- The.Good.Ship.Murder.S01E03.720p.WEB.H264-SKYFiRE
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- Pre.Date: 27.10.2024
- The.Good.Ship.Murder.S01E03.720p.WEB.H264-SKYFiRE
- Source: WEB
- Runtime: 45 min 16 sec(s)
- Size: 1.44 GiB
- Video: 1280 X 720 / 4500kb/s / 25.000 fps
- Audio: English / AAC / 2 channels / 96.0 kb/s
- Subs: English
- Synopsis:
- The Good Ship Murder is set aboard a luxury cruise liner touring everyone's favourite
- Mediterranean holiday hotspots bubbling with intrigue, rivalries, glamour, money and class
- divides but its new cabaret singer, ex detective Jack Grayling, soon discovers there are
- also more sinister elements below the surface.بOn a cruise out of Southampton, Jack meets
- newly promoted First Ocer, Kate Woods. Fierce and ambitious, she's a woman in a man's
- world with plenty to prove. After a passenger is found murdered in their rst port of call,
- Kate's dream of her own command is thrown into jeopardy and Jack nds himself thrust back
- into his former life as a detective. What follows is a wave of murder mysteries each set
- Notes: