 to fully disable this feature.
  17. Improved settings window drop box style.
  18. Renamed resolution setting to display mode.
  19. Added language setting.
  20. Added dark skybox only setting.
  21. Applied setting changes upon closing the settings window. Normally, all text entry changes need to hit enter, but users were confused why settings weren't applied. Now, enter will automatically be sent to all changed text boxes when the window is closed.
  22. Fixed settings not notifying UI of changes on load.
  24. Keyboard and Keybindings
  25. Added support for numpad key binding.
  26. Added support for some missing key bindings (e.g., add, multiply).
  27. Added distinction between left and right Shift, CTRL, and ALT modifier keys. Left modifier keys are still not bindable themselves, as they are used as modifiers for other inputs. However, right modifier keys are now separated and explicitly bindable.
  28. Added localized keyboard keys for non-English keyboards.
  29. Added support for ALT+GR on German keyboards. is_ctrl_down() now returns false if RIGHT-ALT is also down because Windows considers both keys pressed when ALT+GR is pressed.
  30. Fixed having to hold down key to create new input mapping bindings.
  31. Fixed assigning control group to enemy ships to get vision of them through fog of war.
  33. Gameplay and Balance
  34. Fixed some units not correctly holding position.
  35. Fixed abilities that spawn units not checking global/gravity well unit limits before use. This prevented loss of Deploy Starbase items if a starbase already existed in the gravity well.
  36. Stopped non-attack capable ships from preserving old orders when mixed with attack-capable ships. Previously, they would keep their old order, which felt incorrect when issuing a new command to the entire selection.
  37. Fixed phase jump in formation being permanently stalled by negative abilities (e.g., Domina suppression). Debuffed ships will no longer stall large fleets from phase jumping.
  38. Fixed only a single artifact being dropped when ships were killed.
  39. Fixed units attacking using the wrong engagement range (e.g., Ragnarov, Marza).
  40. Fixed wormholes not working consistently.
  41. Prevented auto-cast during phase jump charging, which soft-locked Guardians from phase jumping away while healing each other.
  42. Improved capital ship capture loot/wreckage vs. attack logic.
  43. Changed Unity Ability levels to require enough max Focus to cast the ability at the new level.
  44. Changed Unyielding Will to allow weapons to be used while crippled.
  45. Changed Unyielding Will to no longer destroy the Titan when invulnerability ends. Instead, passive bonuses and the capability to become invulnerable go offline for a passive cooldown period.
  46. Fixed Unyielding Will's Ability Cooldown modifier being calculated incorrectly.
  47. Offset ship charge times by formation rank, causing later ranked ships to arrive after smaller (front) ranks.
  48. Fixed Radiation Bomb damage stacking and adjusted several buffs' stacking behavior to prevent unnecessary buff restarts.
  49. Fixed reductions in max crippled hull points causing incorrect repair of regular hull points.
  50. Prevented colonization abilities from targeting planets already being colonized.
  51. Changed Recall to exclude your home planet as a valid target, solving the exploit of recalling just for the restorative effects.
  52. Added persistent weapon target tracking. Improves weapon tracking performance and solves light frigates winning against corvettes by always having at least one corvette to damage. Now, corvettes will win as intended.
  53. Rebalanced point defense corvettes and strike craft:
  54. Point defense is now less effective against missiles but more effective against strike craft and corvettes.
  55. Corvette HP and strike craft HP reduced; build times increased.
  56. Bomber reload times slowed and attack patterns made riskier.
  57. Rebalanced structure durability oversight.
  59. AI
  60. Numerous AI improvements, including better player AI usage of NPC raids.
  61. Fixed AI fleet retreat logic.
  63. User Interface
  64. Added Shift modifier for control group creation: Ctrl+1 creates a new control group, Ctrl+Shift+1 appends the selection to an existing control group.
  65. Improved wormhole and star selection UI:
  66. Render phase lanes when star or wormhole is selected.
  67. Render wormhole spatial space when selected or under the cursor.
  68. Added starbase build limits as pips on build menu buttons.
  69. Fixed Escape key not closing drop boxes in the settings window. Previously, it closed the entire settings window instead.
