1. Update v1.0.5:
  2. ● Wide screens are now supported.
  3. ● Fixed some visual glitches in the Life Module.
  4. ● Fixed dialogs and markers related to objective “Decontaminate the Whale”.
  5. ● Fixed blocker in crafting mission.
  6. ● Fixed a crash related to AIs.
  7. ● Fixed crashes related to particles.
  8. ● Improved feedback for the Dispatcher puzzles.
  9. ● Updated some facial animations.
  10. ● Platinum achievement will be correctly unlocked for players being stuck due to previous issues with achievements.
  12. Update v1.0.4:
  13. Gameplay:
  14. ● Fixed Moon still going forward during WWII submarine reveal.
  15. ● Added respawning oil traces after Day 15 for players being stuck during Depollution quest if they already cleaned all the oil traces.
  16. ● Fixed synchronization in the guitar mini game.
  17. ● Fixed Stan playing air guitar.
  18. ● It’s no longer possible to exit the Life Module before completing all the morning objectives during Day 16.
  19. ● Stan correctly switches to swim when falling from a platform.
  20. ● All Platforms: Stan doesn’t fall through Moon when entering from a platform.
  21. ● Fixed landslide blocking Stan away from Moon, in Sector C.
  22. ● Fixed the ending cutscene sometimes not being played.
  23. ● Fixed a gameover loop when lacking oxygen.
  24. ● Fixed a loot zone near Sector B generating a big white circle marker on the map.
  25. ● Fixed sticker boxes looking like they're not opened yet.
  27. Environment:
  28. ● The helix collisions have been improved in the tunnels.
  29. ● Removed a collision in Dispatcher, preventing the player from reaching and interacting with a door.
  30. ● Fixed an issue where the player could land on the top of the MainDrill Building in sector A without cleaning the oil trace.
  31. ● Removed a hole in the landscape near Sector C entrance.
  32. ● Probe’s cave entrances have been modified to make them more visible.
  33. ● Fixed collisions on the base of the Life Module.
  34. ● Fixed floor collision in drone hive.
  35. ● Fixed collisions on some rocks.
  36. ● Removed some rocks floating on the Dispatcher’s pipes.
  37. ● Removed some foliage floating in the Abyss cave.
  38. ● Removed some vegetation floating above the surface, near sector A.
  39. ● Fixed visual glitches that occur sometimes in the Life Module.
  40. ● Changed displayed screen on the broken antenna.
  41. ● Fixed flying turbines over the elevator.
  42. ● Fixed Moon Garage Door staying open.
  44. Music & voices:
  45. ● Fixed generic music being cut in some conditions.
  46. ● There are more moments to appreciate the silence of the ocean.
  47. ● Fixed Stan’s dialog when interacting with the mirror, being not coherent with the moment of the day.
  48. ● French version only: Fixed the dialog during a call with Emma being cut by another dialog.
  50. Options:
  51. ● Added Graphic Option to attenuate the Grain.
  52. ● Added Graphic Option to disable the Chromatic Aberration.
  53. ● Added an option to invert the camera X axis when using the mouse.
  54. ● Added an option to disable the Letterboxing.
  55. ● Added an option to disable the Lens Dirt.
  57. Saves:
  58. ● Now supports saves on the Cloud.
  59. ● Fixed the save of daily logs that might be not saved sometimes.
  61. Misc:
  62. ● Disabled tips in loading screens after Stan’s last choice.
  64. Update v1.0.3:
  65. ● Fixed Trophy01 “Under The Waves” still being locked after completing
  66. ● Fixed some trophies not being unlocked when completing them in sector maps.
  67. ● Already completed trophies will be correctly unlocked when loading the saved game.
  68. ● Added Collectible Yellow boot inside the U-Sub WWII (J0 does not give it on day 14 anymore)
  69. ● Fixed a hole in the landscape.
  70. ● Fixed a parasite frame before the cinematic after Stan’s choice.
  71. ● Fixed looted chests still having a marker on map
  72. ● Fixed plastic boots not having their basic appearance but always the yellow one.
  73. ● Fixed proteus rocks being burnt in sectors maps not counting for the quest.
  74. ● Added an intermediate marker to lead towards the server room in Bunker Office in sector B.
  75. ● Fixed Stan not able to exit Moon during low integrity warning.
  76. ● Fixed photo quest not working with sleeping whales.
  77. ● Fixed “Cleaning Operation” quest that couldn’t be completed from sector areas.
  78. ● Fixed “Cleaning Operation” quest where the progression for the objective “Clean the Area” was not correctly saved.
  79. ● Fixed Moon still boosting during the reveal Submarine WWII cinematic if the player arrives in the area while boosting.
  80. ● Fixed an issue on Elevator Engine going out of the axis.
  81. ● Fixed a blocker issue where reloading a save after day 14 where the player exits the submarine “WWII” would end up in a black screen.
  82. ● Fixed an issue where Moon spawned in a rock when reloading inside the submarine “WWII” after day 14.
  83. ● Fixed a loot zone marker looking like a big white dot on the map.
  84. ● Fixed a crash that may happen when visualizing photos taken with the Camera.
  85. ● Fixed visual glitch happening sometimes in the Life Module.
  86. ● Fixed a bug where the Moon Hangar door would stay open, making a hole to go under the game map.
  88. Update v1.0.2:
  89. ● Fixed music being abruptly cut.
  90. ● Fixed unlimited oxygen during Day 14.
  91. ● Fixed a misplaced objective marker during drill activation objective.
  92. ● Fixed some interactions not being enabled after finishing the game (bed, jellyfish at the window).
  93. ● Fixed galleon trophy being not obtainable.
  94. ● Fixed containers mission not being started after reloading the game during Day 03.
  95. ● Fixed Stan being unable to enter in Moon during containers mission during Day 03.
  96. ● Fixed Moon being stuck in an explosion loop.
  97. ● Fixed a crash when using a mine on a grid at Transit Street
  98. ● Fixed screen tearing