1. Update v42473:
  2. Bug Fixes:
  3. Resolved crash primarily relevant to RTX 4000 series cards regarding issue with
  4. "DXGI_Error_Device_Hung"
  5. Resolved inconsistencies with Commander Mode traits applying incorrectly
  7. Update v41925:
  8. Bug Fixes:
  9. Fixed broken decals & missing textures on Streamer
  10. Improved draw distance of assets across all levels
  11. Improvements:
  12. Enhanced dynamic lighting performance across all levels via shadow utilization per object
  13. Improved LOD (level-of-details) of assets across the whole game
  14. Optimized lighting volumetrics and shadows on Farm
  15. General performance optimizations across the LSPD station
  16. Reduced reflections and fixed environment visibility from shield glass