  70. Fixed extra mouse buttons not working when research or other windows are open.
  71. Fixed post-game categories not being collapsible.
  72. Added new exotic_income rendering type to display exotic production from items.
  73. Updated various research and unity icons.
  74. Added hide completed research buttons setting.
  76. Multiplayer
  77. Added game server filter to show only unstarted games.
  78. Added game server list sorting.
  79. Fixed lobby team buttons not showing for drop-in scenarios.
  80. Blocked surrendering for players who rejoined games in progress to prevent griefing by instantly surrendering.
  82. Art
  83. Models
  84. Added destroyed asteroid planet.
  85. Updated crystal resource asteroid texture.
  86. Updated destroyed planet.
  87. Updated TEC anti-armor frigate.
  88. Updated TEC Cobalt light frigate.
  89. Updated Advent constructor ship.
  90. Updated Advent Temple of Renewal structure.
  91. Visual Effects
  92. Updated Novalith orbital cannon charge-up.
  93. Updated Novalith orbital cannon muzzle effect.
  94. Added Armor Patch Kit effects.
  95. Added destroyed planet effect.
  96. Added planet explosion effect.
  97. Added stripped asteroid effect.
  98. Added TEC Sova capital mobile factory effect.
  99. Updated destroyed planet effect.
  100. Updated nuke effects to fix sizing bug.
  101. Removed old destroyed planet particle effect.
  102. Fixed destroyed planet particle effect not respawning when zooming in.
  103. Added is_visible_constraint to Subspace Rupture for Gravity Warhead modifications.
  104. Added child mesh rendering for ships under construction.
  106. Tooltips
  107. Improved Unyielding Will's buff tooltips.
  108. Changed Gas Crystallizer tooltip to exotic_income.
  109. Fixed typo in Gemini map description.
  110. Fixed incorrect names of stars and planets in scenario descriptions.
  111. Fixed item tooltips showing "waiting for exotics" when only waiting for research. Previously, it was misleading if the player had enough exotics but research wasn't completed.
  112. Fixed loot collector tooltip icons, ensuring consistent sizing.
  113. Hid dummy weapons from tooltips when building ships (fix for Revelation Battlecruiser).
  114. Updated various HUD and tooltip unit icons.
  115. Added arbitrary research line to research tooltips for greater clarity.
  116. Improved tooltips with arbitrary tooltip line.
  117. Added Focus cost changes in upgrade tooltips.
  118. Added new strings for Advent Res/Dom Deliverance research tooltips.
  119. Added planet types buildable line to unit item section of research tooltips.
  120. Added tooltip icons to planet uniforms.
  121. Added a section above ability unlocks in research tooltips.
  122. Expanded research tooltips for clearer descriptions.
  123. Added value constraints to wide_move_spacing_scalar.
  124. Fixed missing lobby option tooltips.
  126. Modding
  127. Removed deprecated action_group from ability_passive_action_definition (use persistent_buff instead).
  128. Fixed peon package mod not forming filenames properly.
  129. Fixed Mod.io API being disabled for some users.
  130. Fixed Mod.io login failures caused by certain non-ASCII usernames.
  131. Added passive cooldown option for abilities.
  132. Added are_player_slots_randomized to scenarios, allowing fixed starting positions instead of randomized ones.
  133. Added bake button in preview scenario view, along with validation for skybox and extended skybox settings after bake.
  134. Added does_not_have_unit_item flair effect constraint.
  135. Added validation to map saving, ensuring maps with duplicate save IDs or missing player_home_planet node filling aren't allowed.
  136. Fixed generated galaxy charts not supporting solar systems with zero home planets.
  137. Fixed music not resetting when mod changes are applied.
  138. Removed the hard cap of 7 for unmet_research_prerequisite_vector; now supports infinite research prerequisites (memory permitting).
  139. Removed the hard limit of 10 on exotic types.
  140. Split subscribed and enabled mods, allowing users to subscribe to mods (download files) and toggle them on and off without redownloading.
  142. Tutorials
  143. Updated tutorial_manager with the ability to check for scenarios when a user can drop below and then rise above a condition threshold within a stage.
  144. Added separate stage_start_state to keep the current state and stage start state discrete.
  146. Localization
  147. Updated all translations - special thanks to the users helping us do these!
  148. Updated fonts to include missing glyphs.
  149. Localized the "toggle paused" input name.
  151. Crashes, Asserts, and Sync Bugs
  152. Fixed camera free rotation occasionally causing float3 normalization crashes.
  153. Fixed sync error in recorded games.
  154. Fixed duplicate phase lanes assertion.
  156. Misc
  157. Fixed unit orders being preserved through player ownership changes.
  158. Fixed UI rendering for Ankylon's Disruption Matrix not displaying improved range in friendly gravity wells.
  159. Fixed auto cast for caster-based area of effect abilities.
  160. Renamed Military Grade Specs to Military Grade Rounds.
  162. Update v28.10:
  163. Sanity
  164. Our fleet has arrived at a phase jump inhibitor and is now trapped!
  165. Our fleet has arrived at a phase jump inhibitor and is now trapped!
  166. Our fleet has arrived at a phase jump inhibitor and is now trapped!
  167. Our fleet has arrived at a phase jump inhibitor and is now trapped!
  168. Our fleet has arrived at a phase jump inhibitor and is now trapped!
  169. FIXED!
  171. Settings
  172. Added camera rotate and pan speed settings.
  173. Added camera zoom speed settings.
  174. Added shadow quality setting.
  175. Reduce this if you are having memory problems.
  176. Added clip cursor to window setting.
  177. Added setting to disable zooming to cursor attaching to strike craft or missiles. This is now default behavior.
  178. Moved DPI setting to User Interface.
  179. Updated Settings screen design.
  180. More to come!
  182. Gameplay
  183. Fixed and improved auto-cast for single target burst damage abilities. They should now activate properly and favor targeting capital ships, starbases and titans (e.g., Ragnarov’s Piercing Shot).
  184. Fixed non-unit-targeted abilities not auto-casting correctly (e.g., Sova’s Deploy Missile Battery).
  185. Fixed point defense weapons to prevent overkill.
  186. Fixed being able to change home planet if the planet’s home planet bonus civilian or military slots are in use.
  187. Changed establishing a new home planet to transition after a delay, rather than instantly.
  188. Improved Novalith Cannon auto-cast target selection.
  189. Improved fleet factory distribution logic.
  190. Updated Unity Recall target filter to ignore construction vessels.
  191. Fixed units and wreckage getting instead of stars (and thus unable to claim wreckage).
  192. Fixed estimated incoming damage with Armor points.
  193. Fixed max linear speed possibly growing to infinity and beyond if using faster ship move speed option.
  194. Fixed pathfinding not calculating travel time between stars properly.
  195. Fixed starting home planet buff not always getting applied to gravity wells 2 jumps away.
  196. Fixed Vasari carrier moving to attack logic.
  197. Fixed units being able to ignore movement speed debuffs by being in a formation.
  198. Unity abilities now properly handle changes to the Advent player’s home planet.
  199. Fixed refund exotic exploit (you know who you were…).
  201. Balance
  202. Advent Deliverance Engine:
  203. Moved to Tier 4 Harmony research.
  204. Four new techs (2 per faction) added to unlock faction specific Deliverance abilities and upgrades.
  205. Deliverance Engine cooldown increased from 180 to 300 seconds.
  206. Rebalanced excessive Psi Boost ratios: decreased Psi Power ratio for Guidance, Vertigo and Malice.
  207. Rebalanced Minor Faction raids:
  208. Range increased from 25 AU to 30 AU.
  209. Raids no longer require line-of-sight to use.
  210. Rebalanced Pirate Boarding Crew:
  211. Influence cost increased from 1 to 2.
  212. Charges increased from 2 to 3.
  213. Purchase cooldown increased from 180 to 240 seconds.
  214. Rebalanced Point Defense:
  215. Point defense has been rebalanced to account for the overkill bug fix mentioned above. Point defense units will now scale far more effectively with the number of units.
  216. Rebalanced Proselytize:
  217. Now required dominant culture in a gravity well to be used. This will prevent the ability from being used to trivially place Advent culture anywhere on the map if uncontested; instead temporarily augment an existing culture push. This should also remove early game Proselytize/Conversion rush strategies that were proving dominant and difficult to counter. We will continue to monitor Unity abilities for use case and power level.
