1. Update v1.6.0.4:
  2. New Features:
  3. Feature #1: The Automated Logistic
  4. Here’s the backbone of this update, designed to alleviate most of the logistical challenges you've faced when moving goods and managing production and warehouse supplies. Since we first announced the automated freight feature in April, the community has been eagerly providing feedback and speculating on how it would turn out—and now, it’s finally here.
  6. To assign a freight order, you’ll need an empty and idle ship at the port of origin, which also requires a hangar slot at that port. Once you have that, you can select the cargo amount for the order and even set a partial cargo volume. This allows the ship to depart without waiting for a full load, which can be very handy for keeping your operations running smoothly. You can set these parameters for both the outbound and return trips.
  8. Since you’re likely to have multiple freight orders and ships running them, we're introducing a new menu to help you keep track of everything related to your logistics. You can access it using the button located between the quest journal and the storyline objective, or by pressing the hotkey "L."
  10. On this screen you start with the list of your freight route and their status. You can turn the cruising preference on/ff and mark certain routes favorite. You can hit the “Change” button here to go to the hangar with the ship carrying out the order selected and reassign them.
  12. To complement the freight system, you can now instruct shops to deliver supplies to your local warehouse as soon as they become available. You can set the order to either request a specific amount every restock cycle or maintain a supply level at a certain amount. The first time you place an order, the shop will deliver the initial batch with the currently available amount. After that, deliveries will occur at every restock cycle. You can pair this with your freight route to ensure your manufactories are always stocked with the necessary supplies.
  14. Which brings us to the second page of the logistic menu, here you will find all your auto-buy orders listed down and could direct access merchants with the order along with bookmarking them for future references with ease.
  16. The third and final tab in the logistics menu is the Production Order. While the production feature has been available since launch, there was no efficient way to manage it—until now. This screen allows you to view and manage all your production orders from one centralized location..
  18. As long as we are here, we will continue gathering your feedback and further improving the quality of life in the production aspects of the game.
  20. Feature #2: Difficulty Levels Adjustment and New Achievements
  21. Since the release of Kingdoms Adrift, we've continually adjusted the game's difficulty based on player feedback, and we're pleased with how things have shaped up. However, there are elements we believe would have been more engaging had they remained more challenging. That's why we're introducing new difficulty settings in the updated game start sequence.
  23. Players can now choose from several modes: Story Joyride for the easiest experience, Challenging for an average level of difficulty, and Kingdoms Adrift as the ultimate test. Additionally, you can customize specific penalties and bonuses, such as enemy damage potency, boarding capture rates, quest rewards, and starting funds.
  25. Once a difficulty level is selected, it will be tied to your save file. Clearing the game at different difficulty levels will unlock new achievements that reflect your accomplishments.
  27. Improvements:
  28. Resupply Your Fleet Automatically
  30. From the settlement’s resupply screen, you can now choose to have your fleet automatically resupplied.
  32. An Improved and More Compact Shop Screen
  34. It’s now much easier to browse through a merchant’s inventory—we’ve increased the number of items displayed per page from a mere 12 to 48!
  36. Befriending a Faction to Remove Your Hunting Marks
  38. You can now clear your misdeeds against a faction by handing in each faction's hunting marks at their respective commission stores. Once you have made friends with eligible factions, you’ll be able to visit their commissioners to remove your misdeeds. Please note that certain factions, like the Le Faucons cartel or Sunvale’s infamous Free Traders, will never issue pardons for your actions.
  40. Apply a Color Scheme to Your Fleet
  42. When applying colors to your ships, you can now easily apply the same color scheme to your entire main fleet, ensuring a consistent look.
  44. Added 2 extra tiers to Cadenza and Helmut’s workshops for increased production capacity.
  46. Other Changes:
  47. Reduced raiders' integrity by 35% across the board.
  48. Increased the fire rate of pivoted cannons.
  49. Reduced self-hardening thresholds on some armors.
  50. Increased bonus performance of inertia balancers.
  51. Bug Fixes:
  52. Fixed an issue where capturing a ship could reward 3 ships instead.
  53. Fixed trading hint items being added to cargo instead of the treasury.
  54. Fixed an issue where selecting a parley tribute cargo would reset the cargo screen pages.
  55. Fixed an issue where disabling production notifications sometimes did not work.
  56. Multiple under-the-hood stability improvements.
  58. Update v1.5.4.1:
  59. Now for the NEW STUFF!
  60. We recognize that many players have encountered difficulties stripping ships for parts. While we couldn't code the game to allow unfinished ships to leave the shipyard, we were somewhat stuck and couldn't find a solution for some time. However, thanks to our community member @DasIrrlicht, who proposed a solution, we were able to implement it as soon as possible!
