1. Update 6.0.8
  3. I've been cooking something new for the last little while that I'll be revealing soon (those in the Discord know what I'm talking about). In the meantime though, have this:
  5. âš– BALANCE
  6. (perk) Cosmo: Critical Damage +100% → +200%, Damage -15% → -25%.
  7. (perk) Radar, (turret) Spyglass: Radar will now allow Spyglass to autoaim at microbes beyond the normal visible area.
  8. (weapon mod) Accuracy +100%, Firerate -25%: Accuracy +100% → +200%.
  9. (weapon mod) Accuracy +75%, Damage -15%: Accuracy +75% → +90%.
  10. (weapon mod) Accuracy +60%, Speed +100%: Accuracy +60% → +70%.
  11. (weapon mod) Critical Chance +25%, Accuracy +40%: Critical Chance +25% → +50%, Accuracy +40% → -50%, 20 → 30.
  12. (weapon mod) Critical Chance +50%, Knockback -100%: Critical Chance +50% → +40%, 35 → 25.
  13. (weapon mod) Critical Chance +75%, Firerate -25%: Critical Chance +75% → +100%, Firerate -25% → -40%.
  14. (weapon mod) Homing +50%, Size -30%: Size -30% → -25%, 25 → 20.
  15. (weapon mod) Homing +75%, Damage -15%: 30 → 25.
  16. (weapon mod) Homing +100%, Firerate -20%: 35 → 30.
  17. (weapon mod) Damage +50%, Range -25%: Damage +50% → +60%.
  18. (weapon mod) Range +100%, Damage -25%: 30 → 25.
  19. (weapon mod) Critical Chance +30%, Speed -30%: 30 → 25.
  20. (weapon mod) Sticky: 30 → 35.
  23. 🔄 CHANGES
  24. Hovering over the filter buttons at the top for weapon traits now says what it's called (ex. hovering over the one for Explosive).
  25. The "feeling sick?" intro popup won't appear if you've already disabled Music Visualizer and Screenshake in SETTINGS.
  26. The warning text that shows when you're about to reroll while at low Biomass will no longer appear if you don't have rerolls, or past wave 30.
  27. For burst-fire weapons, a shot will now only count as a "miss" if all projectiles within the burst didn't hit a microbe.
  28. Menu background patterns now have some extra effects applied to them (if "high quality" is on in SETTINGS).
  31. 🔨 FIXES
  32. (perk) Seismograph: The "MOD SPEED IGNORED" popup now says SIZE instead when this perk is equipped.
  33. (weapon mod) Projectiles +100%, Range -35%: Was only reducing Range by 30%.
  34. (turret mod) +100% Range on weapons with Bounce: The Turret Trial & Daily Modifier "Bounce" now properly interacts.
  35. (turret) Chrono: Cosmetic previews will now properly align with the turret.
  36. (mode) Shmup: A handful of microbes that were supposed to move side to side after reaching a certain distance from the bottom, now do so.