  218. Rebalanced Sanctify cooldown from 300/180/90 to 300/210/120 seconds.
  219. Rebalanced Tempest Vessel:
  220. Light Swarm missile rate of fire increased from 6.5 to 8.5 seconds.
  221. Decreased missile salvo density from 0.3 seconds to launch all missiles to 0.75 seconds.
  222. Decreased range from 8000 to 7500km to make kiting slightly riskier and to ensure it never outranges defense platforms.
  223. Build time increased from 22 to 25 seconds to make it harder to mass-up early on and to ensure the Disciple keeps its build time advantage.
  224. Rebalanced Temple of Pilgrimage - can now be built on all planet types as intended.
  225. Rebalanced Vasari Mobile Rulership - this Item has been temporarily restricted to the Vorastra titan.
  226. Fixed Vasari factions from losing planet item slots at max logistics level on Ferrous, Ice and Volcanic planets.
  227. Rebalanced all missiles speed, grouping and lifetimes.
  229. AI
  230. Numerous AI improvements.
  231. Decreased the jump in difficulty from Hard to Unfair AI.
  233. User Interface
  234. Added key bindings to hold zoom in and out (simulating mouse wheel with keyboard).
  235. Added ability to bind extra mouse buttons (but not left or right).
  236. Fixed selection group hotkey press from focusing on hotkey group when not wanted. Now needs to be double pressed within time tolerance.
  237. Added a second keybinding for scrub future orbits. Tilde [`] not standard on some keyboards.
  238. Added fix for mouse movement through Remote Desktop.
  239. Fixed inverted mouse deltas on absolute (Virtual Desktop) code path.
  241. Tooltips
  242. Fixed Magnetic Singularity buff tooltip rendering the incorrect slow modifier value.
  243. Fixed buff tooltip lines in Essence Reservoir, Nanite Armor and Strength of the Fallen that did not render stack scaling correctly.
  244. Fixed Novalith ability description.
  246. Optimizations
  247. Numerous optimizations for mesh, shadow, and particle rendering, etc. Some of these will be significant on certain hardware combinations.
  249. Modding
  250. Added scenario drop in folder. Makes authoring and playing custom scenarios much easier. No more having to create mods for them.
  251. Fixed Mod.io list box corruption on scrolling.
  252. Fixed Apply Mod changes not refreshing window areas.
  253. Fixed asserts if no skybox setup in scenario.
  254. Fixed modding Apply button always enabled on game startup. Should only be enabled when any changes have been made to be applied.
  255. Fixed mixed mod uniform merging creating duplicates of values. For example, if a mod had a scenario of the same name, the scenario would be duplicated in the front-end scenario list.
  256. Fixed lobby not handling scenarios from mods that only the host has.
  258. Misc.
  259. Added new planet name, Solon.
  260. Updated red beacon color on the upper-right of planet icons (enemy phase jump inhibitor).
  261. Updated numerous strings.
  262. Updated game credits.
  263. Updated player guide link.
  264. Updated Vasari Subspace Rupture vfx.
  266. Misc. Bug Fixes
  267. Fixed multiplayer sync error.
  268. Fixed multiplayer last used game settings not being saved.
  269. Fixed polling input actions getting stuck as ‘down’ if mapped to duplicate keys.
  270. Fixed quotes in Steam player names breaking multiplayer logins.
  271. Fixed Trader planet item naming issue.
  272. Fixed some Tutorial bugs.
  273. Fixed error in Exotics tutorial - Exotic Refinery is Tier 2, not Tier 3.
  274. Fixed Advent Culture Suppression research icon.
  275. Fixed lobby options not being applied properly.
  276. Fixed play point effect not showing up on newly created buff agents.
  278. Game Windows
  279. Added new brush for list box item hover.
  280. Fixed popup purchase item background window not being wide enough.
  281. Improved Escape menu layout.
  282. Improved lobby window layout.
  283. Improved new/load front-end screen layout.
  284. Removed random player icons from lobby.
  285. Added new front-end watermarks.
  286. Fixed margins on planet window.
  288. Misc. Crashes and Asserts
  289. Fixed assert if Minor Faction player colonizes planet without simple planet level.
  290. Fixed crashing issues with save games.
  291. Removed alert on load save games with divergent frameworks.
  292. Suppressed setting JSON read errors.
  293. Fixed larger units not being able to travel through wormholes.
  294. Fixed duplicate phase lane crash.
  295. Fixed Mod.io login bug.
  296. Note: All users will need to re-download their mods.