  62. We added a couple of items to help you fill up those pesky parts that you want to remove from a ship. You can find these items at every merchant available in all the shipyards.
  64. While we've designed the freight automation feature, our engineers are still in the process of finding time to work on it. Currently, we're focusing on the beginning stages of a new project that we'll soon be announcing.
  66. Once we reach the first milestone on that project, we'll share it with all of you and then return to work on the automation feature. So, once more, the feature's ETA remains "Soon." We've already taken note of all the feedback and concerns everyone has regarding the design.
  68. We have also been working on these:
  70. Improvements:
  71. Text display areas in the "How to Play" section will now be easier to accommodate localized strings.
  72. Fixed some Chinese localization
  73. Bug Fixes:
  74. Officers will no longer provide active tactic performance once their respective command slots are destroyed.
  75. Fixed some battle conclusion conditions related to surrendering that caused the game to crash.
  76. Fixed instances where advancing dialogs crashed the game.
  77. Fixed cases where location panel switching caused the game to crash.
  78. Fixed ships' cruising speed calculation for UI display, preventing crashes.
  79. Corrected ships' grid panels to update parts condition accurately.
  80. Addressed instances where inventory handling resulted in crashes.
  81. Fixed UI transition issues in the shipyard that caused crashes.
  82. Resolved various bugs reported via crash handler. Thank you to everyone for submitting them.
  83. Fixed issues with firing arcs not being displayed correctly sometimes.
  85. Update v1.5.3.7:
  86. New Stuff:
  87. Steam workshop support for language and translation mods
  88. You can now opt out of Unity’s telemetry and analytics from the settings menu
  89. Chinese localization and translation errors have been fixed
  90. Improvements:
  91. Improved inventory sorting and caching so that players with large inventories should no longer experience reduced performance
  92. Reduced the volume of bulk transaction audio queue
  93. Removed graphic options that are not well-optimized
  94. Bug Fixes:
  95. Addressed 11 instances of crash and instability caught by crash reporters
  96. Fixed capturing escort ships ended up yielding the enemy’s flagships
  97. Fixed some stat modifier localization strings that were not localized
  98. Fixed DLC not activating when starting a new game
  99. Fixed ship parts store missing from the SilberblumHQ’s shipyard in the final arc
  100. Fixed issues with surrendering destabilize the game in various cases
  101. Fixed hotkey interference while naming a ship
  102. Fixed crashes caused by loading the game too early after just loading in
  103. Fixed cruising speed information display (by removing it temporarily)
  104. Fixed post-battle damage report inconsistencies
  105. Fixed boarding range and boarding calculation being inconsistent
  106. Fixed unknown modifier appearing on ships statistic page
  107. Fixed ships record statistics not counting up properly
  108. Fixed crashes caused by beam weapons
  109. Fixed the turn-back retreat message persisting after the battle
  110. Fixed game soft-locking when losing the boarding duel
  111. Fixed various crashes caused by search box filtering
  112. Fixed energy weapons not firing when ammo ran out
  113. Fixed the destroy ship button showing up in
  114. Fixed language consistency on ship destruction confirmation sequence
  116. Update v1.5.2.4:
  117. New Stuff:
  118. Added an option to switch between metric and imperial units of measurement
  120. You can now use Steam’s Launch option “-debug” to access the debug version of the game for test purposes. Find out more about debug commands in our Discord community: LINK
