Turbo Kid Patch v.1.0.117279
Hey hey HEY! We're back with another update, kids! 🔥
Turbo Kid will be part of a few digital festivals soon, we'll have news for you. Until then, be sure to leave a review and tell your besties and favorite creators about the game, it helps a ton! ðŸ™
Without further ado, let's dive right into today's patch notes. Keep the bug reports and suggestions coming!
Added a restart button to the Arena and Bike Tricks mini games.
Multiple tweaks and improvements to most of the boss fights.
New animation for the energy bar when getting an upgrade.
Improved texts in the menus.
Improved the auto-rotation on the bike so it's harder to fall when not using any tilts.
Added Naomi on the west side of the to give you the zone intro if you arrive by the
When the player runs out of , the weapon is now automatically switched to the basic gun.
Tweaked the way scraps are displayed in the HUD: added scrap no longer decreases as the bank increases to help players better understand how much scrap is collected.
Updated localization for keyboard inputs.
Made the keyboard key instructions in the tutorial clearer.
Delayed the minimap appearing at the start of the game to improve the intro.
You can now save after completing a but before getting the reward.
The now only shoots from the top instead of glitch out when the visual controller is disabled.
Adjusted the arm position.
Stopped the projectile from bouncing if the last hit destroys the target.
Fixed players being able to switch tabs even when a popup was displayed in the settings menu.
Tweaked some steel beams that were too difficult to grab.
Improved the performance on the scraps system.
Fixed an issue that stopped players going down ladder if they were partially on it and partially on solid ground.
The was sometimes leaving the light on when destroyed.
Instructions for new weapons were displaying keyboard instructions instead of controller instructions when needed.
Fixed an issue where would disappear after if the player moved far enough for them to be off-screen.
Added a missing to the map in the
Shooting while emoting was sometimes causing the animation transition to get stuck for a few seconds. Can y'all stop finding weird ways to break the game pls?? (but if you do anyways let us know)
Fixed some weirdness when trying to do tricks while both wheels were still on the floor.
Fixed an issue where bosses starting cutscenes would be skipped if the player died once during the current session.
Changed "Issac" to "Isaac". Our bad, dude.
Pressing back in the assist menu would sometimes close the whole menu.
would sometimes keep prompting you with "Y" when you finished his quest.
The objective was being completed too soon.
Removed the random "Daddy!" dialog bubble that came out of nowhere in a cutscene.
Updated the German translation of "Cartridge". Thank you to those who reported this!
would sometimes trigger the intro cutscene even if the player has already been there.
The cutscene where would sometimes trigger even if the player was already past that point.
There we go! Hope you've been enjoying Turbo Kid and keep the feedback and love coming! Have a great week-end. 🤘