  122. You can now scrap ships from the hangar permanently if you want to do so.
  124. Improvements:
  125. Allow adding captured ships to the fleet in place of destroyed escorts
  126. Improve the consistency of shield toggling behavior
  127. Nuala's questline is now tracked on the quest log
  128. Weapon range and reload calculation should now be more robust
  129. Compulsive Beam ramping damage should now be more robust
  130. The firing arc should flicker less when changing the firing chain and with fewer rendering issues
  131. Added damage-resistant negation to Compulsive Beam
  132. Added universally producible parts to the rest of the parts production workshop
  133. Bug Fixes:
  134. Fixed prompt to officer level-up notification not appearing
  135. Fixed memory leak caused by ship texture not unloading while switching between ships
  136. Fixed Steam’s overlay and leaving/entering app focus locked up the keyboard input
  137. Fixed font display errors on the main quest instruction panel
  138. Fixed reload speed calculation logic
  139. Fixed weapons range calculation logic
  140. Fixed error and feedback pop-up closed the game upon exiting
  141. Fixed another repair logic error which caused a miscalculation in the repair value
  142. Fixed a shield toggle button being rendered off the screen
  143. Fixed cruising not getting turned off on arrival at higher time dilation
  144. Fixed Firwood logs being offered in Arran Town instead of the intended Pinewood
  145. Fixed graphic glitches on Mana Grypon while in port
  146. Fixed some logistic quest sizes not being labeled correctly
  147. Fixed talents and functions that repair certain part types not repairing
  148. Fixed talents that add specific parts repair not repairing
  149. Detailed Balancing Changes:
  150. Drives:
  151. Mana motor
  152. 1.1 Torque 600000 > 660000
  153. 1.2 ManeuverPropulsion 46000 > 47000
  155. Medium mana motor
  156. 2.1 Propulsion 420000 > 450000
  157. 2.2 Torque 1920000 > 2160000
  158. 2.3 ManeuverPropulsion 144000 > 150000
  160. Large mana motor
  161. 3.1 Propulsion 640000 > 660000
  162. 3.2 Torque 2720000 > 3000000
  163. 3.3 ManeuverPropulsion 200000 > 208000
  165. Cannons:
  166. Heavy Himmelrite Blitz Cannon
  167. 1.1 Potency 989 > 1116
  168. 1.2 Reload time 5.20 > 4.60
  170. Heavy Viridite Blitz Cannon
  171. 2.1 Potency 952 > 1028
  172. 2.2 Reload time 5.40 > 5.00
  174. Heavy Himmelrite Bustercannon
  175. 3.1 Power per shot 650 > 700
  177. Heavy Viridite Bustercannon
  178. 4.1 Power per shot 650 > 700
  180. Repeaters:
  181. Twin repeater
  182. 1.1 Potency 1448 > 1585
  183. 1.2 Reload time 5.65 > 5.15
  184. 2.Twin Viridite repeater
  185. 2.1 Potency 1500 > 1647
  186. 2.2 Reload time 5.45 > 4.95
  188. Protection parts:
  189. Mechanized plating
  190. 1.1 Integrity 3200 > 4100
  191. 1.2 Repair/s 5 > 17
  192. 1.3 Power consumption 25 > 17
  194. Medium mechanized plating
  195. 2.1 Integrity 6400 > 8200
  196. 2.2 Repair/s 10 > 35
  197. 2.3 Power consumption 50 > 35
  199. Large mechanized plating
  200. 3.1 Integrity 12800 > 16400
  201. 3.2 Repair/s 25 > 70
  202. 3.3 Power consumption 100 > 70
  204. Generative alloy plate
  205. 4.1 Integrity 6800 > 8800
  206. 4.2 Repair/s 25 > 70
  208. Large generative alloy plate
  209. 5.1 Integrity 13600 > 17600
  210. 5.2 Repair/s 55 > 140
  212. Update v1.5.2.1:
  213. New Stuff:
  215. Players can now obtain the new Jormungandr layout through construction. Capturing the Jormungandr will yield an inferior ship layout compared to the one created by players' shipyards.
  216. Custom emblem creation is now available. (More details will be available on Discord's modding section soon.)
  217. Additional language glyphs have been added to the project.
  218. The localization base file is now exposed and accessible for adding custom language translations. (More details will be available on Discord's modding section soon.)
  219. Version number watermark is now visible on all screens for better error tracking.
  220. Prior to crashing, a dialog will appear allowing players to send crash logs and save files to help with further improvements.
  221. Players can now choose to continue playing an unstable game instead of terminating the game after a crash.
  222. Improvements:
  224. Increased Evasive Assault's (Georgiana & Elise) skill cost to match their performance.
  225. Balancing adjustment for mana weapons
  226. Balancing adjustment for shields
  227. Allowed rotation on Engineering Decks
  228. Various adjustments made to torpedo launchers for rebalancing.
  229. Bug Fixes:
  231. Fixed crashes on the PvP loadout creation screen
  232. Fixed upgrade tooltip stuck on the screen after making facility upgrades
  233. Fixed crashes caused by unused shaders being used by scenes
  234. Fixed RSP generals dropping XXL Teutonic frames instead of blueprints
  235. Fixed issue where right-clicking to sell ships would sell unintended ships.
  236. Addressed some crashes related to the crash reporter....
  237. Detailed Balancing Changes:
  238. Shields:
  239. 1.Rapid recovery shield
  240. 1.1 recharge consumption rate 280 > 270 /s
  242. 2.Capitol rapid recovery shield
  243. 2.1 recharge consumption rate 480 > 450 /s
  245. Projectiles:
  246. Mana bolt: damage 1070 > 963
  247. Large mana bolt: damage 1320 > 1188
  248. Explosive bolt: damage 820 > 765
  249. Kinetic rocket: damage 1390 > 1460
  250. Wasp rocket: damage 500 > 525
  251. Light rocket: damage 890 > 935
  252. Seeker rocket: damage 2950 > 3100
  253. Heavy rocket: damage 3150 > 3308
  254. Explosive rocket: damage 2780 > 2920
  256. Weapons:
  257. Mana Bolt Discharger
  258. 1.1 Potency: 312 > 291
  259. 1.2 Reload(s): 6 > 5.8
  260. 1.3 Power/shot: 175 > 140
  262. Mana Bolt Turret
  263. 2.1 Potency: 1339 > 1223
  264. 2.2 Reload(s): 6.8 > 6.7
  265. 2.3 Power/shot: 875 > 662
  267. Mana Bolt Array
  268. 3.1 Potency: 2009 > 1917
  269. 3.2 Reload(s): 13.8 > 13
  270. 3.3 Power/shot: 2010 > 1900
  272. Heavy Mana Bolt Discharger
  273. 4.1 Potency: 694 > 644
  274. 4.2 Reload(s): 10 > 9.7
  275. 4.3 Power/shot: 450 > 470
  277. Heavy Mana Bolt Array
  278. 5.1 Potency: 2618 > 2014
  279. 5.2 Reload(s): 10.4 > 12.2
  280. 5.3 Power/shot: 1360 > 1790
  282. Explosive Bolt Turret
  283. 6.1 Potency: 1476 > 1377
  284. 6.2 Power/shot: 1050 > 1000
  286. Explosive Bolt Array
  287. 7.1 Potency: 3729 > 3305
  288. 7.2 Reload(s): 9.3 > 9.8
  289. 7.3 Power/shot: 2100 > 3220
  291. Kinetic Rocket Rail
  292. 8.1 Potency: 326 > 343
  294. Kinetic Rocket Rack
  295. 9.1 Potency: 1305 > 1443
  296. 9.2 Reload(s): 11.5 > 10.9
  297. 9.3 Ammo/shot: 756 > 720
  298. 9.4 Power/shot: 960 > 914
  300. Kinetic Rocket Turret
  301. 10.1 Potency: 1440 > 2261
  302. 10.2 Reload(s): 14 > 9.2
  303. 10.3 Ammo/shot: 1380 > 920
  304. 10.4 Power/shot: 1740 > 1162
  306. Wasp Rocket Launcher
  307. 11.1 Potency: 316 > 315
  308. 11.2 Reload(s): 8.6 > 9.1
  309. 11.3 Ammo/shot: 135 > 149
  310. 11.4 Power/shot: 180 > 188
  312. Hailstorm Rocket Hive
  313. 12.1 Potency: 3249 > 3748
  314. 12.2 Reload(s): 7.6 > 6.9
  315. 12.3 Ammo/shot: 1600 > 1300
  316. 12.4 Power/shot: 1600 > 1700
  318. Wave Rocket Launcher
  319. 13.1 Potency: 1375 > 1444
  320. 13.2 Ammo/shot: 1160 > 1105
  322. Cluster Rocket Launcher
  323. 14.1 Potency: 1375 > 1444
  324. 14.2 Ammo/shot: 1160 > 1105
  326. Seeker Rocket Rail
  327. 15.1 Potency: 615 > 647
  328. 15.2 Ammo/shot: 260 > 284
  330. Seeker Rocket Turret
  331. 16.1 Potency: 2130 > 2042
  332. 16.2 Reload(s): 10.2 > 11.2
  333. 16.3 Ammo/shot: 1050 > 1080
  334. 16.4 Power/shot: 1440 > 1365
  336. Heavy Rocket Rail
  337. 17.1 Potency: 986 > 1035
  338. 17.2 Reload(s): 7.6 > 6.9
  340. Heavy Rocket Rack
  341. 18.1 Potency: 2151 > 2161
  342. 18.2 Reload(s): 11 > 11.5
  343. 18.3 Ammo/shot: 1040 > 1092
  344. 18.4 Power/shot: 1320 > 1380
  346. Explosive Rocket Rack
  347. 19.1 Potency: 3887 > 4083
  349. Torpedo:
  350. 1.Javelin Launch Tube (UC)
  351. 1.1 Potency: 1652 > 1817
  352. 1.2 Ammo per volley: 820 > 360
  353. 1.3 Power per volley: 1180 > 720
  355. 2.Javelin Launch Rack (UC)
  356. 2.1 Potency: 3717 > 3989
  357. 2.2 Ammo per volley: 1210 > 1180
  358. 2.3 Power per volley: 3150 > 2360
  360. 3.Nemesis Torpedo Tube (R)
  361. 3.1 Potency: 1502 > 1998
  362. 3.2 Ammo per volley: 1120 > 816
  363. 3.3 Power per volley: 960 > 816
  365. 4.Nemesis Torpedo Pods (E)
  366. 4.1 Potency: 3315 > 4783
  367. 4.2 Ammo per volley: 3400 > 2400
  368. 4.3 Power per volley: 2610 > 2400
  370. 5.Breach Torpedo Tube (UC)
  371. 5.1 Potency: 1350 > 1633
  372. 5.2 Ammo per volley: 505 > 336
  373. 5.3 Power per volley: 480 > 336
  375. 6.Dual Siluro Tubes (UC)
  376. 6.1 Potency: 1820 > 2183
  377. 6.2 Ammo per volley: 510 > 308
  378. 6.3 Power per volley: 480 > 308
  380. 7.Siluro Tube (UC)
  381. 7.1 Potency: 910 > 1001
  382. 7.2 Ammo per volley: 255 > 144
  383. 7.3 Power per volley: 300 > 144
  385. 8.Siluro Rack (R)
  386. 8.1 Potency: 1985 > 2386
  387. 8.2 Ammo per volley: 760 > 424
  388. 8.3 Power per volley: 830 > 424
  390. 9.Revolving Siluro Tubes (E)
  391. 9.1 Potency: 2183 > 2252
  392. 9.2 Ammo per volley: 1580 > 770
  393. 9.3 Power per volley: 1520 > 770
  395. 10.Heavy Torpedo Tube (UC)
  396. 10.1 Potency: 1360 > 1819
  397. 10.2 Ammo per volley: 630 > 374
  398. 10.3 Power per volley: 750 > 374
  400. 11.Heavy Torpedo Rack (R)
  401. 11.1 Potency: 3023 > 4375
  402. 11.2 Ammo per volley: 1870 > 1131
  403. 11.3 Power per volley: 2030 > 1131
  405. 12.Revolving Heavy Torpedo Tubes (L)
  406. 12.1 Potency: 6802 > 7275
  407. 12.2 Ammo per volley: 4500 > 2848
  408. 12.3 Power per volley: 4320 > 2848
  410. 13.Shielded Javelin Tube (UC)
  411. 13.1 Potency: 1353 > 1488
  412. 13.2 Ammo per volley: 410 > 390
  413. 13.3 Power per volley: 1170 > 780
  415. 14.Shielded Javelin Rack (R)
  416. 14.1 Potency: 3015 > 3628
  417. 14.2 Ammo per volley: 1210 > 1150
  418. 14.3 Power per volley: 3150 > 2300
  420. 15.Phase Javelin Tube (E)
  421. 15.1 Potency: 1502 > 1967
  422. 15.2 Ammo per volley: 490 > 418
  423. 15.3 Power per volley: 1260 > 840
  425. 16.Armored Torpedo Tube (R)
  426. 16.1 Potency: 1502 > 1819
  427. 16.2 Ammo per volley: 1105 > 816
  428. 16.3 Power per volley: 960 > 816
  430. 17.Mountain Buster Torpedo (L)
  431. 17.1 Potency: 8079 > 8886
  432. 17.2 Ammo per volley: 8640 > 5760
  433. 17.3 Power per volley: 4800 > 4800
  435. Update v1.5.1.4:
  436. Bug Fixes:
  437. Fixed Iona Mk I's Acceleration Factor (-20 > 20)
  439. Update v1.5.1.3:
  440. Improvements:
  441. Increased the initial cruising multiplier on all airframes to make the game more newbie-friendly. This is achieved by factoring in an additional 25% to cruise multipliers on airframes. The cruise speed ceiling remains the same as we reduced cruising multiplier on drives by 45% to balance the raw performance gains from airframes.
  442. Introduced x15 and x20 time acceleration options in the settings, with the default time acceleration set to 10x.
  443. Removed unused items from the shopping list for a cleaner interface.
  444. Added the XXL Teutonic frame to one of the RSP general's loot pools to provide redundancy and more means of obtaining them.
  445. Improved AI's range sensor to position themselves at a more precise distance.
  446. Added capturable/uncapturable info to the encounters panel to inform players whether they should attempt to capture them.
  447. Introduced "How to Play" sections for ship capture and escort ship assignment.
  448. Enhanced the cargo warning on the quest panel to make it clear when the cargo is full.
  449. Added a type-to-search function to the shopping list.
  450. Enabled shopping list number input via the keyboard.
  451. Expanded shopping lists to display all items in the game, serving as an encyclopedia of sorts.
  452. Added the option to hide untracked items in the shopping list via a checkbox.
  453. Ensured that encounters appear in front of players while cruising.
  454. Enabled the option to hide the objective panel and improved its transition sequence.
  455. Added custom emblem support, allowing for modding emblems.
  456. Enhanced AI behavior on some enemy fleets.
  457. Improved enemy performance on specific fleets.
  458. Turned off automatic time acceleration cancellation by default and added it to gameplay preference settings.
  459. Made balancing adjustments to certain ship parts and general encounters.
  460. Bug Fixes:
  461. Conducted major quest marker and quest data handling refactoring.
  462. Fixed issues related to items from destroyed/sold ships' cargo trigger events and phantom quest markers.
  463. Introduced a debug command: Fix_RemoveUnreachableItems to remove items that are inaccessible to players from the global inventory.
  464. Addressed an issue where projectile speed bonus did not have a noticeable effect.
  465. Corrected DLC airframes descriptions, which were still using the default description.
  466. Fixed an issue where the DLC label on save files displayed only half of the text.
  467. Ensured that the shopping list target amount starts at 0 when first set up.
  468. Resolved edge cases where ship parts pop-ups got stuck on the screen.
  469. Fixed crashes caused by syncing Steamcloud on different machines and switching between steam accounts on the same machine
  470. Resolved the issue where ship performance and status weren't updating properly when switching between officers in shipyards.
  471. Fixed the problem where losing the final fight still counted as completing the game in some cases.
  472. Addressed crashes caused by the achievement system, preventing players from entering the game.
  473. Fixed bugs that caused story progress to disappear after conversations.
  474. Corrected discrepancies in priming time bonus calculation numbers.
  476. Update v1.5.1.0:
  477. Improvements:
  479. Fine-tuned Rider Bays launch and retreat range, extending them to 1,000 meters.
  480. Some previously uncapturable ships are now capturable as they have been updated with new airframes
  481. Restored the "Overachiever" achievement.
  482. Bug Fixes:
  484. Fixed multiple achievements that were not working earlier.
  485. Corrected duplicated officer talents appearing at the same level.
  486. Addressed more causes that could lead to game crashes during the ending sequence.
  487. Fixed permits and other treasury items appearing in cargo areas. For ongoing playthroughs, press Shift+F2 to bring up the console and use the command: Fix_TreasuryLeakToCargo
  488. Resolved game crashes when creating new airframes in PvP.
  489. Fixed DLC warning repeatedly showing up.
  490. Addressed crashes caused by enemies retreating.
  491. Fixed crashes occurring while searching in the shop.
  492. Prevented players from transferring an exceeding amount of items while filtering.
  493. Fixed surrendered escort ships getting lost after victory.
  494. Fixed DLC ships not showing up in the PvP list